The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Clarrisani said:

And speaking of vids I took another look at the one I'm working on at the moment, and I think it may be one of my best yet. Does anyone happen to have any clips of the team all together? Like in "Invisible Evidence", "Built to Kill", and "Bodies in Motion"? I have those three, just need more.

OK, not to push my own stuff, but I have several cast pics in one of the latest vids I did, it was the cast cast vid I've ever done that wasn't episodic, and I thought it turned up really well, but I worked on it forever, but if you want any of the clips in this vid, obviouly I have them all, so look at it and let me know if you need any.....


Twins I'm putting the video's on the server now, so as soon as that's done, I'll get them up..

** Edit** They're up! I put in the wrong codes first and about threw my laptop across the room when the same message was coming up as it was yesterday, but I realized I typed in a symbol wrong, and yeah, all fixed and up and running....

Wonderful! I saw them!

Man, all these talk on videos is really making me want to make more. However, I promised myself I'd make others (non-csi) first. So, I'll hurry and do them so I can make CSI!

Remember! Post Mortem is on tonight! Good Nick/Greg episode.

Nick looks at Greg.

Nick sticks up for Greg, "I'd say the use of deadly force is consisant with department policy absolutly."

Greg nods back at Nick.

Then later, Nick cries to Warrick, "What can we do to help him."

I'd say this is a great episode with Nick/Greg proof. Nick really lets his feelings show.
Ok, I was inspired by another Nick/Greg discussion point. Assuming you are for their relationship being revealed in canon, what would your ideal scene be?

Would it be brief and short like this:

*Nick and Greg work a case together involving a gay couple. In the heat of the moment, one of the men ends up killing the other. Standing over the dead body, Nick looks at Greg*

NICK: Can you imagine, G? Supposedly, the suspect said he loved him so much, he had to kill his boyfriend. Could you love someone so much, you'd feel justified in killing them?
GREG: *looks at Nick* I could never kill you, Nick.

*Cut to commercial*

Or would you want something big and grandiose?

Discuss, I'm ferklempt :)
shacky20 said:

And suckerforasmile you're video is up at WMTDB

Oh yay. Thanks!

jay said:
*Nick and Greg work a case together involving a gay couple. In the heat of the moment, one of the men ends up killing the other. Standing over the dead body, Nick looks at Greg*

NICK: Can you imagine, G? Supposedly, the suspect said he loved him so much, he had to kill his boyfriend. Could you love someone so much, you'd feel justified in killing them?
GREG: *looks at Nick* I could never kill you, Nick.

*Cut to commercial*

And, as for the whole 'coming out' thing...hehe, let's go with that option, sounds nice :D

Actually, I'm more for the whole 'lets just see how long we can send each other glances and be touchy-feely before the team finds out.' Then the team finds out and yadda yadda yadda...OR, if you wanna be even more obvious, they could just...not be able to find them, then both of them could mysteriously show up...looking all...disheveled...and stuff. I mean, come on, obvious sex-in-the-closet moment, there.

And then there's always the option of one of them getting fatally injured (AGAIN Dx) and the other one being a little too obvious, and the team finding out that way.

Or, you know, on-screen obvious relationship stuff. -shrug- I dunno. One of my friends read a story once where Grissom found out because he read Nick's lips...she told me about it, but that's all I can remember.

Then, my least favorite here, one could be murdered and the other one could be a complete mess. The team could find out that way. But that would be...depressing. How would you work with something like that in fanfiction? (not to mention it's just...horrible...can't imagine one of them dying) -shakes head- So let's just forget about that one, mmkay?
OK, all this video discussion makes me think I need to get my ass back in gear and make something. Actually I've had something on the back burner for a while, I think I have all the clips, and my next one will be #25, so I really want to make it something special, plus I still have one each, one Nick and one Greg vid planned out and the songs picked, maybe it will give me something to do this weekend, I bette start planning then, I have to have a layout or a stryle in mind with clips before I can start working on it or I find myself taking forever with the clips.....

Well, a lot of discussed something a little similar a while back. Any moment would really be great if they are currently dating, but we like the idea of them starting a relationship more. For us.

Basically (season finale - Greg's upset over what angst there will be):

Greg's sitting on ther locker room bench. Someone sits next to him and you see that it's Nick.

Nick: "Are you okay?"

Greg: "Yeah, I'll be fine."

Nick: "Why don't we do something to take your mind off of this."

Greg looks up at Nick.

Greg: "Like what?"

Nick smiles.

Nick: "Come on, I'll take you out to dinner."

Greg just sighs.

Greg: "I don't know..."

(At this point it could just sound freindly, not romantic.)

Nick: "It'll be fun."

Greg doesn't answer.

Nick: "Please."

Greg still doesn't answer.

Nick: "For me."

Greg looks up and smiles, Nick smiles back. They stand up and you see Nick put his arm around Greg and they exit the locker room.

