The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Clarrisani said:
Closest he's ever come to fighting is when he threw Nick and Warrick out of the lab, I believe. Man I love that scene... I swear Greg was just looking for an excuse to put his arms around Nick. ;)

I LOVE that scene that and the 'Do you think Grissom would send me to Hawi?' scene are my favorites. And its true they do touch alot especially Nick, he's allways patting Greg or just finding some ezcuess to touch him like with the 'thanks doll' moment and the 'Do you think Grissom would send me to Hawi?'

I still think that they should argue and then pull a cheesy movie stunt where Nick pushes Greg into the wall and they kiss. :devil:

But if they're destined to always be happy with each other I'll deal with that! :D

There's so many times where the could've gotten mad at each other.

In that one episode (I can't remember, but I know one of you lovelies will provide the title) where that young show girl is killed and Nick, Catherine and Sara are all fighting over the lead and Grissom gives it to Catherine.

Then Catherine askes Greg to help and he says, he know's Warrick's on another case and Sara can't, 'but why not ask Nick?' I mean, why say that. Unless, he cares more about Nick than he does himself.

Then later Sara tells Nick that she'd rather have them instead of Catherine and Greg. Nick's shocked to hear that Greg's working with Catherine, but then he softens and says that Greg needs the experience and he can be happy for that.

Then in the season finale of season 4 when Nick learns they didn't budget a promotion, but they decided to hire a smaller CSI or something like that, I actually can't remember. Nick's bummed but then he mentions that Greg will be thrilled. He's still happy for Greg. :)

Speaking of fighting over a case.

I always thought it would be funny if all four (Catherine, Sara, Nick and Warrick. Maybe not Catherine, but who knows?) were fighting over a case. Grissom's tired of the bickering and he sneaks over to Greg who's quietly taking pictures and doing his job. Grissom smiles and tells Greg he's the lead. Greg's like 'What?' Grissom tells him to tell the others to get to work, Greg does and the others are ticked. That would kick ass.
twins1729 said:

Speaking of fighting over a case.

I always thought it would be funny if all four (Catherine, Sara, Nick and Warrick. Maybe not Catherine, but who knows?) were fighting over a case. Grissom's tired of the bickering and he sneaks over to Greg who's quietly taking pictures and doing his job. Grissom smiles and tells Greg he's the lead. Greg's like 'What?' Grissom tells him to tell the others to get to work, Greg does and the others are ticked. That would kick ass.

Now that I would like to see. :lol: I can definitely picture that in my head. The looks of disbelief. Maybe Nick could get a bit jealous, which would then lead to an altercation with Greg, which could then lead to some sort of apology in the form of something very, very kinky. :D
This one of my fave N/G moments from Caged. It looks like they are so checking each other out. I love the eye contact, I love the way they look at eadh other. Later on Nick touches Greg's arm while he is looking something up. Nick is so silly sometimes, thinking he might have caught some toxic desease and Greg reasures him that he's fine.

I love that scene too Wojo , when Greg does that "flirting dance" around Nick :"I'm not just a pretty face..." :devil:

twins1729 said:

In that one episode (I can't remember, but I know one of you lovelies will provide the title) where that young show girl is killed and Nick, Catherine and Sara are all fighting over the lead and Grissom gives it to Catherine.

Then Catherine askes Greg to help and he says, he know's Warrick's on another case and Sara can't, 'but why not ask Nick?' I mean, why say that. Unless, he cares more about Nick than he does himself.

Then later Sara tells Nick that she'd rather have them instead of Catherine and Greg. Nick's shocked to hear that Greg's working with Catherine, but then he softens and says that Greg needs the experience and he can be happy for that.

Then in the season finale of season 4 when Nick learns they didn't budget a promotion, but they decided to hire a smaller CSI or something like that, I actually can't remember. Nick's bummed but then he mentions that Greg will be thrilled. He's still happy for Greg. :)

So true, Twins . Those two episodes are "After The Show" and "No More Bets", season four. As David Rambo said in his letter to Wojo , it's pretty obvious that Nick and Greg ALWAYS care for each other. And we have subtext, even when they aren't together in the same scene ("Fannysmackin", "After the Show"....)

From "No More Bets":

NICK (opening a letter): "This is about the key CSI position. Grissom recommended me".

SARA (with a frozen smile): "Congratulations".

NICK puts the letter back in its envelope and stands up to get ready for his shift.

NICK : "It's not necessary. Position was cut. Budget had room for the new promotion or a new giagen, bio robot ez-1. Greg will be thrilled"

I also love Nick's reaction in "After The Show"; he's happy to see Greg out on the field:

NICK : "The only way to learn is by getting out in the field and if Greg helps find her, I'm okay with that".

