The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Ack. I've finally seen Fannysmackin', and here I was thinking I was all prepared for it too. I'm still walking around saying "poor Greggo. Poor, poor Greggo". And Nick definitely went on a revenge thing after it happened. First the jaw clench of love, then trying to take down Pig in the street when he didn't know he did it, and then when he found out it was Pig and they were making the arrest, he flicked his hat off. Hard. Nick wants to see that guy hang methinks.

Poor, poor Greggo. :(
It was hard to watch the first time, after re-watching it (several times) it does not get any easier. I usually say or think the same thing...poor Greggo!

Seeing Nick punch pig is always a pleasure though, that is such a great scene. We know how Nick feels about his boyfriend getting hurt, there is NO doubt.

The scene with Greg & Sara always brings tears to my eyes. -Again, poor Greggo!
Wojo said:
Seeing Nick punch pig is always a pleasure though, that is such a great scene. We know how Nick feels about his boyfriend getting hurt, there is NO doubt.

I totally agree. Usually, I feel things in this 'ship are kind of hush-hush, but in this scene, Nick just snaps. it's so hot! And nice to see him stick up for his boy!
deffinatley whenever i see that bit i can't help it i just shout 'yay go nick !!!!' and then my folks give me wierd looks :lol: but i don't care nickys showing his true feelings and being protective over his darlin greggo. Part of me also thinks that its his way of doing just that, protecting greg coz he wasn't there and able to punch any of the attackers so he wants someone else to feel gregs pain (and even better it turned out to be the right guy by defalt YAY) :D
Well said, SwamiCSIaholic :)

I love this scene from "35K O.B.O." because Greg, not only checks Nick out at the end of the scene, but he also calls Nick "baby". So cute.

NICK takes the hair sample and puts it on the slide. GREG looks from his scope and notices NICK .

GREG: "Ahh, that's so boring. What are you doing?. What have you got?"

NICK: "Um, pulled some hair off of the male stabbing vic"
(GREG takes over. He puts yhe slide under the scope)

GREG: "Okay. Baby . Uh-huh".

NICK (smiling): "What?"

GREG: "Nine lives"

NICK: "Cat hair?"

GREG nods: "Meow".

This is how Nick looks after Greg calls him "baby". He's melting ;)



Lol, I love that scene.

I love Fannysmackin.

The first time I saw the Jaw Clench, I wasn't really sure if everyone else felt the same when they saw it!

Well, I'm right.

The video should be on youtube now, plus photobuck, my wiki, Loki's The Greg Files, but it's still pending on keppler.


I'm working on a surprise for you all!

It's not spoilers or anything of that nature, but I hope you'll like it.

However, you're not getting it until thread #15!
oh, I'm so excited twins! I can't wait to seeeeee!

and I love that scene! I wantto go watch it again, it's so good! lol.

ETA: Girls, I broke 100 posts! *parties* I'm so excited, lol
You'll have to send me the photobucket link, Twins. The work computers have blocked YouTube. Not that I blame them, really.

And on the topic of pet names, I think the episode that stood out for me there was in "Bad Words" where when Nick was leaving the room, he reached out and touched Greg's chest while calling him "doll" and Greg got that satisfied look on his face mixed with a hint of 'did he really just call me that at work?'.

Also, in the next scene of them together, you can see Greg in the background staring at Nick. That is one of my favourite The Love episodes.
Hey guys!
I haven't posted here in a while... Im such a loser, lol. Anyway, I just wanted to say how excited I was that Greg and Nick finally got a case together (I know it was a couple weeks ago... but the excitement hasn't faded, lol)

You posted!

Well, ladies and nickfangirl.

I found something interesting for you to read.

It's from an article about slash from

On The X-Files, Fox Mulder and Alex Krycek are bitter enemies. On CSI , Nick Stokes and Greg Sanders are murder-solving forensic experts. On Angel, Angel and Spike fight together to save the world — and fight over the affections of blonde bombshell and vampire slayer Buffy Summers. On television, these male relationships challenge and fortify the meaning of friendship between men. On the internet, they're lovers.

It just listed some of the biggest slash. Nick/Greg are mentioned!!!

Here's the full article. It's basically about slash in general.

Off to work on my surprise. :devil:
Wooo! I'm happy to see that article x3. I did however, write a paper on fanfiction for a class this semester, discussing what it was and different genres of it. You KNOW I mentioned slash fiction in it and gave examples, to which my professor commented, "So, I'm not the only one who thinks they are more than friends" And she and I got in this discussion about it :D
nickfangirl said:
Wooo! I'm happy to see that article x3. I did however, write a paper on fanfiction for a class this semester, discussing what it was and different genres of it. You KNOW I mentioned slash fiction in it and gave examples, to which my professor commented, "So, I'm not the only one who thinks they are more than friends" And she and I got in this discussion about it :D

:lol: That is so awesome! I would have died happy if that happened to me, lol.

So last night, I was watching TV and thinking about Nick/Greg. And I was wondering... what do you think they do on dates? Do you think they like to go out, or stay in?

I was thinking that when they first started dating, they went out all the time. It's Vegas, baby! lol. But then after a bit, Greg realized that Nick wasn't that much of a party animal, and a movie, cuddled up at home was just as fun--if not more. And now they stay in more.

What do you guys think?
hmmmm, well it depends on if Nick was out yet...but I can agree with the stay-in dates, since Nick is not a big party person. I just had a cute vision of Greg pouting cause Nick didn't feel like going out to a club. XD
In reply to the date thing, I think they probably do normal things, like go for dinner or to the movies, or just hang out at home. I really don't see them going out clubbing or anything like that, not often anyway.

I think they're just like any normal couple, except they date during the day instead of at night.

Thanks for that article twins, it was really interesting!
Thats a point they can't date at night that must be harder its not as romantic during the day :( Actually what am I talking about this is Nick and Gerg it would be romantic no matter what lol
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