The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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I'll just read for now! I'm in the middle of two stories right now. Oh and if anyone wants to help me with a legal question regarding my fic, I'd appreciate it. And I rechecked Don't Fence Me In and I even checked all chapters but I can't find what I'm looking for. Thanks for trying, though. I'll keep at it!

Shacky I will definitely check out the fic recs. Thanks!
CSIElizabeth said:
Shacky I will definitely check out the fic recs. Thanks!

OK, I had the chapters wrong, it is "Dont' Fence Me In", it's chapters 13&14 were that plays out, it's also on my rec list.

Here, just go to my LJ page HERE scroll down on the left, and under links, it will be the third one down "Shacky's Fic Recs", just click there and there they all are..... Hope that helps...

Thanks Shacky! And I hate to be a royal pain in the you know what but I for some reason thought there was another fic that was similar to that scene I read! Maybe I just imagined it. I'll check out the recs when I'm not at school!
Glad to help, that's why they call my "The Lirarian", or well they used to.... And yeah, some of those are not for school use, oh but they are all so so good..... If you haven't read "Geekwriter's" "One Good Man" or "The Vest Fic", stop there, do not go past them, just read them first before anything else, "OGM" is long, well about 100 pages the most perfect N/G fic I have ever read, and "Vest Fic" is only 2, but so funny, you cannot imagine...
I need to read more! lol

I try to read fiction as much as I can, but no offense to anyone this might offend, but some aren't that good. They seem to catch my eye, but then I start reading and get bored to tears, or they're bad writers. Sometimes I'm surprised that it's so bad. Not anyone here though!

Soooooo many stories I read could be soooooo much better if they hooked Nick and Greg up in the story, but instead they're already dating. It makes you feel like you missed out, but you're just supposed to assume I guess.

It's also hard for me to get into AUs. I love Brian/Justin AUs, after a while that's all you end up writing because you can tell so many stories with the actual characters. However, it's different with them. Just like with Mpregs or OOCs.
CSIElisabeth, that story sounds a lot like "Close Range" by Callista_Mythol, where Nick and Greg go to Texas. Nick has twin sisters, a brother named Caleb, and a sister who's married to a minister.

wow I missed a lot... I was only gone a day...

Thanks for putting my videos up Kelly! *hugs*

soooo, totally off topic, but I guess a whole day without internet takes a toll on me :lol: so I made a pretty manip icon to share with you all.

*taps foot* Where's the clips Loki? lol, just messin'!

That's cute. I still yet to have a GIF program that I like. Everyone I find isn't right, or I can't download the good ones. I have an idea to get around the ugly text in the one I used to make my banner. I could attempt that again, I guess.
*points to previous comment of being off the computer all day*:lol:
lol. I don't have any eppys on my other computer. I'm working on them now though :D don't worry.
I know! *grumbles*

I can't wait! I want to make an avatar real quick, even if it sucks. I can't realize why I'm in such a hurry. *shruggs*

I'm tired, I have to work tomorrow. :( I hate people.
*hugs twins*

I'm sorry :(

I'm almost done, then I'll send them to you :D

they're saving to the computer right now...
jennyjo8 said:
CSIElisabeth, that story sounds a lot like "Close Range" by Callista_Mythol, where Nick and Greg go to Texas. Nick has twin sisters, a brother named Caleb, and a sister who's married to a minister.

Yes!!!!!!! That's it! Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I knew the title had a cowboy reference in it! Thank you!

twins, I am very particular about stories too. If I see someone begging for reviews, I want to cringe and it makes it hard to read the story. I love long, angsty, drama filled romance stories.

Shacky I read some of the recs, including the Vest fic. I read One Good Man a while ago and I loved it. The Vest fic was so funny! I read quite a few recs. I can't wait to check the rest out.
So, I am all in for this Round Robin thing. As for time period, I think we should do it for now, and not really follow cannon too much, but the cannon part can be up to the author at the time. As for person's, that should vary as well. Remember, this is a Round Robin, so it is pretty much what the author wants. Round Robins aren't usually supposed to make too much sense, they are meant to be fun.

I can't wait to get started on it. As for what I would like to write, I could do it all. I do agree, it should NOT be done here, only because of the PG13 restriction.

I missed a lot over the past few days, and it took forever to catch up on all the posts. Heck, I have no idea what the whole GIF and video thing has been about, but I guess that has just been a personal conversation posted here on the forum. All I know is that I was confused.

Let's get started on this Round Robin! I am excited now.
Thanks loki! :D

Elizabeth, I know what you mean. It's nice to say R&R, but you shouldn't get greedy.

I'm excited for the Round Robin too! I hope we all surprise each other with what happens!

As for the GIF's, I'm trying to find the right program. I still ended up with a crappy one and made this.


I think I'll give up for now. Unless I run across one that I really like. (Without $$)
Kassie said:
So, I am all in for this Round Robin thing. As for time period, I think we should do it for now, and not really follow cannon too much, but the cannon part can be up to the author at the time. As for person's, that should vary as well. Remember, this is a Round Robin, so it is pretty much what the author wants. Round Robins aren't usually supposed to make too much sense, they are meant to be fun.

Okay, how to say this... All the authors of the round robin will need to agree on the time period, and they will have to agree what parts of the canon they use in order to avoid one author doing one thing and the next completely blocking/denying what happened. A round robin is all about cooperation, and it can be very hard as you don't know where your chapter will start until the previous one is posted. You do need to keep in contact and agree over certain things, but for the most part you can't plan ahead. You just write as your turn comes. They can be complicated and sometimes frustrating, but fun and definitely worth it.

And just as an aside, round robins are supposed to make sense. They're fics with multiple authors, that's all.
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