The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Whenever I see manips, I go "Man, wish I had the time and patience to make some of those." So, I applaud you for making them. Those are nice. =D

I'm concerned for Sara as well, as she is my favorite character, followed by Nick, then Greg, then Cath in that order. Haha, most of my ships involve those four in various combos. :lol:

I actually sat through about half of Fallen Idols after the finale. After Nick and Greg talked about make-out sessions in the backseat of a car, I tuned out though. The rest of that episode was hit or miss for me.
I liked the finale.... and I like Sara I really dont want her to die. I dont want any of the cast to die, I think it would be awsome to have the same cast for the hole 8 seasones.
I do think that Nick and Greg keep looking at eatch other I noticed it too, it was very small but it was there. I want more Nick and Greg in season 8, and a case alone together that would be nice to.
I WANT IT, I WANT IT, I WANT IT....(starts having a huge tempertantrum by stomping the ground and holing my breth.) Now if that dose not get TPTB attention I dont know what will. :D
I noticed though, there was like, no real reaction to Grissom revealing his realationship with Sara...

Season 8 better be full of Nick/Greg moments, remember, I'll summon my Peguin minions to deal with the writers if not :devil:
Oh my god guys! I am soooo sorry for not being here for the pst forever! I was grounded, and it sucked.

First, twins, thak you so much for the icon thingy. I love it.

Second, I now have to catch up on everything I missed, but I don't have time now.

Third, I have a bone to pick with shacky, but I will pick it in a pm.

And lastly, I hated the last episode, and I will just leave it at that.

I missed you guys! Let me know what is going on with the RR will someone? Please? I will love you forever!
Clarrisani has taken on the duties of the RR. (lol, flattered that she likes it so much).

She'll post when she's ready for us to talk about it (at WMTDB).

Lastly, HI! I was wondering where you were.
Currently working out the finer details of the basic plot summary and what the cases will be at the moment, as well as making some final touches to the rules. As soon as everything is sorted I'll post them to WMTDB. And just so everyone is aware, I have been in contact with the moderator of the best RRs in the Yu-Gi-Oh fandom that I wrote for before I got hooked on CSI. She gave me a basic outline on what needs to be set before opening it for discussion and is going to provide technical support for me.

Still think I'm getting myself in over my head here... and that I'm going to be hated. I can give you a couple of rules now - before we start the number of chapters will be set and writers can pick the chapter they want and be locked in for them prior to beginning. Secondly, there will be a minimum word limit for chapters. And another rule I can give you now - there will be a set time limit for authors.

Oh, and organise your betas now if you want to join in. Everything else is pending.
Clarrisani said:
And just so everyone is aware, I have been in contact with the moderator of the best RRs in the Yu-Gi-Oh fandom that I wrote for before I got hooked on CSI.

:D I didn't know you were into Yu-Gi-Oh Clarrisani! I love it! Well, the japanese ones at least...I assume it was Seto/Jonouchi? ;)

By the way, I'll help beta in RR, since I doubt I can be much help in writing the actual chapters :eek:

Random note: one more post till I can have an avatar <3 :D
I can't wait 'till I can get my avatar. I think I have my beta lined up. She is beta'ing my current series, that if anyone wants to read it, hit me up. It is up at under my penname ktattoo. You could check it out there as well.

beh. Teh Kassie ish tired.
I dont know why so many people didt like the final. I think for it just being a CSI episode it was one of the best for the season. Yes I would love that there was more Nick and Greg interaction or just more Greg. I think there is going to be alot more reaction's showen in season 8 opener. I dont think they focused on it because they wanted to build up the tenson and have everyone saying whats going to happen to Sara.
Don't worry Clarrisani, we won't hate you :) *hugs* it's nice to have someone in charge that knows what they're doing :lol:

I didn't HATE the finale, I just hate that Sara's in danger.

And speaking of fanfics, there are only ten days left in The Greg Files fanfic challenge and we only have ONE entry! Now I'm down on my knees groveling and asking that more people enter! Please please pleeeease... And SOMEONE here *glares at Twins* said she was working on one, :lol: hurry up!
nickfangirl said:
:D I didn't know you were into Yu-Gi-Oh Clarrisani! I love it! Well, the japanese ones at least...I assume it was Seto/Jonouchi? ;)

I am indeed a puppyshipper. I am one of the authors of The Dragon's Lair, if you've heard of it. It's for the elite writers of S/J, and they're very picky over the stories that they allow onto their list and archives.

gregslabmouse said:
Don't worry Clarrisani, we won't hate you :) *hugs* it's nice to have someone in charge that knows what they're doing :lol:

I eh... wouldn't go that far...

gregslabmouse said:
And speaking of fanfics, there are only ten days left in The Greg Files fanfic challenge and we only have ONE entry! Now I'm down on my knees groveling and asking that more people enter! Please please pleeeease...

I was planning to enter, but when my pile of marking avalanched on me this morning while I was having breakfast, I realised that maybe I had better do some more work before I wrote anything... kinda hurt, all that work landing on me...

And it's official - this Tuesday in Austalia we're getting a Grave Danger movie length double episode. I'm certainly looking forward to it. And this Sunday is Loco Motives. Any good scenes in that one?
I'm pretty sure *thinks* that Loco Motives sucked. I think Greg said was at trial at one point. So he comes in wearing a suit. Unless I'm getting it confused with another episode that I only saw once.

I'm officiaclly ready for the RR.

And Loki I AM working on the fic. I can type when I listen to music. So that's good. :)

I'm also working of GIFs. I just found out that my program can make them. :D Nothing special yet, just cute, but I'll share them.

Oh, and remember how the MK's name was Natalie, lol. If her sister's name would've been Janessa or Christine (or even Nicole, the other twin), that would'be been weireder. But I DO have a dog named Chloe. lmao
I was planning to enter, but when my pile of marking avalanched on me this morning while I was having breakfast, I realised that maybe I had better do some more work before I wrote anything... kinda hurt, all that work landing on me...

Aww I'm sorry. If you end up still wanting to enter you can let me know and send one in late :)

And Twins I was kidding, but it's nice to know you're still working on it :)

Isn't loco motives the one where Cath is laughing at the guy? I don't remember any Nick or greg in that one, but then again my memory sucks :lol:

Stupid grandparents-having-no-internet. Bleh. I'm all lost.

Okay, so one: -deep breath- My cousin thanks you all for enjoying her manips. She had fun with them.

Two, I have no idea where the RR thread is. -feels lost and stupid- Gah.

Oh, yeah, and three: I require clips of one of the guys writing. It matters not what they're writing or what season, my cousin requested a video and a writing piece due to a song. So...yeah. Anyone?

And I've got a lot of work to do. I miss making videos...And writing. Though, if anyone's got a good fanfiction, I'll read instead. x3
The RR thread isn't up yet, suckerforasmile. I'm going to put it up on WMTDB as soon as I've sorted out all the finer details before I create the thread.

If I get the story written, gregslabmouse. I'll submit it. But at the moment it's not looking good for any of my writing. I haven't touched "Welcome to Vegas" or "Follow Me Home" in over two weeks. Poor fics are feeling neglected...
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