The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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I'm the same, the more I watch Fannysmackin' the more difficult it gets. You'd think it would be the other way around, that you'd get desensitised to it somehow, but it seems to get more and more disturbing. Eric did such an amazing job in it, and deserves the recognition. It hurts to see him all beat up like that, and I know it's just make-up on a TV character, but the fact that I get so upset is a compliment to Eric and what he's made me feel for Greg.

We're getting 'Burn out' tonight, so that will be a nice little Nick/Greg scene to look forward too!
Wojo said:
I just don't get why it took the writers so long to put Nick & Greg in some decent scenes together. Fallen Idols was more sceen time than season 5 & 6 combined. The two work so well together and play off each other so well. The chemistry is undeniable. It just makes me sad that it's taken literaly years to see some decent moments between them. I hope it's not the last, there is 6 more eps to this season, I wonder if they will interact again.

Me too. *crosses fingers*

Wojo, in the letter that David Rambo wrote you, did he say if this season there would be more Nick/Greg interaction?

I remember he said in the letter that Nick and Greg have always supported each other and that they are on the same team.

Playing on the same team?.... SO. TRUE. :devil:

The boys on "Fallen Idols":


Thanks Wojo for the screencap.
Same team? I don't get what that is supposed to mean though...can someone enlighten me?
As for Eric's performance, I feel the same way about George's in Grave Danger; trust me, I have done drama work before (yay for school plays =P) and as student of drama, it is a very big compliment when you make the audience cry or show emotion.
Then again, I can't really talk like I am anywhere around Eric's or George's level, I am not even in the same universe as they are, but that makes me love them even more :D

As for K-Fed, seeing ANYONE punch him is great, even better that it is someone with actual talent that K-Fed is really lacking.
I love Fannysmackin, Grave Danger, Gum Drops, Play with Fire, Stalker, Who are you?, Post Mortem, Overload, and anything else with Nick and/or Greg angst.

Does this make us sick. No. It makes us dedicated and loving fans of our boys.

Now, we've had the angst already. It's time for some love.

Nick and Greg have been through a lot of pain and sadness. They could use some happy moments. It'd be perfect if those moments came from each other. Do you see how happy they are around each other. No one else seems to bring the light in their eyes.

You'd think that some happy moments would be on the way. For them and us! :D
seabird said:

Wojo, in the letter that David Rambo wrote you, did he say if this season there would be more Nick/Greg interaction?
YES! :)
This is the content of the e-mail Mr Rambo sent me:

You're right -- Nick and Greg are a great combination. Don't forget that in "Post Mortem," it's Nick who asks Warrick's help to exonerate Greg. They are very much on the same team, looking out for one another. I think you'll see more of the two them working together in upcoming episodes.
David Rambo

So far it seems to be the case, I got this reply around the time Loco Motives aired. We've had some nice N/G interaction since then.
Wojo said:
So far it seems to be the case, I got this reply around the time Loco Motives aired. We've had some nice N/G interaction since then.

That's true! We've had some disappointments, but for the most part, we've had some nice onscreen chemistry! Thanks, Mr. Rambo! :)
It's nice to have one of TPTB on our side, at any rate. Any sort of Nick/Greg interaction makes me happy.

This Friday my copy of season 2 should be arriving, so I will have season 1-5 on DVD and waiting impatiantly for the release of season 6. And known Network Nine, they will go a few weeks of CSI, take it off for a month then put on an episode and take it off... well, they did manage to stretch season 6 out from the end of February through to mid November. It's going to be a long time before I see "Fallen Idols", that's for sure.

I tape the episodes too, Wojo! And you should see the TV Week here. While it is mostly dedicated to Australian shows (mostly bad soapies and reality shows) as well as Grey's Anatomy *growls* and Ugly Betty, they had a minor write up of "Fannysmackin'" as the stand out show for this week. It goes on to say how Greg is beaten and to be ready since it is "very disturbing to watch".

And of the two pictures they had (a show usually only gets one), they had Sara with the beaten Greg, and Nick about to punch K-Fed. Which they listed as a highlight.
YES! :)
This is the content of the e-mail Mr Rambo sent me:

You're right -- Nick and Greg are a great combination. Don't forget that in "Post Mortem," it's Nick who asks Warrick's help to exonerate Greg. They are very much on the same team, looking out for one another. I think you'll see more of the two them working together in upcoming episodes.
David Rambo

So far it seems to be the case, I got this reply around the time Loco Motives aired. We've had some nice N/G interaction since then.


Yay :D nice one Mr Rambo lets hope he is true to his word and we get loads more graet Nick and Greg screen time
I want one scene per episode and I don't care if it's a scene with 14 other people.

I also won't rest until they work a case ALONE.

It they did, they would have a bazillion scenes together. I also don't want a scene ruined by Grissom or Catherine helping.

Though, I'll take what I can get.

If there is a Nick/Greg/Warrick case coming up, I would be thrilled.
I know, there are far too many scenes that coulda had more Nick and Greg moments but whenever they have Catherine or Grissom with them, they tend to dominate the screentime! However, a N/G/W case would be cool, since they all get along very well.
I love N/G/W scenes they don't have as many as they used to :( they all just work so well together they're 'the boys of CSI' the kids so its great when you see them having fun. It would be great if they had a case just those three (but of course even better if it were just N and G ;))
Yeah, I would love a slow Grissom episode.

Maybe right after a very large one about him.

Then Catherine/Sara can have a case and Nick/Greg/Warrick can have the other.

I couldn't tell you how much I would love that.

Sure, they've split up boys/girls before, but never with Greg as a CSI I believe.

Of course I still want a Nick/Greg one.

*sits patiently until April*
I cannot wait for next week when season 6 of CSI starts. but from what everyone tells me that there will be very little interaction betw nick & greg (which is dissapointing).

Please do not through anything at me for saying this but has anyone considered that the reason why there are fewer nick & greg scences are not becasue of TPTB but because the actors aren't getting along.
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