The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Wojo, you're like the mother figure of The Love fans! Only if that's ok with you. LOL.

Hello Matt, I don't believe we met, my name is Nicole (my sister's is Natalie, if you didn't know, we share and name) and I currently am working on the WIKI and at this moment 795 contributions!

*woot woot*
Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes!

Someone on another (non CSI) forum I go on sent me a birthday wish of "Nick and Greg making out just for you"

Hahaha, they all know me so well!
I'll jump on the bandwagon and re-introduce myself here.

*waves* Hi! I'm Kassie, the resident GSS fan (are there others here?) But I fell in love with N/G first.

Hello to Matt and to everyone else I have just been introduced to!

I kinda feel a bit out of the loop here. I'm nearly twenty (ok, not until September) and I am a bi female, so you would think I would have a thing for one of the gals, but that is SO not the case...

Nopers, it's my boys all the way!

Oh, and Shacky, yes, I am Kassie on Wiki and ktattoo on WMtDB.

And a belated birthday to everyone who had one yesterday!

EDIT: Yeah, ok, so today is Serenity's b-day... I need to go back to bed or something. So happy birthday Serenity!
OK my brain is not working yet, what is GSS?

It's so good to so many people returning to this forum, its been active but as active as it has been in the past. This season has been very good to us N/G fans, we've had so much subtext this season, the boys finally working together too!

Perfect Example
Wojo said:
Hey Matt, good to see you here. And Kelly don't feel bad I am one of the older ones myself. This was my 45th birthday!!

OK, I don't feel quite so lonely now, I'm 33, but my kids age me a lot more.

I asked nicely at least Matt, not like I could fire you or anything ;)

GSS - Grissom/Stokes/Sanders

It is an abbreviation someone used in a fic I read and I use it now. It is much easier to type.
Kassie said:
GSS - Grissom/Stokes/Sanders

It is an abbreviation someone used in a fic I read and I use it now. It is much easier to type.

Ok that's what I thought, I am so with you. My first CSI slash was actully Grissom & Greg and I still enjoy them (and I'm in the process of writing another fic) but heart belongs to Nick & Greg but all three is hot too.
See, i may be giving in to my more base bisexual instincts here, but i'd really like to see some S-Cubed fic.

S-Cubed- Sidle/Stokes/Sanders (Not sure if that's the real abbreviation, i just made it up)
I freakin' love how this place is booming!!!!

I can't wait until the "Post Mortem" rerun, I haven't seen the entire thing since it aired. :)

I'm currently working on a bunch of crap, I'll let you know when I'm done. :p

EDIT: My Wings won game two *dances* I'm so freakin' happy!!!!!

My gods:

Nicklas Lidstrom
Steve Yzerman
Greg Sanders
Nick Stokes
Gil Grissom
Dr. Tommy Oliver
Trey Parker & Matt Stone
Brian Kinney
Justin Taylor

Okay, I'm done! lol

Hi to Loki below me! I'm working on my video!
Ok that's what I thought, I am so with you. My first CSI slash was actully Grissom & Greg and I still enjoy them (and I'm in the process of writing another fic) but heart belongs to Nick & Greg but all three is hot too.

I remember reading that story! Your stories were I think the first slash I ever read, I guess I can thank you for getting me addicted :lol:

*waves* My name is Loki for anyone I haven't met before. And happy birthday to everyone! I always seem to miss people's birthdays, lol, sorry.
twins1729 said:
I freakin' love how this place is booming!!!!

My gods:

Nicklas Lidstrom
Steve Yzerman
Greg Sanders
Nick Stokes
Gil Grissom
Dr. Tommy Oliver
Trey Parker & Matt Stone
Brian Kinney
Justin Taylor

Okay, I'm done! lol

Okay, now you really are making me blush, you have no idea. It's been great to come back here, I can't believe anyone here even remembered me.... And see what happens when I'm around, I talk "post" way too much, just cause I love my boys and I'm always finding new stuff to love, and old stuff to fangirl about....

Oh, and I added a couple vids, to bad I didn't get my new Greg video made, I after new software and everything, it will be my 25th, so I'm doing something a little different, but I've been way too lazy, plus Jacob being so sick since Christmas just now getting well, and other stuff, but I already have the songs picked out, so that's the heavy part to me...

I hope it's not too late.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SERENITY! :D *throws confetti*

The boys have been really busy this weekend; first, celebrating Wojo's birthday and now, yours ;)


Happy Birthday, sweetie :)
Wow, it is Serenity's birthday today?! Wow, tons of people with April birthdays here! Happy Birthday Serenity! *is wearing a party hat*
You know, Nick/Greg is my first ever slash fiction pairing, I have to say, I have become obsessed with finding the perfect songs for videos about our boys, so I was wondering, does anyone have any suggestions?
You know, Nick/Greg is my first ever slash fiction pairing, I have to say, I have become obsessed with finding the perfect songs for videos about our boys, so I was wondering, does anyone have any suggestions?

I was going to do a video on them to the song "memory" by Sugarcult, but I just don't have the time lately :(
I think it's a good song for them though... I'm not sure why... *tries to remember how that idea came about...*
nickfangirl said:
You know, Nick/Greg is my first ever slash fiction pairing, I have to say, I have become obsessed with finding the perfect songs for videos about our boys, so I was wondering, does anyone have any suggestions?

I don't know if this helps anyway, but the hardest part for me is finding the right song, sometimes I hear one just one time on the radio and think "That's It", like "A Different Kind of Pain" or something I've know for a long time and think Oh yeah like "Closer", than I hear songs like "I Like the Way you Move" and "Milkshake" and think "Oh, this has so got to be video.... If you care to see you can find my video's here at Shacky20's VIds, the ones near the bottom are better than the other, I've been making them for two years now and I've improved with age....

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