This scene is from the same episode, when Greg is sticking up for Nick, trying to give him a leg up on the promotion. Sweet. :)

GREG : "I know Warrick's off. And Sara's pissed. Why not ask Nick to help?"


If all this ( plus the flirting, the ass checking, the "I love you" sign, the boytouching...) isn't LOVE, I don't know what it is! ;)
OHHHHHMMMMM seabird I love that pic of Greg *pinches it* thanks for that and yeah as wise old Mr Rambo sed they really do care of each other what can we say 'it must me lurvvvv' :D
Love that pic of Greg with Catherine, he looks so freakin hot! That is one of my fave episodes not just because Nick & Greg both stick up for each other but because it's another climb on Greg's ladder to become a CSI. (unlike the other two CSI shows who's coroners & labtechs just magiclly became a CSI) Greg's transition to the field was done slowly and believably and over three or four seasons.

Which is also why I like Chasing the bus, Preciaous Metal, Early rollout, and Turn of the screws. To name a few.

Great scenes and thanks Seabird. I told you, moments where Nick's annoyed and he sould be. Still, he lets his love for Greg be the center of his feelings.

Don't forget A Little Murder.

I freakin' love this scene:

NICK: Hey, Greg.

GREG: Hey.

NICK: Get anything off the rope?

GREG: Yeah, a few brown hairs around the knot. Only one with a skin tag,
though. And those fibers that Sara found on the body?

NICK: Yeah?

GREG: Polyester upholstery. Cheap rugs and tacky furniture.

(GRISSOM walks into the lab and looks at the samples on GREG'S table.)

GRISSOM: I need these hairs.

GREG: Uh, uh, no DNA tags on those.

GRISSOM: Doesn't matter.

(GRISSOM finds what he's looking for then leaves the lab as quick as he entered
it. NICK looks at where GRISSOM goes, his back to GREG.)

GREG: (grumbling) You know, I hate it when he does that. I like to make a
presentation, you know?

(NICK turns to look at GREG.)

NICK: So, present.


GREG: Eh, forget it. Scope's interesting.


(NICK looks into the scope. Scope View shows skin cells. Resume to present.)

NICK: All right, fresh epithelials.


GREG: Yeah, I found them on the rope near the anchor point. A minuscule
sample, but useable.


NICK: How long for DNA?


GREG: Well, give me something to compare it to. Get me the fiancée's blood.


NICK: Well, I can't just give you her blood. That takes a court order.


GREG: I'm open 24 hours.


Love it. :D

Edited to change images to links. No more than 3 or 4 pics should be posted at a time due to some people having dial-up.
I just thought of the perfect coming out for our boys.

So, Nick's at some conference or lecture, and others are working on a case.

Greg's been doing AV evidence for a while, so you know how long he's been in the lab.

Sara walks in on him in the middle of a conversation on the AV lab's phone.

It goes something like, "Yeah, baby. See you later. I love you too. Bye." He hangs up and Sara tells him that Grissom wants him for a second (which he did). Greg leaves and Sara has that curious look on her face. She goes over to the phone. You can tell she's thinking, then presses 'speaker' then 'redial.'

You hear, "Stokes," Sara's mouth drops open. She makes up something to ask or tell him and then quickly hangs up. Catherine overheard this and wants to know what's up.

Sara explains Greg's conversation and Catherine's intrugied. Sara says that she hit redial because she suspects that Greg called whomever and they didn't call the lab. To be sure, they *69 and realize a detective was the last person to call and that was 2 hours ago.

By now, Greg's ruturned to a VERY happy Sara and Catherine. They tear the confession out of him and are thrilled. Nick's told and is hounded when he comes back as well.

What do you think?
I'm new to the pairing of Greg and Nick, but when I started watching CSI more often, they seemed to fit together better than anyone else.
Twins, I will say this now, you should be a writer for the show :D! I love that scenario, except for the part when they "confront" them directly, I think they should be more discreet about it. But I think it would be cool the way you have it too :D But it would be amusing nonetheless to hear Sara gossip =P
lol :D

Maybe they can tease Greg first or see if Greg wants to tell them. After all, Sara's in a secret relationship.

I'm done with my video.

It's called 'Sooner or Later'.

So far, it's youtube, photobucket and the greg files.

It'll be on keppler and the WIKI soon. If I can figure it out, maybe I can get them to upload it on WMTDB.

If you can't find it, pm me.

WELCOME to the fort! WriterNovelist!
Grrr ther's something wrong with my comp it didn't post my post so ill do it again :(

twins1729 he he he that would be a great way for them to be outed I can see the look on sara's face now :lol: lol and also i can't find the video you sure its on youtube ?

And welcome to the fort WriterNovelist :D so what first made you a fan of the love ????
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