The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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That's ok! I know what you mean about lightning, my old computer got fried because of that.

Special thanks to Jenny, DJ, Loki, and Elizabeth for participating in the official Nick/Greg chat last night!
greglabmouse, I love your avatar :D

kelly , thanks for posting those rec fics. I'd already read and enjoyed most of them (the fabulous "All The Way To Paris", "Everlasting".....) but it's nice to have them all in a list. Besides, I've discovered a handful of truly gifted Nick/Greg writers that I didn't know. rurounitime's "Sea of Vegas" has really impressed me. Everyone who thinks love between two men is not beautiful should read this fic....

More pics of the boys.

"Can't take my eyes of you"





edited to change 2nd image to a link. It is too big and is stretching the page.

Edited: Sorry,1CSIMfan. I've resized the image. I hope it's OK now :)
Very nice, I agree "Sea of Vegas" is an excelleant fic, It has one of the best love scenes I've ever read.
Guys, please keep in mind that you cannot talk about uploading or downloading clips. It is against board rules and there was almost an entire page talking about it over and over. Please keep your video discussions to telling people where a video is and/or the keywords to find it.

I don't know if you want me back there :lol:
I may accidently do more damage, seeing I am not as up-to-date on the whole nick/greg love......though I like the pairing....heheh

**don't hate me fer bein' different**
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the "Best Overal Video" over at The Greg Files, I've never won a video award before, so I'm thrilled. Twins, I got the email you sent me and am trying to take care of it now. I've had my email off all day using a big program......

Seabird, I'm so glad you enjoyed the rec list... I so need to update it, and yes, anything at all by Rurounihime is wonderful, "Twenty One Breaths" was beautiful, I wish it never ended. So, hopefully sometime this next week all get my Rec List updated and reposted...

*squeals over the third pic* I have seen that many times before, but my exhausted mind loves it even more now.

*keels over from the foot pain*
Darn choir concerts!
Wow, you guys have been busy while I was at work!

Thanks Shacky, glad to here you got my email. Also, thanks for sharing those pics Seabird, I can look at those soooo many times :D.

I watched "Turn of the Screws" last night, hey, my satellite said "Turning the Screws", is it that or the first one? Well, again great eye sex moments between the boys. And we all love when Nick says "no one tampers with their sex machine" and he looks at Greg. :D
According to the episode guide it is called "Turn of the Screws". One of my fave eps from S4. I love the eps when Greg goes into the field (before he's a CSI), like Presious Metal. One of my fave lines from that ep was from Grissom:

"Forklft everything bigger than Greg..." It made me laugh. But yeah I agree, the sex machine line was awesome, the way he looked right at Greg when he said it. It was cute. :D

I'll share one of my fave moments:


See how much Greg loves Nick (it's in the eyes) :D
Ohhhh, pretty pictures! <3 My vid is now using the song "Eyes On Me" From The Final Fantasy 8 Soundtrack, you guys gotta read the lyrics, it screams out there subtext in some parts. Here is the link for the lyrics:Eyes On Me I'm going by what you guys think of this to continue the vid.

BTW, my exams went well, which is good :D, but now I am at home and can't access the internet on my laptop, which is bad! >:O But, I'll have to make use of the home computor, which I don't mind but still...>_>
^^ OMG I'm in love with that song! I can't wait to see the vid... *bounces excitedly*

And congrats to Kelly and Twins for their vids, they both won awards this weekend for great vids :D *claps*

I had a dream last night that the boys finally went cannon in the finale, then I woke up and realized I was dreaming and I was mad... it was a good eppy, probably better than the real one will be... :rolleyes:
LMAO Loki, dreams are awesome! Daydreaming or otherwise. lol

I love videos! Any and all. Whenever someone's done with a video, PM me! If it's on youtube, I'll post them on the WIKI. Also, Serenity, me, and soon Clarrisani have links to WMTDB just saying 'scroll down.' Let me know if you want me to do that for you. :D
^^ oh me too :) any finished videos, let me know... OOoooor just add it to The Greg Files and I'll definitely watch it there :lol:

lol, and that dream caused a chain reaction of daydreams today about how the finale would be if i could write it :rolleyes: I've been in lala land all day...

Maybe I'll write it in a fanfic :D oooOOoo that sounds fun... *begins taking notes*
I was glad to participate in the chat the other night :) and now I have more fic help considering one has found the fic I was looking for yet!

So summary of fic I'm looking for:

Post GD I am sure of it, Nick goes home to Texas because he doesn't feel like he's home. Well even in Texas he isn't home. He ends up calling Greg one night and asks him to "come here." Greg knows where Nick is without being told and goes to Texas and gets a hotel, I think room 836. Nick comes over and tells Greg that he doesn't feel home and doesn't know where home is. Greg tells Nick that he (being Greg) is home and they are home to each other. That's how it ends.

So...any help pleeeeease! I'll try to keep looking on my own but at the moment, I feel pathetic for not finding this darn thing on my own!

And anyway, I am loving all the new Nick/Greg vids. Everyone is awesome at them!
I told you, I need to read more fanfiction. I used to read sooooooooo much QAF fanfiction at That was my home for all of 05. lol

I have 9 videos now. lol One still pending. Man, the songs I'm choosing arn't "good" enough, so they end up boring. Like arranged clips to a song...I like them enough though and I try really hard. I love the one I did to Mulan's "I'll Make a Man Out of You."

If you haven't seen any of my videos, they're available on youtube, the Greg Files, edog's video site, and the WIKI. And all but my last 2 are on WMTDB. :D

I don't do my photobucket anymore. It's pointless. I'm also sick of Keppler. Man CBS, just delete the site if you aren't going to use it.

Okay lovlies, off to make even more videos.
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