The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Holy've been posting a lot, haven't you guys?

Anyway, thanks, shacky - I'll be sure to check out the video, probably early Monday when no one's awake. =P ( one knows I'm here)

Anyway, all this talk about making videos makes me want to make one...there's a catch, though (actually, two..); one, I have no clips. And two, I've neeeeeevvvvvvver made a video before :D Soooo, any help would be...awesome.

Edit: Hm. I've gotten some clips offline, but...scenes from 'Play with Fire' could help me out more than anything...couldn't get the actual lab explosion... :mad:
twins, I'm not sure what kind of straight men do that, but have you noticed the way Eric's eyes are all seductive looking, if that makes sense? And the smirks they are wearing just scream 'We have hot sex in the trailers between takes'.


Edit: is that Gary's arm around both of them? *shrugs* No matter, they still have that look!

EDIT #2: Yeah, so I just thought of something really serious, well, for me anyway. I know this isn't the thread for it, but I know you guys pretty well, and I know you all are N/G fans, so I thought I would ask here first. If any of you have read "There's Something About Lainie" by ktattoo at WMtDB, then you know who this is.

I am in major need of a beta, or someone who would give me a push in the right direction with the story and its plot, because I am stuck right now. Any help would be great, so if you want to give me a hand, just pm me.

If any of that was out of line, I give full permission to the mods to delete it and then give me a lashing.
Has anyone ever noticed that when they stand next to each other, Eric always seems shorter than George? If I recall Eric is actually taller. And the whole "Nick can't keep his hands off Greg" thing seems to apply in real life too, because nine times out of ten it's George who's got his arm around/clinging onto Eric.

And Twins, both the boys look so damned fine in that picture...
suckerforasmile said:
Anyway, all this talk about making videos makes me want to make one...there's a catch, though (actually, two..); one, I have no clips. And two, I've neeeeeevvvvvvver made a video before :D Soooo, any help would be...awesome.

Edit: Hm. I've gotten some clips offline, but...scenes from 'Play with Fire' could help me out more than anything...couldn't get the actual lab explosion... :mad:

Hey, I've made several, they are all at my LJ site, I linked to them up a few posts ago.. If you need any advice or anything, just let me know and I'll help if I can, I'm really no expert. And any clips you need, I should be able to provide for you... just let me know.

Edit* Ok the link to my video page is back on page 16 in the middle, been posting way to much me think

Sorry if this is breaking the current thread of discussion, but here's a something Nick/Greg related to talk about:

Over the course of the series, we've heard Nick and Greg use a good deal of nicknames, and quite frankly "petnames", for each other. What are your favorites? Or do you have a favorite you'd like to see them use that hasn't appeared in canon? One you've made up, but could see them using?

Personally my favorite is from early on, I forget the episode, but Greg calls Nick "Baby" completely breaking the thread of the conversation. Of course, Nick gets a huge ear to ear grin afterwards.

Now, talk amongst yourselves, I'm all ferklempt.
I've always liked it when Nick called Greg "G", I always write him calling him that in my fics. Greg has never called Nick "Nicky" on the show even though everyone else has. I'd like to see that, that's also in my fics.

LabRats was the first time in a very long time that anyone used a nickname for Greg - Catherine referred to him as Greggo.
shacky - you, seriously...just...ugh. I'm forever in debt. And, at the moment, I think all I need is clips from 'Play with Fire'...and if you had any tidbits of advice, I could take them too. :) And I promise, once I'm over this cold and I can wake up early again, to check out your videos. Nightquil's been keeping me asleep for a good twelve hours a day...

twins - I'd take your advice (from the PM you sent) if my computer wasn't so slow with trimming clips...and, being my first video, I haven't gotten the feel of making them yet...but I'll be sure to remember that on my next one (praying this goes well and I want to make another...)

And, as for pet names...I dunno...I guess I never really paid attention. Although 'G' and 'Greggo' were always popping And I don't recall Greg ever calling Nick something, but maybe that's just my memory being usual...

And, as a side note, happy belated birthday to all you guys that've had birthdays in the last...ever...I now feel as though I'm the youngest on the board...which is kinda spooky, really...D: Oh well. 'Tis fun.
suckerforasmile said:
shacky - you, seriously...just...ugh. I'm forever in debt. And, at the moment, I think all I need is clips from 'Play with Fire'...and if you had any tidbits of advice, I could take them too. :) And I promise, once I'm over this cold and I can wake up early again, to check out your videos. Nightquil's been keeping me asleep for a good twelve hours a day...

No problem, but I will need your email address, just email me at I will use yousendit to email you that clip.

