Wojo said:
Is it just me or does that suit look way too big for Eric?
twins1729 said:
What are you trying to imply Wojo? That he's borrowing George's suit? lol
*jumping up and down YES YES YES*
You know, I've always loved that pic, and now you've put that idea in my head, oh yeah, definitely.
And yeah, no manip'ing necessary for N/G or E/G
Eric/George 2003 Emmy's
Eric/George On set of $35 or B.O.
Eric/George Brazil 2001
And how can we forget George grabbing Eric from behind on stage in 2005
George grabbing Eric
Nick/Greg Who Are You
Nick/Greg Slaves of LV
OK, sorry about all the pics, but there were just too many to chose from. Seriously, look at them, that's what makes N/G so believe and keeps the chemistry is the friendship or maybe whatever between Eric and George. And thank you tons to Twins for the new banner, love it...