The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Heya guys what did i miss? Whats all this about a round robin, I'm confused pitty the poor Welsh girl who doesn't know what a round robin is :(

Also love the new banner twins and your avitar gregslabmouse
gregslabmouse said:
Kelly, I'm going to send you my vids tomorrow for WMTDB, mmmmk? :D

OK, I'll be here as usual.....

SwamiCSIaholic said:
Heya guys what did i miss? Whats all this about a round robin, I'm confused pitty the poor Welsh girl who doesn't know what a round robin is :(

Hey, a 'round robin' is when many different people write a story, maybe a page or two at a time, then someone else picks it up where the previous writer left off, making either something totally different, or one continuing story, it can go on forever really, and yeah, if you haven't written before, it's a great one to put your feet in the water, because you can just pick up the plot line where it was left off, it can be loads of fun because you never know where the story will go next....

Oh, and do I get to play, as long as I get to write the smutty sex scene,

That's why it has to be on WMTDB! So it can be NC-17 :devil:.

So, what is everyone wanting to write about first hand? Post-ep maybe. Ohhh, maybe we can do "Fallen Idols."

Or something older, it doesn't have to be anything presant, or is it present. I can't spell.
Also love the new banner twins and your avitar gregslabmouse

Thanks :D

I don't really care what time we place the story at... (does that make sense? lol) I'll be the one writing the boring stuff between all everyone elses sex scenes, I discovered recently I have a really hard time writing smut :rolleyes: (but absolutely no problem reading it :devil:)
shacky20 said:

Oh, and do I get to play, as long as I get to write the smutty sex scene,

Hopfully there is room for more than one smutty sex scene - I volenteer to add more if needed! :devil:
I've actually done a round robin before, and it's fun. Once I get the internet at home I'll be able to access WMTDB again and I'll be right. Really cannot wait for the internet at home. Do you know I haven't been able to read any new smut fics since 29 January? Serious withdrawal here.

And if you do do one based on an episode, remember that some of us are way behind in the screenings. We're only about to air Happenstance here. But yeah, you do a round robin and I'm in.
Wojo said:
shacky20 said:

Oh, and do I get to play, as long as I get to write the smutty sex scene,

Hopfully there is room for more than one smutty sex scene - I volenteer to add more if needed! :devil:

Can't wait to read those smutty sex scenes! ;)

Some glances between the boys:





If this isn't love, I don't know what it is! :D
Exactly Seabird!!!!

I definately want to write something good.

Maybe starting early.

We'll start with season one, then two, etc. Or even halfs of the seasons. What do you guys think?
Nice pics. Haven't been here in...what a week? Wow lol. I need help looking for a fic on WMTDB. I thought it was Don't Fence Me In or Baby Steps but no. It's in one chapter where Nick's brother in law, who's a preacher or a minister, confronts Greg about 'turning' Nick and he hits him. I think. Just give me a name and I'll find it. Pretty please?
That makes me think it was 'Don't Fence Me In' too. At least, that was the first fic I could think of. I remember reading it, but my saved stories are on my other laptop.
Clarrisani said:
That makes me think it was 'Don't Fence Me In' too. At least, that was the first fic I could think of. I remember reading it, but my saved stories are on my other laptop.

Yeah, that was 'Don't Fence Me In", probably chapter 8 or 9 if I remember correctly....

And CSIElizabeth, not sure if you were for that particular or stories to read in general, but I made a "Fic Rec" list at my LJ, with links to all of my favorite stories, enough there to keep you busy for two months at least....

gregslabmouse your video's are up and loaded at the site :)

All this fic talking now!

I NEED TO WRITE!!! (My own)

So, what did you all want to write about in the RR? Like I said we can start early and work our way up. They don't have to connect either.

I would do crackfic comedy or sugary sweet fluff, I suck at angsty stuff. But...I have to complete finals first :( They are this week. But, I'll toy with some ideas. Hey, this might gimme the boost I need to introduce my own character. (Relax, she is pure, 100% comic relief.) If anyone wants more info, pm me.
Oh Oh, I can do the angst, angst whore here, believe me, I can give you some examples, so any angst, or angsty sex even better....

OK, we're thinking early here right??? So what are some good early episodes, "Slaves of LV" where Nick learns the finer points of liquid latex.... The heavy sexy look in "Felious Monk" "Caged" Greg can check up on Nick after his worry... "Chasing the Bus" How can Nick cheer up the Lab Rat who what to be so much more.... "Cat's in the Cradle", so what was Nick's prize for winning 'Name that Chemical Compound'? "The Hunger Artist" Greg so knew Nick was checking out his ass, hey wait I did that one already..... "A Little Murder" 'I'm Open 24 hours' So, when Nick's him the most is here really there??? "Abra Cadever" Greg was so stunned after Nick shot him back the "I love You" sign he didn't know what to say... maybe he should ask.... "Random Acts of Violence" did they have a relationship and Nick just know realized

There's also "Stalker" and "Play With Fire", but both would be heavy in the angst.....

Just some ideas...

Or even earlier...season 1. Anal swabs,

I already gave Nick a prize after he named the chemical compound, so we can't do that. lol

So many possibilites, but we have to make sure it'll be good enough to last a few chapters.

Of course each person can put a spin on it, but we'll see who wants to start it and figure out that plot at least.

EDIT: Making my video (Yes, another one. Like I told Loki, I'm weak. She sent my the song and I just HAD to make it.) there's also the chest pat - who are you?, and like Shacky said, chasing the bus. Greg's first time...and then Nick tells Greg about his :devil:. It reminds me of Queer as Folk's pilot with Justin and Brian. (Man, I still love them.)
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