The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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*tears up* If you have been reading my Ins and Out of Life fic over at WMTDB, then you should know that I have just added another chapter that is a total tear jerker. It is another entry by Greg, which makes it all the better. At least I think so, but then again, I'm biased.

*bounces* I am stoked (LOL) for next week and our new episodes. *bounces even more* And with Greggo's b-day coming up in a few weeks, I have an extra-special journal entry planned. *evil grin*
Shacky, I'm sending you my videos. The last three will be first, but I'm send the first two after that.

Put them alphabetical for me and with the name twins1729.

I'll also have my new banner up. If it's here by the time you read you like it?

Happy birthday nickfangirl (tomorrow, they usually post the cake the night before)!
Happy Birthday Jon! *sprinkles confetti* I made you an imaginary cake that you have to blow out the candles on, so get blowing. And I want to know what you wished for. LOL.

Have a good one!
Okay, Shacky they're all sent. It was a bitch because my laptop sucks. Ugh. I was so pissed because it just wouldn't work. Finally, I found something that did and now I'm happy because it worked!

Now I have my new banner as well. *yay*
*Is participating in the Day of Silence* This is the only way I choose to talk today, so yeah...

I found The Fort almost all the way down the list! What is up with that? *shrugs* Ah well.

Post Mortem once again tomorrow night. I don't remember seeing it the first time, so I am excited for this time. W0ot!
twins1729 said:
Okay, Shacky they're all sent. It was a bitch because my laptop sucks. Ugh. I was so pissed because it just wouldn't work. Finally, I found something that did and now I'm happy because it worked!

Now I have my new banner as well. *yay*

I have a total of four now, are they all yours? I have three from yousentit and one from sendspace. I want to make sure I have them all correct before I upload them..

**Yes, I know the site is down, I have no idea why, Our annual payment is due, but I didn't get a bill yet, if that is why it's down, I will pay immediately to get it back up, so I'm on it....**

Yeah, yousendit wouldn't work on my laptop. I told you it sucked.

There should be:


Can't wait til the site is back up Shacky, :).


I forgot to say that I used the same pic of Nick in my banner as in Shacky's. I fell in love with them. I'm using Greg's for Loki's award banners too. I believe they are season 6 promos.


I didn't get sooner or later, I only recieved four, so could you please go ahead and resend that one to me, and when the server is back up, I'll upload them as soon as I can. Thanks

*is eye to eye with Nick's picture* Oh the things I would do to that man...:eek: crap, did I say that out loud? What I meant to say was thank you for all the birthday wishes. Yes, that is what I meant.
Twins, what do you mean by "surprises"?
Happy birthday nickfangirl.

I must say Eric looks damn fine in that promo pic, It's one of my faves. Gawd I look at the pic and just want to melt! Those eyes, those lips, the hair, the suit...shall I go on.
Happy Birthday again Jon!!!!

When we get to thread 15 you all get special surprises! It'll be a nice thing to welcome you all to!

If Nick=Fine and Greg=Fine, then Greg+Nick=Super Fine! LOL.
If Nick=Fine and Greg=Fine, then Greg+Nick=Super Fine! LOL.

Now, THAT'S some math I like, lol.

That picture is perfect, Twins, I can't wait to see them all, :D

Happy birthday nickfangirl!!
Yes, Happy Birthday nickfangirl, I'd sing but I'd really embarress myself and I'd like to keep what little dignity I have.

OK, the site is back up, it was the hosting site. So, one load off my mind..

It's probably belated now, but happy birthday nickfangirl. I'm the same as Shacky in not singing, only not because I'd embarrass myself, but rather you'd all die a horrible death at the sound of my voice and I really don't want to do that to any of you.

Hosting sites can be a... yeah. I remember when I ran a website I had to keep moving hosts. In the end I just gave it all up - then again, that fandom was dying anyway so it really didn't matter.

In terms of my internet, I shall soon be connect on at my flat. I've organised a provider and now I'm just waiting to sign the contract and set it all up, so I'll be able to send that last vid to you soon, Shacky.

And speaking of vids I took another look at the one I'm working on at the moment, and I think it may be one of my best yet. Does anyone happen to have any clips of the team all together? Like in "Invisible Evidence", "Built to Kill", and "Bodies in Motion"? I have those three, just need more.
I'm sending you sooner or later again shacky.

*is more than pissed that it didn't work*

I'll see if there's a link for it before I trying uploading it again.

Off to work on banners.

Oh, and I changed pages on the WIKI (I told you I think).

Post any picture (screencaps) or quotes (word for word please, don't wing it) and I'll add them.

EDIT: It's sent Shacky. If for some reason you don't get it, let me know, I have a link.
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