The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Wojo said:
Is it just me or does that suit look way too big for Eric?

twins1729 said:
What are you trying to imply Wojo? That he's borrowing George's suit? lol

*jumping up and down YES YES YES*

You know, I've always loved that pic, and now you've put that idea in my head, oh yeah, definitely.

And yeah, no manip'ing necessary for N/G or E/G

Eric/George 2003 Emmy's

Eric/George On set of $35 or B.O.

Eric/George Brazil 2001

And how can we forget George grabbing Eric from behind on stage in 2005

George grabbing Eric

Nick/Greg Who Are You

Nick/Greg Slaves of LV

OK, sorry about all the pics, but there were just too many to chose from. Seriously, look at them, that's what makes N/G so believe and keeps the chemistry is the friendship or maybe whatever between Eric and George. And thank you tons to Twins for the new banner, love it...

-dances- whoo, page nineteen! Lovely lovely pictures,'s ones like those that makes me believe the writers know exaactly what their doing...

Anyway, the finished (including bad quality) video is up on YouTube...I attempted to add it to the WIKI, but couldn't figure out how to edit it...D: If you're up to seeing it, it's under the username 'suckerforasmile...' it says that it can find the user, now, so...yeah. It should be on there in about five minutes, I'm uploading as we speak..
Hey, if you upload it to yousendit and send it to me, I can put it up at WMTDB if you wish.... Just let me know

I'll upload it to the WIKI!

I'm also changing some pages around there.

Splitting the Screencaps and Quotes page and making two. One for each.

I think it'll be easier, plus I won't have to worry about being perfect.

Page 19, this is awesome.

I don't mean to sound competetive (or I do if you agree, lol), but we should hurry along to get ahead of some of the other ships.

If you all remember a while back, I said I'm making some surprises for when we reach the 15 Fort!
shacky20 said:
Hey, if you upload it to yousendit and send it to me, I can put it up at WMTDB if you wish.... Just let me know


Has been sent. And, thanks, twins...hehehe...even if I did know how to edit, I'd probably end up making the page all out of order and messing things up..:D
shacky20 Does this mean you managed to get more space for WMTDB? I remember a while back there wasn't enough space to upload any more vids which was a shame. I kept forgetting to ask you to switch out one of my vids for another (namely, "Left Outside Alone - Talk Version" for "Loving You's a Dirty Job" - love that vid).

By the way, my vids that aren't on WMTDB can be found here and here . The first link will get you the details for "Loving You's a Dirty Job" and "Safest Place to Hide", and the second will get you "Unfaithful" which was a very hard vid to make.

I do have another finished vid called "Final Goodbye" which I will upload as soon as I get the net at home. My little Grave Danger vid that one.
Clarrisani Yes, we have plenty of room now. Matt and I upgraded the package that was there when we took it over, we just had to wait a few months to check out the traffic level and how much we would need. Our problem was the bandwidth levels, but we more than doubled the bandwidth and have plenty of room, I can put yours up there also. I'll download the links you gave me to my computer and let me know which ones you want at the site...

I'm having a hard time finding the download link on the page, could you just send me the address or send them to me through yousendit. is my email address, sorry that I'm blind obviously... But I'll get them up ASAP

And suckerforasmile you're video is up at WMTDB

Ok everyone, just thought I'd let you all know the voting is officially up in the Greg files, and about half the vids are "The Love" lol, (mostly thanks to Twins for that! :D)

I love the pics! Lol, I've seen them all before, but you can never get enough of seeing them together like that :rolleyes:
Yeah, I'm workin on the banners. All 11.

I only have five [videos at the greg files];). Tonight I'm sending them to Shacky, then I'm putting up my new banner for here. I think you'll all like it. It's funny.
twins1729 said:
What are you trying to imply Wojo? That he's borrowing George's suit? lol

Well, what gets me is that I know they're best friends and all, but why do they act like that? I really don't know how straight men who are really close act around each other, but I still think that George and Eric is kind of a stretch.

However, they're not dumb. They have to know that rumors are going to start if they act all lovey-dovey.

Well, I can tell you, the straight guys I know who are best friends never touch each other like that.

Huh? It says today is my birthday? But that's tomorrow? Oh well.

:eek: That was a manip?! Holy crap! I woulda never guessed! Then again, I am not good at spotting stuff like that...
shacky20, UpFiles is a pain finding the link, but if you scroll down or go 'Find' and paste in "Your link here" and click that, it will begin the download. I'll simply email you "Final Goodbye" once I hook up the net at home.
I only have five [videos at the greg files];). Tonight I'm sending them to Shacky, then I'm putting up my new banner for here. I think you'll all like it. It's funny.

lol I know, but most of the Nick/Greg videos are yours, (it was SO hard to pick which ones to vote for, they're all too good! lol :D)

That was a manip?! Holy crap! I woulda never guessed! Then again, I am not good at spotting stuff like that...

Yeah it's a good one. I know it's a manip and I STILL can't tell, lol... *is horrible at spotting stuff like that too... oh well :p*
gregslabmouse said:
Ok everyone, just thought I'd let you all know the voting is officially up in the Greg files, and about half the vids are "The Love" lol, (mostly thanks to Twins for that! :D)

Damn, I didn't know we could use Nick/Greg video's, I thought they were Greg only, damn I would have had a whole bunch then, OH Well.....

I'll try to find the link again then, I'll get them up as soon as I can.

Damn, I didn't know we could use Nick/Greg video's, I thought they were Greg only, damn I would have had a whole bunch then, OH Well.....

lol I was wondering why you didn't enter more. I went on a spree yesterday and watched all the ones you've made and I'm totally in love with them, lol. I think there's another video awards going on too on some really big tv site... I had it bookmarked but it disappeared for some reason... I can try and find out where it was at though...
Yeah, any video with Greg counts.

I would make one, but I have enough time getting Nick/Greg clips settled out. Plus, I love Nick just as much. It's hard to leave him out for me. :) Though, I like Greg more, only because he's my type.

Me and the other twin were joking that we should make "The Nick Files" Loki can be a mod and they'll be sister sites. I'm mildly serious about doing it, just not right at this moment. lol
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