The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Hey, my parents are in VEGAS this weekend (Yay to LV all together. I told them if they didn't bring me back a CSI shirt, I wouldn't love them anymore).

So, my time this weekend is dedicated to my two new WIKIs, the CSI: WIKI, Loki, my surprise, and I plan on making some videos, and maybe fanfiction or something.

I was wondering, and I was surpised I couldn't find it. Greg's lab explosion. I have, like, everything else angsty in the world. I just need that. Please and thanks.
suckerforasmile said:
Also, hope you feel better soon, shacky! There seems to be loads of horrible colds and flu going around here...D:

Thanks, I'm feeling alot better, I think more for of it has to do with stress related stuff than anything, I'll be OK eventually. I started working on this video and it's really time consuming, but hopefully I'll have it up by Friday, if I set a time, I'll try harder to get it done that way.....

twins1729 said:
I was wondering, and I was surpised I couldn't find it. Greg's lab explosion. I have, like, everything else angsty in the world. I just need that. Please and thanks.

Ask and we shall recieve, you know just come to me and odds are I'll have it. If not, if it's from the first six video's, I can make it from DVD's and rip a clip for you...

I'll send it to your email address, just the explosion or do you need anything else?

Hey, what do you guys to make your video's? I currently use Windows Media Maker, which was great at first, but now that I do larger file vids, it constantly locks up, freezes, stops and just is a pain in the ass overall, does anyone use a real video program that they like and it's too espensive.

Hey guys, I've been uploading clips from season 7 on an LJ community, but I know we can't talk about it here so I guess PM me for a link :p

I hope everyone thats sick gets better soon :( I had to go to the doctor today because I thought I was coming down with Strep again, but it turned out to just be a cold so I didn't need to get another shot! *dances*

*hugs for everyone to get better*
gregslabmouse said:
Hey guys, I've been uploading clips from season 7 on an LJ community, but I know we can't talk about it here so I guess PM me for a link :p

Could you please send me the link through me email?
Thanks, Kelly

Sorry to ask this, but I didn't see it in the yousentit link, but who just sent me "Loving You's A Dirty Job"? When you sent something through yousendit, either send me a separate email telling me which vids are yours and put your name on the yousendit link, it's getting hard to keep track with all of the ones I've gotten recently

Thanks Kelly
Same here, gregslabmouse. Or shoot me a PM. Thanks.

Shacky, I sent you those files. Had to use the school computer and Hotmail was acting funky. Apparently they banned it and for some reason it was still working for me. Not everything was working though - some of the pictures were coming up as 'x's'. Is annoying.

I aim to keep all my music vids under 10mb when I create them because it's easier to upload. Plus, I used to be on dial-up and anything over 5mb was hell. Anything over 11mb caused my internet to crash. But 'Loving You's a Dirty Job' had to be a larger file because it's a longer song and if I made it too small it just went funny in terms of sound.

Oh, and Shacky I will be sending you another vid soon. It is a cast centric vid that features all the different pairings in the show, but I made an error in it and need to correct it. Believe me, this error could end up with me being canned. I spelt a name wrong. :(
Ah, Loki, we're too good of friends to chat in silly PMs. LMAO Good thing you didn't have strep again. I had it like 4 times in two years in middle school. That was terrible.

I'm glad you're feeling better Shacky, and, no, all I need is the lab explosion. I have everything else I need right now. If I ever need anything, I know who to go to.

Ohh! I know what I can do! This weekend I'll make the Brass, and cast video I've been wanting to make, both by Green Day. If I can't get enough from omaetoy, I'll ask you. I can't wait now!
All this video talk has inspired me to make my own vid, it is in the works now, it is to the song, "I Saw Your Dream" from Sailor Moon, it is Japanese though >_>
*claps for all the videos in the works*

I'm working on a couple too, now that I just found a buttload of Nick/Greg clips :D

Does anyone know where I can get some of the old clips of Greg in the lab? I don't have very many good ones...

Also, now that the video awards are over at The Greg Files, I was thinking we could host a different challenge every month, but I don't know if we have enough members yet, so I was wondering if we DID host more challenges if anyone around here would be interested in joining. The next one will probably be a fanfic or art competition, but if we can't get enough people interested we might have to scrap the idea...
Wow... More clip talk! I've been trying to follow but I know nothing of all this. I have seen a lot of the videos shacky and twins and even serenity have made, and I have wanted to make some of my own, but I no idea how. And I may not want too, because I get addicted to things. My Photoshop has been gone from my comp for four months, so when I go home, I'm working with it for hours there.

Serious Photoshop withdraw here! *tear* Anywho... serious CSI action tonight (it's after 12 am here) and I cannot wait. Eh to being sick though. I seem to have gotten some kind of stomach bug that likes to attack at the worst times. Oh well. Back to writing about our boys!
Wow, everyone's getting sick!

You probably have Windows Movie Maker, and that's simple enough to understand. You can get clips from basically anyone now. I have a few, and others as well, but your best bet is shacky. Just pic a song and tada!

Test out the features before anything, and take your time!
Twins, Your vid is finally up, I had to put it is as "Loving is a Dirty Job", when you put in apostrophe's, it messes up the coding of the site, so it wouldn't work.....

We'll, I don't see it yet. Besides, my video was "Why Don't You and I." Unless, your thinking of that video or a different person.

I hate that, I'm so confused now. :p
OK, Clarrisani I just got yours up and loaded, and Twins I'm uploading yours now. I've had my nose in my laptop all day working on a vid, and only got a minute and a half done... frustrating as hell... But it should be fine in a couple minutes..

Thansk Shacky!

Okay, the episode was good and funny. I liked it enough.

Except, what? Two freakin' scenes with Greg, lots of Nick, so that was nice.

Okay, if anyone wants to join us and Loki in the chat at the WIKI tonight, go right ahead. It's in the forum page on the Wiki.

Please chat with us! It's in an hour and a half. Just check the time I post and you'll know when.
Yoo, sorry I missed out on the chat. there were thunder storms rolling through my area and I don't like being on the computer when lightning strikes just outside my window.
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