The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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They're on their way Twins!!

aww. That icon would be cute without the words on top. I can make you one if you want, lol, I have the time :rolleyes:

Ok, so I THINK I get the basics of how the whole Round Robin thing works, but will we be going in a certain order or something so everyone gets to write something? :confused:
There is usually a predetermined order as to who writes when. Usually in a proper round robin, it is decided early on how many chapters there is going to be, and after that people put their hand up to say they want to be involved. Once done, people are allocated a chapter, and once that chapter is done you 'tag' the next author, be it here, on WMTDB (if we do it there), or via email or PM, just to let them know it's their turn. All the authors should read the previous chapters so they know what has happened before, and you can plan any major events with the next author if you're going for a cliffhanger on your chapter. That's how the round robins I have worked with previously worked, anyhow.
Oh, ok. So, now we got the rules down we just need to decide on a time, right?

lol, sorry, I can be kinda dense sometimes :p
asdl;kj. The RR's going to be fun, I know...but...I figured, if I'm cleared for writing, that I should let you guys know that I'm not going to have access to this site from Wednesday night to the end of the weekend...I'm heading to my sister's to help her with her newborn baby and I'm taking tests for school, too, and...bleh. It's going to be hectic enough, but I won't bore you all with lousy details. =P Anyway, point being that if you're going to get a start on it, don't plan me into the beginning bit for writing, I won't be able to get anything until Monday morning. D:

Twins, your GIF image kinda screws with my web browser...Greg was headbanging for a bit there. xDD Nice, though. Made me smile.

I had another dream the other night, too, though I remember it to be quite crappy. I'll share if anyone's interested. :D
I'm always interested with never know.

So, instead of telling everyone we have to agree on a time, let's just do it. :p Also, exactly when does everyone want to write and who wants to go first?

Loki, I love you and I'll talk to you tonight! :D lol

EDIT: Momentarily my new video will be on WMTDB (sent to Shacky) and The Greg Files (as soon as youtube uploads it).

Enjoy it! Kind of boring, but the clips hit in the right spots of the song I LOVE.
I used to be against AUs, but I read a few and like em better. I like to read anything, as long as it has cuteness and comedy . Don't Fence Me In, I just got done reading that for the fourth time XD, Mark (Nick bro in law) wasn't a preacher or minister, he was just a jerk, Nick does hit him though. It happens in chapter 13 Accusations. Hope that helps...'>.>
What's this? On the bottom of the page? I think not. Where is everyone?

Okay, a couple of quick things. Firstly, my internet speed isn't all it was cracked up to be and it won't be enough to download full episodes. So any nice Nick/Greg scenes from season 7 (aside from Redrum) could someone pretty please upload them somewhere for me? Pleeease?

Secondly, Shacky20, I watched Bawitaba and I've got to say that is the best music video I've ever seen. Great timing, good selection of clips, good use of music, good editing... basically, brilliant. And just as an aside, did you ever manage to download those clips of mine? I'm going to email 'Final Goodbye' to you tomorrow and I'm wondering if I need to email others to you.
Hey guys, I'll get that vid uploaded twins and clarrisani, I haven't recieved any clips recently, and I just checked my email. it's so just resend them.... I'll try to get them as soon as I can, I woke up last night with some flu like bug and feel like, well you know what like, so I'll try my best. And thanks for the comps on the "Bawitaba" vid, that was definitely my hardest yet, but so worth it. I started my newest project yesterday, but looks to be a tad time consumin also, hopefully worth it...

back to bed..Kelly
Know how you feel, Shacky. I had a flu shot/injection last Friday and woke up Saturday with a cold. Had it all week. Just wish it would go away.

Okay, I'll send you "Final Goodbye", "Unfaithful" and "Saftest Place to Hide". Not sure how I'll do "Loving You's a Dirty Job". It's over 10mb... might have to use my other email, so you'll get two different email addresses from me.

I've been catching up on a lot of fan fiction I've missed. I swear, step away from having access to Nick/Greg smut for a few months and see how you cope. There's some pretty good fics out there, too. Must get back to writing mine...
Clarrisani said:
Know how you feel, Shacky. I had a flu shot/injection last Friday and woke up Saturday with a cold. Had it all week. Just wish it would go away.

Okay, I'll send you "Final Goodbye", "Unfaithful" and "Saftest Place to Hide". Not sure how I'll do "Loving You's a Dirty Job". It's over 10mb... might have to use my other email, so you'll get two different email addresses from me.

As long as you use yousendit, it will take it. Speaking of MB, me earlier vids were usually around ten, then I started doing things like "Tainted Love" and they started getting up there, "Milkshake" was another big one, slower songs are never as big, it's when you get the faster ones with lots of clip changes and effects you get into the major MB's. I only have WMM for now, and Bawitaba, was so big, it actually had to clip it up in four chunks because it was stopping and locking up and freezing up.... in total it was about 73 MB, but I knocked it down to 50 MB so people could download it, without losing the quality. It's ok, the more experiece and the better you get, it'll go up...

God I don't know what's wrong, I never felt like this in years, flu symptoms. Thanks God my neighbor took my son to school this morning, and just wish my hubby could have stayed home... I still have my five year old running around here...

Twins, I got you vid, already uploaded, I just have to get it on the server, so you don't need to resend it... I just didn't get Clarrisani clips so don't worry....

Excuse me, I eat my words. I'm playing cattle for the next week and a half, so I won't be here. -sigh- I shall miss it. At least I'll still get CSI, riight? Even though I can't remember for the life of me what's going to happen...

Also, hope you feel better soon, shacky! There seems to be loads of horrible colds and flu going around here...D:
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