The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

Not open for further replies. yeah. Everything's okay. Going to upload the video to YouTube...soon. YouTube is amazing. -pets it- So, question, you can decide if it's rhetorical or not; why can YouTube read the stupid video, but WMM can't?

And, as for the WIKI - I can't figure out how to work it. xD Bleh, I could never own/operate a website. Points to those who can!
lol Twins I love you. I forgot about Leggo my Greggo, I'd love that one too :D

And if you're adding your vid tonight I guess we can start voting bright and early tomorrow :D woohoo! (that's an invitation for everyone here to come vote! lol)

And I need a new poll for The Greg Files, I've been on a lack-of-creativity streak all week, lol, so if anyone has any ideas, please share!
Okay, my videos are available on The Greg Files and youtube.

PM me if you want a link. I haven't done my photobucket yet and, like I said, I have to yousendit them to shacky then they'll be on WMTDB and everything will be easier. Its just that 2 of my videos are on my laptop, and do you remember what I said about that. lol

I'll try to think of a poll question Loki, I am a mod after all. ;)

EDIT: Ah...*duh* they're also available on the WIKI. Plus, I'm emailing the mod at Keppler to say "what gives?"
twins1729 said:
PM me if you want a link. I haven't done my photobucket yet and, like I said, I have to yousendit them to shacky then they'll be on WMTDB and everything will be easier. Its just that 2 of my videos are on my laptop, and do you remember what I said about that. lol

Yeah, whenever you are ready, send me the link to upload them, then I'll put them on the server and set them up at the site....

twins1729 said:
Okay :)


Okay, so their heads are practically touching...I mean, what kind of [straight] men do that?

I really hate to burst bubbles here but I believe that pic is a manip and a very good one. this is the origonal pic.


As you can see GE is the same but ES is reversed. (his mole cluster is evenon ther wrong side)Even though the insignia on ES jacket is correct that can easily be moved. sorry to disapoint you'all. :(
I knew it was, it was discussed before on an ealier Fort thread but I didn't know where it came from. Thanks Serenity , I loved that fic btw.
Aww, thanks wojo.

And it's still a very pretty picture without the manip, I think!! In fact I used to use the original (including Gary) as my sig on another forum.
That was a very good manip. I had thought I saw Gary's arm around them, but now, ha! Good job with that one Serenity!
Serenity said:
You are correct Wojo, it is indeed a manip, one I used for my 'The Everlasting' fic.

That's why I posted it, Serenity, to wish you a Happy-B. I thought you'd like that pic :) but I had no idea it was a manip...Anyway, the thing with the boys is that you don't even need to make a manip. They have chemistry... in buckets...

On-screen: (and no, it's not a manip ;))

And off-screen:

Ah man, too bad it's a manip, those would made it sure fooled me. :) Oh well. They still have tons of pictures that aren't manips that are slash worthy, as you have showed us Seabird. Still a cute manip though. :)
Is it just me or does that suit look way too big for Eric? Love those pics though, George can't keep his hands off Eric just like Nick can't kepp his off Greg.
I love that other pic (shown above)I can't remember episode name, but Greg walks by Nick and Nick does not move out of the way as he brushed past him. And Nick has that "God, I want you" look on his face.
What are you trying to imply Wojo? That he's borrowing George's suit? lol

Well, what gets me is that I know they're best friends and all, but why do they act like that? I really don't know how straight men who are really close act around each other, but I still think that George and Eric is kind of a stretch.

However, they're not dumb. They have to know that rumors are going to start if they act all lovey-dovey.
Hi everyone I have missed so much, I have been housesitting I come home for a day and I see that there have been so much posting I have missed alot. Hi to everyone who is new or who is back posting, and happy birthday to everyone to.
Now to get on topic with the boy's, I think it is funny that George is always toughing Eric's chest. (has anyone elts noticed that he very rarely touches anyone elts in pictuers or at events or even on the show) it is always Eric. My brohter and his best guy friends who are all strahgt never act like this. I mean they do funny things for pic's some times but they are never constanly toughing even thoe they have been best friends for years when they see eatch other they nod there head say hey.

I have a funny story about a manip story to, my brother and his frined were really being mean to me my siter and our friend. So to get back at them we created a QAF (Queer As Folk) manip of my brother and his friend onto a QAF pic we then put it as the screan saver onto my brother's computer. He have a group of his guy friends over and when they walked into his room all you heard was silence and then lots and lots of lauthter.I just think it is a funny story and I wanted to share it with you all.
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