The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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I would highly doubt that, wolfie. When season 6 was being filmed there were plenty of photos at awards shows (people's choice?) that seemed to show George and Eric getting on the same as ever. Same question was asked during the filming of season 5, then we got them hugging on stage when CSI won an award.

Besides, I don't think a hit TV show would care much what the actors felt about eachother in real life, they're being paid damn good money to do a job and they'd be expected to do it, no matter what.
Serenity said:
I would highly doubt that, wolfie. When season 6 was being filmed there were plenty of photos at awards shows (people's choice?) that seemed to show George and Eric getting on the same as ever. Same question was asked during the filming of season 5, then we got them hugging on stage when CSI won an award.

LoneWolfe, I highly doubt it too ;) You are right, Serenity; there are pics of them looking very happy at 2006 People Choice Awards. They were also sitting together at the World Stunt Awards and the 2006 TCA press summer tour.

"we got them hugging on stage when CSI won an award"

You mean THIS, right?


LoneWolfe001 said:

Please do not through anything at me for saying this but has anyone considered that the reason why there are fewer nick & greg scences are not becasue of TPTB but because the actors aren't getting along.

I've actully wondered that myself but as the others have pointed out I think G & E would be more professional that refusing to work together. But just so you know your not alone I also thought about that possiblity. They have not been seen together in a while - but then maybe they are hiding out under the sheets!
Seabird, that is sooo cute.

I've heard all the rumors about them (G & E)....Well...everytime I hear a rumor, it's a person whose heard a rumor...I never actually get to see the actual source.

I think they're great friends, no matter what happened, is happening, or will happen.

Though, I'd settle for a Nick/Greg cat fight. Wouldn't that be hot?

They get into this fight, they don't even have to get physical, but I would like it.

It would SCREAM sexual tension.

Ah, daydreams....
That's weird, I was just think earlier today what it could be like if the writers had Nick & Greg get into a fight. I mean physiclly hitting each other. Getting dragged into Grissom's office and repreimended. Then later Nick shows up at Greg's apartment with an apology pizza and a 6 pack. Greg answerining the door wearing only a pair of sweat pants... :devil:
I've found this article from where Eric counts George among his best friends ;)


More pics of George and Eric at public events:

2005 SAG Awards

George and Eric at 2006 PCA

2006 TCA

Now, lets go back to Nick and Greg. Yeah, I really hope that they work a case together,and ALONE, just the two of them before the season ends. It would be a dream come true .

Wojo that would be hot!! If only CSI was on HBO.... :devil:
OO;; *drools* Love that mental image, Wojo. Love it.

Somehow I doubt that Eric and George are fighting. Have you noticed that very few of the CSI actors have been seen around togther lately? It could also be that photo's simply are not being taken because everyone's looking the other way at Grey's.

I've often pondered what would happen if Nick and Greg got into a physical fight in the lab. However, it takes a lot in my mind to make them fight, because it just isn't in either of their natures.
That would be so hot.

Even if they just argued. Like I said, major sexual tension.

Or if they had a female-like cat fight. Pushing and hair pulling, at least on Nick's part. Now, THAT would be hot. :devil:

I love George and Eric, they're like Nick and Greg, only....not. :D
Let's all go the birthday thread and wish George a happy birthday there, or the MOds might come in here and...well you know! Here is the link to the birthday thread.

We've see other CSI's fighting, not physiclly but Sara & Catherine have exchanged many words (but Sara has fought with everybody -except Greg), and so have Nick & Warrick. Nick & Greg well...we'll have to wait and see, they probably get along too well to fight, or they do it in private. (where they also make up in private) :devil:
That is a point Greg has never fought with anyone !!!! Thats sooo cute people have said some not nice stuff to him over the years but he's never said anything back. And Nick he's fought with a few BUT never has be fought with Greg
Eeep I just relized today is George Eads birthday! I posted on the birthday forum though, so yeah :D. He doesn't look 40 at all *relizes drool has begun forming around his mouth* ooops, *wipes* anyways, I can safetly say we will most likely never see our boys fist fighting, plus if they did, I am pretty sure Nick would win...but then again...
Greg has had his disagreements with people, it just never leads to full blown fighting. Although if you watch his eyes you can see him imagining socking Hodges a few times. Greg has the gift of the glare. Closest he's ever come to fighting is when he threw Nick and Warrick out of the lab, I believe. Man I love that scene... I swear Greg was just looking for an excuse to put his arms around Nick. ;)
Clarrisani said:
Closest he's ever come to fighting is when he threw Nick and Warrick out of the lab, I believe. Man I love that scene... I swear Greg was just looking for an excuse to put his arms around Nick. ;)

That's so TRUE! :lol:


It's obvious that our boys aren't afraid of touching each other, right? :devil:
I have written a new fic, and believe it or not it's rated G so I can provide the link. This my first cute-fluffy-fic, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!

It is called "Ripper"

Summary: Nick buys Greg something special for their anniversary.

Read it here LJ may be having database issues if so....

It is also posted on WMTDB
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