*Ahhh* I've thought about that once or twice. lol
I don't really have an ideal way for the two to be outed in cannon. It would be great to see t go down as twins suggested, but jay's sounds good, too.

If it were to cannonized (so not a word), I would see Greg be the one to make the first move. I mean, Nick may be physically bigged, but I see Greg as the more predominate one. He would be the one to come out and admit how he feels first.
suckerforasmile said:
One of my friends read a story once where Grissom found out because he read Nick's lips...she told me about it, but that's all I can remember.

I wrote about that in one of my fics (You learn something new everyday) I'm not sure if it's the one your friend is referring to, as Grissom read Greg's lips, not Nick's, but if you want to read it anyway you can find it at WMTDB, just do an author search for serenity and you should find it near the bottom of my list of fics. :D
Serenity said:
I wrote about that in one of my fics (You learn something new everyday) I'm not sure if it's the one your friend is referring to, as Grissom read Greg's lips, not Nick's, but if you want to read it anyway you can find it at WMTDB, just do an author search for serenity and you should find it near the bottom of my list of fics. :D

Hehe, it's probably not, but I'll read it anyway :) I like the idea =P

EDIT: aaand since I can't figure out how to review (I dunno, maybe I'm in need of an account? Yeah...dunno) hehe, 'twas pretty neat. I enjoyed it.

EDIT (again): Anyway, I've got myself an idea for a fanfic...But before I start, I have to know how old Lindsey was when the show started...and, well, how old she is now...Anyone have a clue about that?
She was like 5 in season 1, 8 in season 3, 11 (or something) in season 5, and now she's 15. I think.

Crazy TV ages.

I try to write as much as I can, but I just can't sit down and get myself to do it.

Plus, I have a terrible beta (the twin, lol.)
twins1729 said:
She was like 5 in season 1, 8 in season 3, 11 (or something) in season 5, and now she's 15. I think.

Crazy TV ages.
I try to write as much as I can, but I just can't sit down and get myself to do it.

Plus, I have a terrible beta (the twin, lol.)

Why thank you.

-hehehehehe- I reaaaaallly like the banner/signature thingy. Made me laugh for a good five minutes, plus whenever I see it.

EDIT: And holy crap! Twenty pages!
Hmm... I don't know how I'd want them to be outed... I kinda like the secretive flirting they do now, like having a secret forbidden relationship only they know about. The only reason I would want them to be outed on the show would be then there would be no chance of Greg getting a girlfriend (I know, crazy jealousy issues, lol) but I could never be jealous of Nick. He's too cute, and they're too good together :)

Kelly, is it possible to add my videos to wmtdb? I know, you're probably getting tired of people asking, lol, but I only have a couple...
Yeah! Of course under Loki or Lokieros, correct? lol

Holy jumpin! :eek: Page 20!

If we didn't kick so much ass, I wouldn't know what I would do!

If it comes down to it, I think they should do the exact opposite of GSR. Have them kiss right away and be open with their relationship. It'll be different.


I forgot to say about my banner (I'm an idiot). If you don't know (*gasp*) it's from "Gum Drops." When a weird phsycic lady tells Nick he's radiating feminine energy. I probably laughed for five minutes. He's a mo! duh!
Yeah! Of course under Loki or Lokieros, correct? lol
lol either way works, eros is just something I add when just loki is unavailable...

If it comes down to it, I think they should do the exact opposite of GSR. Have them kiss right away and be open with their relationship. It'll be different.

yeah, that would be nice to see too. Especially to see all the reactions of the team, lol. Just out of nowhere the two are outed then its business as usual... :lol:
Considering the history CSI has for having something major happen and then just forgetting about it, it's very possible that they just out themselves and it's business as usual. The fans would get annoyed, but like I said, it's just seems to the the CSI way.

My ideal way for their relationship to be become canon is to just keep building up on the subtext until it is just obvious that they are together. In episodes they start touching each other more, throwing in more innuendo, more eye sex, or long pauses that are stacked with sexual tension. And of course this would be nice:

Warrick: So, Nick, what did you do last night?
Nick: Had a hot date, actually.
Warrick: Oh yeah? What was she like?
Nick: *smiles and shrugs*
*pair interupted*


Greg: So how'd babysitting Lindsey go last night?
Warrick: It was fine. What you get up to?
Greg: Had a date actually.
Warrick: Really? So what you get up to?
Greg: Dinner, movie, little backseat action, then went back to my place
Warrick: Sound great. So, you seeing her again?
Greg: I'll be seeing them again. Definitely.
Warrick: *looks at him a long while, eyes narrowing* You know, Nick had a date last night too.
Greg: Yeah, I know.
Warrick: You see him and his date while you were out?
Greg: *smirks* Maybe
*again, interupted. No one seems to have time for personal conversations on CSI*

Doesn't take much to work that one out. ;)
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