The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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I know, mabye we can send and chain type letter around to all the love fans who are willing to give out an address and once it gets back to the original sender with many letters and signatures, we can send it to TPTB. Maybe if they see we're sooo dedicated they at least won't kill off The Love. Or maybe they'll actually do something more....we can always dream.
Finally climbing out of my self induced hole and finally got that damn project finished. It's up at my LJ, the link is on my bio page if you care to see it...

Now I need to catch back up on everything..

OK, went and mowed the yard, and am catching up, and I just made this big post and I hit back, damn I hate when that happens..

First thing, don't panic. I've heard so many things and times that they were gonna do something to snuff out "The Love". I remember last season I was dreading watching "Rashomama" because they let out that Nick was gonna get some girls phone number and Greg was going to be obsessed with breasts... Well as it turned out, Nick pulled out this number and Greg looked at him like "Why would you get a girls phone number?", inspired a post ep fic for Nick's punishment :devil:, and Greg poor poor Greg, ok, what man who is supposedly so into this hot and heavy sex life, does NOT know what a falsie for a bra is??? Come on, and then came the awesome "Marriage is a public declaration of love" right at Greg, is came across as one of the shippier episodes yet..... And I would guess Nick's referring to the whole Sara/Gris thing, because it's messed with Sara so much.... but who knows, and trust me, whatever they through at us, we can make it work, we have for seven years now...... ;)

Wait, TPTB would never try to kill of the love! If they did, I would send my minion penguins to deal with them! :devil: Besides, they can't kill what according to some obnoxious fans insist (like the fans of another pairing, which we will not mention) is nonexistant. But, I think we shouldn't send nasty letters to TPTB...yet.
hahahahaha Penguins! :lol:

I think Kelly's right, no matter what TPTB has done in the past, it always seems to work in our favor anyway, why should this time be any different?

(lol and I just watched your vid for the third time, I'm so jealous)
Why would they kill something they refuse to aknowledge in the first place?

IMO writing TPTB and asking that N/G be together romanticlly is a bad idea and it just might backfire and have the oposite effect. I mean if they want to put a nail in the coffin already just think what they might do if pressured. I think if you write it should be about their freindshipo and them working together only. That's my opinion anyway.

I just ask that you think twice before you write, we wouldn't want to make things tense for George & Eric.
Well, I don't REALLY want to do that. I don't want to write to anyone. I'll rather be blissfully ignorant and naive (like some fans already are ;) ) then to be told that it's never going to happen.

I personally believe that at least some of TPTB don't care about The Love existing. Someone has to be giving us awesome slashyness, especially this season.

Post Mortem
Fallen Idols

Some came to be some the best moments and episodes ever in the history of The Love.

They have to realize that we're a huge part of the audience and we aren't going anywhere. Ever since the beginning. We made this ship the fourth biggest of all the ships on CSI and the biggest current ship in slash, not to mention of the biggest slash couples ever.

I think they have to respect, and if they have to tollerate us until the show ends, or George and/or Eric leave the show.
Given what's happened with GSR becoming canon, I no longer want The Love to go anywhere near canon. All I want is some decent Nick/Greg scenes again, because it just seems to me that lately TPTB have been going out of their way to keep the boys apart with the occasional exception - Redrum, Fallen Idols, etc. Not just that, but poor Eric is seriously getting screwed over in terms of screen time. That's all I want. More Nick/Greg screen time, because if their relationship went canon I'm pretty darn sure nasty things would happen to them and they've already had enough nasty thing happen.

Edit: Just noticed this. Has anyone watched "Evaluation Day" recently? Notice Nick's reaction when Grissom asks Nick to remind him to take Greg out to dinner. Not sure if that was jealousy, but either way Nick was not happy about that job. Could be read as Nick being annoyed Greg got the credit for the case, but it also could be read as a) Nick wanting Grissom to ask him out, or b) Nick wishing Grissom had asked him to take Greg out to dinner. :cool:
OK, thanks for your patience, Twins and Clarrisani, I finally got your stuff loaded up at the site... and that other thing you needed, I'll get it done soon, I promise...