My main advice is, first take your time, sometimes you can do slower ones with slower music and longer clips in a couple of hours. Sometimes one will literally take all day. And then others will take awhile, sometimes you will have to walk away to do it right, don't get yourself frustrated or rushed or you'll get sloppy. Trasitions are great, but don't do too much or it can distract from the video itself. Transitions are great, to me the easing in from black and easing out to black are the best, use effects, they are your friend. I just bought an effects adn trasitions package and I cannot wait to make my first video using them..If you're making a fast video with lots of clips, don't use anything, it makes it harder to do plus distracts. When I did "Bawitaba" is took me over three weeks, between ripping episodes and cutting up into clips, and could only do a little at a time because it was fast and intense, so that's my little tips. Let me know if you need anything else.

I've been working on my latest video for over three months now, but the reason it's taking so long is primarily because a) I no longer have the net at home, b) Time, and c) Omaetoy no longer puts those nice short easy downloadable clips up and no one else has taken up that role (at least anyone who doesn't watermark their clips. Man that annoys me...). But I find videos are a matter of practice makes perfect - you learn new tricks and develop you own style over time.

Speaking of videos, did anyone hear the news? Remember my video 'Obvious' over at WMTDB? Well the guy that sings that song recently came out...

As for the nickname thing, I'm personally a fan of 'G' and 'Nicky', but I also like it when Nick calls Greg 'Boss'. I usually reserve 'Greggo' to Warrick. As for the 'Baby' thing, that seems to be a favourite of Jim's. I've heard him use it on both Grissom and Warrick, and it'll only be a matter of time before he uses it on the others.

Oh yeah, and you can't forget 'Doll'. My heart races every time I come to that scene, just waiting for Nick to say it and the look of "I can't believe he just called me that in the lab" from Greg. Love it.
Clarrisani, if you ever need a clip, let me know and I'll try to help, I literally have a ton on my computer, and I have a ripping program on my computer to get clips from shows.. So if you need any, let me know and I'll try to help.

For me, yeah, I have to go with "Nicky & G" I just love those, don't know why, but they seems more personal to me, especially "G" since Nick is the only one who calls him that.

twins1729 said:

Okay, so their heads are practically touching...I mean, what kind of [straight] men do that?

Well, I would say that they are trying to fit into the frame, but...they look too close for that. Trailer/Dressing room Sex anyone? :devil:
I loved it when Catherine called Greg "Greggo."

For me its like Nick made it up, so it's awesome when others use it.

No one has mentioned the few times Nick has called Greg "Einstein." I think it's cute that Nick thinks he's smart.

Hopefully there's some good opportunities for nick names in the future!

I usually pick an effect to use in a video.

My "Climbing the Walls" I used fast clips and a lot of Fading. My new one, I use a lot of white transitions.

Sometimes you get into a groove and can make one in a hour and it turns out perfect. Then you can do one over the course of a week and it turns out crappy. It just depends....
Sometimes you get into a groove and can make one in a hour and it turns out perfect. Then you can do one over the course of a week and it turns out crappy. It just depends....

That's how it always works for me. I can never finish a vid well if it takes me more than one day, lol.

I'm planning out a new video now and I was hoping someone could send me the 3 top N/G moments that I DIDN'T have, lol... I would be much appreciative :D

Ass Check - The Hunger Artist
Nick Can't Keep His Hands Off Greg - Who Shot Sherlock?
Eye Sex - Felonius Monk

And Twins, I was wondering if you would like to help me make the banners for the awards after they were finished since there's going to be a few and you know I love your artwork :D

Oh yeah, and you can't forget 'Doll'. My heart races every time I come to that scene, just waiting for Nick to say it and the look of "I can't believe he just called me that in the lab" from Greg. Love it.
lol, I was just thinking of this. It confused me a bit the first time I watched this scene, because it was before I started thinking of them having a relationship and I was just getting into CSI, the first thing that came to mind was that "doll" isn't something straight men say to each other, and it was the thing that first got me thinking that Nick (at least) might be gay. Boy that feels like forever ago... :rolleyes:
Loki, I would love to make you the banners :)

Also, I'm done with my videos *finally*

I'll also send you the clips that were sent to me from Shacky. Do you need Leggo My Greggo because that was one you didn't send me that I got from Omeatoy?

Just let me know! I'm uploading them to youtube in a few then to the Greg Files.

Shacky, I'll yousendit them to you in a little bit (all 5 of mine) so they'll finally be available on WMTDB. (I also sent you the banners).

If for any reason do you want the top ten clips available on WMTDB?
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