The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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I love that Clarrisani! TPTB should totally hire us Love fans to write the scene where Nick and Greg finally get together. LOL. Just suddenly email us all and then whisk us off to LA to work with the staff writers. We could come up the most amazing scene of all time and it would be done EXACTLY the way we wanted it to be. :D
Not to mention that way there wouldn't be a disastor like the way they revealed GSR. I don't mind it, but they really could have handled that better. Besides, The Love needs to be handled with care, and who better to handle it than the fans of The Love. And only certain fans, mind you. Most of which lurk this thread. And if they ever did call for the fans to go, they would never take me. I'm not a citizen/resident of the US. *throws sharp things at CBS*
Hehehehe...seriously, that scenario there...hehehe...I'd absolutely love it if that worked out. Sounds like something they'd actually put on there, given their willing to let them have a relationship, ya know... Which would be pretty neato, man...-sigh-
ooo I liked all the ways of outing, I really like the gay couple scenario! Clarrisani, I liked yours too. I cannot think of a good one to post though. All of mine are just to sugary and cute for a crime drama. >.>
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! :D
Jeez, I saved this from a 14 and a half hour post drout!

On page 2!!!!!

*Ahhh!* lol

Well, did everyone watch Post Mortem last night?

Loki, how did you get your GIF's (or how do you make them?).

Okay, I have an idea for something fun.

Has anyone ever tried a Round Robin (I think that's what it's called). Where multiple people write a story. Usually by chapter. I was thinking the fic-writers here might want to do it. I think it would be easiest to do it here (in the fic section) and make posts, but chat about the plot here.

If anyone's interested, we could try.
Loki, how did you get your GIF's (or how do you make them?).

Okay, I have an idea for something fun.

Has anyone ever tried a Round Robin (I think that's what it's called). Where multiple people write a story. Usually by chapter. I was thinking the fic-writers here might want to do it. I think it would be easiest to do it here (in the fic section) and make posts, but chat about the plot here.

lol, I made my gifs last night (celebrating my new gif program, lol)

and red robin sounds fun. I'm not sure how good I am at writing, and I've only written one fic... ever... in my life... but I'm all for trying it out! :D
GIF program.

*nuts* I was hoping it was simplier. We'll talk in the box.

I have over 1000 contributions at the WIKI!!!!

I guess we'll wait and see about the round robin!


Thanks to Loki, I could make GIFs.

However, I don't like the program I found and I'm just seeing how this banner looks. I didn't wear out my old one, so I'll change it back in a few.

I'll find a better program and work with it better in the future.
twins1729 said:

Has anyone ever tried a Round Robin (I think that's what it's called). Where multiple people write a story. Usually by chapter. I was thinking the fic-writers here might want to do it. I think it would be easiest to do it here (in the fic section) and make posts, but chat about the plot here.

If anyone's interested, we could try.

A round robin sounds intresting but the only problem is that anyone who visits the fan fic thread could add to it. I thinkit's possible to do it over at WMTDB instead, that way it's just N/G fans. Someone might want to ask Shacky about that.
If she can make it so multiple people can add a chapter in an actual story in the fan-fic section, that would be awesome.

I thought we would start with something small. Like a drabble and each chapter doesn't have to be too long, only a few hundred words.

Then we'll do drama, angst, comedy, and, like I said, discusss the plot and choose the next chapter, or volunteer, writer here.
I think it can be done, in the beta area.But I'm not sure how, I know I actully suggested it once and Matt thought it was a good idea but nothing was done about it. Shacky and Matt would know the ins and outs of how to do it.

PLus if we did it there we wouldn't be restricted by the rating. With the fan fic section here you can't go higher than pg-13
I think it'd be kinda fun...-shrugs- so if there's a way to do it other than here, then I'm all for it...Seeing as I'm new to all this stuff, I have no idea about...well, anything, really, so...But yeah, if everything works out and everyone's okay with it, you can count me in...
Wojo said:
A round robin sounds intresting but the only problem is that anyone who visits the fan fic thread could add to it. I thinkit's possible to do it over at WMTDB instead, that way it's just N/G fans. Someone might want to ask Shacky about that.

Hello all, looks like I showed up just in time to answer questions... First, I see no reason why not, but we'd have to do it a certain way.. You'd have to pick one main author to put the story under, Wojo, Twins, suckerforasmile, Matt or something like that. Then when you write a part, you would need to send it to either me or Matt, me for now since Matt is getting ready for finals and all. That way I could have a main account to use, and then for each new section added, I can go in an edit that story, and put the "next part by ????" and then add on to the story that way, you'd just have to send me the part each does to my email and I can add it to the story..... Just let me know, and I'll get it done.

suckerforasmile said:
I think it'd be kinda fun...-shrugs- so if there's a way to do it other than here, then I'm all for it...Seeing as I'm new to all this stuff, I have no idea about...well, anything, really, so...But yeah, if everything works out and everyone's okay with it, you can count me in...

Sure, that's why I'm here, to make everyone's Nick and Greg's fantasies come true, OK just give them a home... Just send them to me in a downloadable file, yousendit, or whichever you use to and then I'll just upload them and add them to the site. If you are registered there, let me know which name you use, if you aren't then let me know which name you want me to post them under, just send them to me and I'll do the rest.

OOO That sounds like a mega-fun game to play! I could join the game too, when I finish my finals that is *cries*

By the way, does anyone have any good, easy to use gif maker programs they would recommend? I'd really appreciate it!
Loki said she used GIF Wizard 1.20, but you need a bittorrent. I was hurrying, so I didn't get one. But I'll figure it out later to try to get it. I really don't like the one I have now.

Yay for the Round Robin. We could just make it easy and put it under Shacky's name.

First off, we have to figure out what to write. Style, plot, etc. Hopefully in 3rd person, I can't do POV well.

Like I said, if people who usually don't write want to particpate, it would be easiest to do something simple and not very long. At least the chapters.
Yeah, GIF wizard 1.20 is the best I've found, but the free version only lasts 15 days... (unless you move it to a computer without internet connection, then you can have it forever :p)

*claps for twins' new banner* see, I told you it would be worth it! lol.

Kelly, I'm going to send you my vids tomorrow for WMTDB, mmmmk? :D
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