Yeah, must agree, I'd rather not see them canon, they'd probably screw it up and my personal fantasies are much better. We can mold and shape them into our on little world and I love just watching them together on screen, working, flirting, looking, touching, I'd hate to see that go, because that's what makes them so shipable for me..

To tell you the truth...I would still LOVE them to be canon. Before I didn't care if they eventually broke up...but now I'm not wanting any pain for them.

However, they HAVE been through a lot and I don't see TPTB making anything else bad happen to them after Stalker, Play With Fire, Grave Danger, and Fannysmackin'. That's a lot of crap, enough to last them another season or two without angst.

Though, you can't predict what anyone's going to do.

I remember a while back...when I watching something about Buffy. TPTB said that when they hook someone up...they rip them apart. It makes for good drama. But CSI isn't a drama about the I don't necessarilly want drama in their relationship, just their cases. That's a reason why I don't like the sound of the finale.

I think they could do a great job (If they decided to) if they made them canon. With a little drama and a lot of romance. And not too much for anyone anti-love.

Maybe in season 11, Grissom and Sara will be gone. Maybe even Catherine and Warrick. Nick doesn't have to be the supervisor, but he can be. Greg will be like how Catherine was earlier on. Maybe there will be new characters, but don't worry, we all like them and they were brought into the show in a great way. And maybe all the female characters are married or have a relationship with another character.

It may be wishful thinking. LMAO

However, I wish TPTB would just respect us and keep them single. They don't HAVE to do anything. Just keep up with the flirting, touching, and subtext.

Is that too much to ask?
Hello people, wow I've missed A LOT (sorry i'm in the middle of my exmas so not much time to post trying to study as much as possibleand my folks keep hiding the modem from me so i cant go online :( ).

Cn't wait for all these new videos, I have the utmost respect for people who make vids, they're all so great and I wouldn't have the first clue about how to make one, serioulsy how do you do it? Also I'm awfull when it comes to making time for things, my fanfic that I'm writting has been on the shelf gathering dust for months now coz im so lazy, either that or the worst case of writers block ever :lol:

And also I agree with Wojo with the letters, I'd be worried that they would back fire But most of all i love the way that there is all this subtext there beacuse its there, its undiniable and its not something that has been forced into it by TPTB or us wriiter letters asking for it. Thats why I think our ship is the best the subtext is there beause its natural pure and simple love :D

Oh and ummm Wojo thanks for sending that Lab Rats clip but when did you send it beacuse I havn't got it yet.
*appears* I think getting on the TPTB bad side can be a very bad thing...I trust you all have heard about CSI Miami?
I haven't heard about CSI Miami...

My opinion is, TPTB should keep the boys single, so we can still have our beliefs on everything that's going on behind the scenes, keep the subtext, and as long as they don't do anything to directly sabotage our ship, for no purpose other than to sabotage it, we should leave it be.

lol talk about your run-on sentences...
Depends on what you're talking about...I don't watch M or NY.

Oh, I agree the chain letter thing was just a brainstrom.

Loki, I also agree.

Though, again, I don't think that TPTB are THAT cruel. They might be mean...but not that mean.

Wooo! Page 23!
TPTB can be cruel. They haven't been showing much Greg or Warrick lately, and that in itself is cruelty. But I've got to agree with keeping them single. It's actually kinda ironic that the two ladies men of CSI are single - especially with the way Greg's always bragging about how much play he gets. It's just less complicated and won't lead to a fan revolt if they leave our boys alone. After all, look what happened to Warrick when they hooked him up...
Man I just posted book in the debate thread. I'm exhausted now! I hope you all like my points!


Why can't anyone else see the beauty that is The Love?
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