The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Hey! I never really post in here, apologies. I totally do see The Love, I was inspired to post in here by Twins btw.
I have always seen it on screen, but just more of a GSR shipper myself. :rolleyes: Slightly obsessive about them in fact. :lol:
My favourite scene was the ass checkage, there is no denying that look. ;)

I have a quick question, which you will all probably find highly irritating, lol, but has GD or ES ever said anything about the ship? Deny or otherwise?
I don't think so.

I'd rather not, I think I'd be affraid to ask myself. lmao

Especially have GE and ES dodging gay rumors themselves. I do think they know about it, whether they support it or not.
I know that both GE and ES have commented on diliberatley adding subtext to thier lines but i don't think that they've ever actually specifically mentioned The Love. They probobly don't know about it, I mean in the commentry for Who Shot Sherlock they were all suprised when one of them said that GSR online stood for Grissom Sara Romance they were all like 'really?' so yeah.
I am totally going to go off subject here. I have spent the past 12 hours kicking the hell out of my computer, all to no avail. The thing died. Yes, it has been a sad day in the life of Kassie. I was just starting to make my first video, and I had my fics saved on that computer. She was my life, and now, she is gone.

I would like to request a moment of silence for the god friend I had in her for the past five years.

*tear* So I am stuck on school computers until the summer, then I have to use the family computer. I have been promised a new one before next semester. My time here on the forum will be cut, but do not worry, for I will be back!
I don't know, I truely think they at least know about it somewhat. Before interviews they might be asked if it's ok to talk about The Love and they say they rather not. Plus, I bet fans have asked them before, whether they be Love fans or fans of another ship just asking for their opinion on it. But you never know they could be blissfully unaware of the internet ship fans. But if they do put subtext in their, they probably need to do it for a reason, rather than for their own pleasure, but that would still be cool.

Oh, Kassie, I feel so bad, the same thing happened to my computer about 2 years ago, and, I hated to say it, even with computers at school I fell out of love with QAF, but that was mostly because the show was ending. Don't get me wrong, I still love the show, and I even made a website dedicated to it, but I will never be the same with fan fiction, which is where I was most dedicated. RIP Kassie's computer, hopefully you won't suffer my fate.
OMG Kassie I'm so sorry *hug* Moments silence for Kssie's computer *puts on slomen face* and you had all your fics saved there too that sucks.
I doubt that any of the actors can be unaware of the various ships that exist with their characters. We live in a digital world, after all, and the relationship has appeared in the media in various places. I'm sure GE and ES know about it.

Nice post over in the Great Ship Debate, twins. I actually get a tad upset with that thread by the way people so strongly defend their OTP and thus completely deny any other ship. It's sad, actually.

And speaking of episodes and such, I really must get around to putting together a list of The Love book references for the wiki. I've got markers in my books where they are, just haven't gotten around to typing them up yet. The only one I've typed thus far is the one in my signature. Make a nice edition to The Love argument... although Snake Eyes was Greg/Warrick...
I second that, great post Twins. I go in that thread a ton, I'm a natural dabater... is that a word? Anyway...

I hope GE and ES do it on purpose, lol, that would just make it that much cooler.

I just themed my lj around Nick and Greg :lol: I made the coolest banner, so I just HAD to use it. Yeah, yeah, I'm a loser I know...
Great idea Clarrisani, I hope you can get that done!

I agree, I think it's hard to believe that for the past 7 years GE and ES haven't heard something about The Love. At least the pressance of it. I understand if they don't acknowledge it for search for themselves, but I truely think they know.
Clarrisani, that is a great idea!

It would be interesting to hear what the guys think about The Love. I'd love to hear their thoughts on it.

Hey, tomorrow's a new episode right? I have an event going on tomorrow night and I'm going to probably miss about 15-20 minutes or so of the episode. Could some keep track of the first thirty minutes for me since I have to do the episode summary and I'll just do the last half hour? I'd appreciate it, thank you! I know I know I can wait to watch it on innertube, but still. Thanks I appreciate it.

No one was able to find that story I was looking for. I think it has disappeared on me.
Sorry about not finding the story CSIElizabeth I had a look for it of WMTDB could see any sign of it sorry. FanFics do tend have the tendency to disspear I'm afraid :(

And with the GE and ES not knowing i agree do actually agree with you I was just trying to think of reasons why maybe they havn't said anything.
I think they know OF it. I don't know if they know the details.

Like I said, especially have to dodge gay rumors themself, I think they have to wonder where some come from. I'm sure SOMEONE told them about Nick/Greg.

Hey...whatever happened to our talk about the Round Robin. I'm ready to start at anytime. We just have to agree on the authors order, plot and setting. Get to getting.
Thank you all for the sentaments. I am home for the weekend, so I hope to get a lot accomplished. Oh, and I really cannot wait for tonight. Squee!
As usual, I'm going to be relying on all of you to tell me about any Nick/Greg moments, or just plain good Nick or Greg moments, that come out of the next CSI episode.

I'm going to try and type up the book moments tonight if I get the time. Got a lot of cleaning up to do before my boyfriend arrives tomorrow. And, since CSI isn't on this Sunday night (again), and if I get the moments typed up, I'll add them to wiki.

So what shall we call the page? "The Love - Also Available in Paperback"?
Ooh I like that title! Use it! I already saw the cold opens on innertube so I have one Nick scene I know of lol. Is anyone willing to do the first half hour for me since I won't be home till like 9:30 or so?
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