The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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You're very welcome.

I think they'd stay at home and on the rare days off they'd go out. Whether or not they go to a club.

You never know...

...They could never leave the bed! :devil:
Yay ta for the artical (didn't notice it first time soz)

On television, these male relationships challenge and fortify the meaning of friendship between men. On the internet, they're lovers.

It has to be sed that is quite true coz before i found all these Nick/Greg Slash sites on the web i thought i was like the only one coz no one else seemed to agree with me but now i know im not alone :)

I'm so happy that they mentioned N/G as one of the biggest Slash pairings :D
At some point it says something about how we define these relationships on guys giving each other a look or standing too close together.

Might I say, YES WE DO!

However, even if I sound...defensive. Nick and Greg have subtext, subtext and more subtext. They touch each other and have amazing chemestry.

It might not be the biggest slash ever, but it's the most justifiable.
But it is true, I mean come on, Warrick and Nick don't touch each other or act in different way like Nick and Greg do! By the way, has Nick known Warrick longer than he has Greg?
I love that article twins , thanks for sharing that. It's always nice to see our boys in the media.

As far as dates go, I can see them staying home alot, mostly due to their jobs and hours they work, I'm sure they want to relax and spend alot of time in bed - sleeping (or whatnot :devil: ). If they go out I imagine them going out so Nick can watch Greg dance, I bet he likes watching him dance.

Also this week the ep Burn out is on - has a short but sweet N/G scene.
Yes it does! I loved it.

It was one of those scenes where Greg walks in and they pan up his legs like it's a mystery. I said it before when they did in "Meat Market."

I was just re-watching some earlier season 5 episodes and it seems like I never see these scenes in videos or heard them talked about.

In "Viva las Vegas" the scene after the opening creadits when Greg is showing Shandra around and Nick is the first person he shows her to. He's not only excited to tell Nick first and they can't stop staring at each other, but when Nick says that he's going to take a shower, the look on Greg's face is classic.

Then in "What's Eating Gilbert Grissom," when Greg is beginning to break up all of the dirt/maggots/bones from the spot where the chopped body was left. Nick was the one to bring him the crap and was there to tell him that in 24 hours, the maggots will turn into flies. Plus, the look on Nick's face when he leaves. Then later when they are searching the back of the van. It's short, but it's SO awesome. They way that Greg crawls in it. I love it.

I don't know if it's because people just turn away because they know that in season 5 the team is split up. However, a good first few of the episodes, the team's still together.
Hey also in "Ch Ch Changes" Greg enters a room (might be evidence rm or break rm) and gives evidence to Grissom. Nick just stands there staring at Greg as he talks with the others about what he found.

Picture proof #1

Pic proof #2 Close up of Nick staring

Also I got a new fic up -or drabble actully.
Big bad Nick
Rated R
You can find it on NicknGreg LJ and WMTDB

It's a crack drabble written for the fairytale challenge at NicknGreg LJ, spoofing Little Red Ridinghood's encounter with the Big Bad Wolf.

I just HAD to say this.

I think my little brother has his episodes confused, but he says he watched one where Greg kept saying "Nick...this," "Nick...that," or "Why didn't Nick do that."

Basically things like that.

My brother then asked me if Greg LIKED Nick. I tried so hard not to laugh. I thought "YES!" But I didn't want to say anything.

If my 13-year-old little brother can see it, what does that tell you?
Okay, tell me if I'm reading way too much in here. I was rewatching "Scooba Doobie Doo" last night and watched the scene with Nick and Greg in the layout room a couple of times. And in watching it, I noticed several things (I have screenshoted them and will add pics at later point).

1. When Greg enters, he starts by standing there staring at Nick until Nick notices him.

2. During Greg's speech, he moves closer and closer to Nick.

3. The look on Nick's face when Greg mentions the liquid soap.

4. After mentioning of said soap, Nick looks at Greg while licking his lips.

5. Nick pretty much... ah... yeah, with his eyes in the next shot, which Greg notices.

6. Greg, having noticed, steps back and quickly points at the scuba tank, trying to put Nick back on topic before he can pounce him in the layout room

7. Nick continues to look at Greg in that way for a while before snapping out of it, understanding in his eyes as he focuses back on the case - mind you, this time it's Nick that moves into Greg's personal space.

8. For the remainder of the scene, the boys are definitely flirting.

Like I said, I may be reading waaay to much into this. And I was home sick... But it has just risen on my list of fave Nick/Greg moments.
Right *runs off to find scuba doobie doo* i havn't watchted that one in a while well noticed Clarrisani i've got to watch that now.

Well i'm off by fellow slashers im going to Paris for a bit so I won't be posting nething in a while toodles *waves hystericaly*
oooo have fun in France!
Clarrisani, I don't think you are reading too much into it, in fact I think you are reading too little into it! Okay that made no ignore it ;).
But yes, that episode is quite full of flirtatious fun between our two guys :D.
On the topic of episodes, in Ch-Ch-Changes when Nick and Grissom go to the bar with all the transgendered women and they speak the woman behind the counter. She's eyeing Nick like she knows! Like, "Come on hon, don't be shy." And he looks nervous, because he knows that she knows. LOL.

I also love the part when Nick and Warrick are talking about Wendy's (the murder victim's) driving distance. And Nick says smirking "I had Greg run it," but you know he had to give something to Greg first. ;) Greg wouldn't just do it for nothing, ok maybe for Nick. Warrick just smiles like he knows about it or either suspects and says "Classic" and it is to us! I love it.
I just watched "Who Shot Sherlock" on SpikeTV, I love this ep not just because Greg becomes a CSI but because of what takes place in Grissom's office, when Greg finds out he passed. The whole team gathers to celebrate with him and Nick just can't keep his hands off him, even when Sara & Catherine are hugging Greg Nick is still holding onto his arm. There's a huge smile on Nick's face, he is so proud of his Greggo!
Then again later when they are sipping the champaige.
They aired "Who Shot Sherlock" here in Australia on Tuesday as part of their Season 5 rerun here and I've got to agree with you there, Wojo. Nicky definitely would not let go of his Greggo in that scene. And did you notice that when the others came back in, Greg went straight to Nick's side.
Exactly! Come on, you can just tell! I mean, who else does that? I love that episode. Do you see anyone else in the room who just can't keep his hands off Greg. And when Greg runs over to sip champaigne with them, he runs straight to Nick's side, right by Nick!
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