The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Oh bleh. Wednesday again. My mind once again tried to trick me into thinking it's Thursday....

ANnnnnnnywayyyyyy, it's a bit offtopic, but my cousin wishes to know if (QAF wise, here) Emmett and Ted stay together throughout the entire series from here on out. It's bothering her a bit...And I can't help her. D:

And, site wise with N/G related things, this is the only one I'm on because the LJ confuses me a lot...well, the whole community thing...otherwise I get it...
Hey Serenity! I haven't seen you for a few. I'm glad you're here!

I was looking at all of the past forts a while back and I saw plenty of people that just faded out. I know personally of some that just visit once in a great while, but what happened to people like Lament? Someone who seemed very dedicated, but eventually just disappeared.

Ted and Emmett date from 220 (the season 2 finale) until 314 (the season 3 finale). They fight a lot in season 4 (over Ted's drug problem) and are finally happy with each other (as friends again) from the season 4 until the series finale.


NICKANDGREG.COM is the best Nick/Greg site.
I seriously am anxious for tomorrow. I have an eye appointment and then I am coming back to school to watch CSI! W00t for teh Kassie.

Anywho, I also don't like LJ. It confuses the heck out of me. I would rather just stay here. I'm comfortable here.
sdflksjdflj. MY EMAIL DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WROTE THAT!! (twins1729, by the way.) And thanks mucho for the info.

Yeah, I like it here. It's nice. And extremely easy to use. And not as obvious (meaning I can use it and people won't look over my shoulder and ask why Nick and Greg are the only two CSIs at the top of the page...xD). -sigh- Oh bleh. My homophobic family doesn't fit well with me...-giggles- Teehee, my aunt makes me giggle. She fails to remember why I love Thursdays. And yay for tomorrows episode! -content sigh- I love the lab rats...I hope it's one of those light episodes...where the death isn't getting to them...that'd be amazing.
Okay, I just saw one of the sneak peaks for "Lab Rats."

Here's the case breakdown.

Nick and Warrick have a case, Catherine, Sara, and Greg are all solo. *Yay for Greg being solo* Catherine said something about wanting Greg's case and Grissom (who's spending the night in the morg and will probably have all the interaction with the lab rats) told Catherine she didn't want Greg's 419. So, hopefully it's good!

Can't wait to see the whole thing.

I'm dominating the WIKI like it's my job. Not just the Nick/Greg page either. I'm adding crap everywhere so I can be a mod! I have over 700 contributions and I'm hoping to get more!
twins1729, you deserve to be a mod on the WIKI. Everywhere I look there are new things popping up. 700 is a rather large number and so I am all for you being a mod. *hearts twins* You have the drive I wish I had. Especially when it comes to my school work. Bleh....
Less than 12 hours to go! WoOt!
Ah, I am a noob when it comes to this fandom you know, so I am not sure if there is a drop in fans or not, as for the guild, it is doing ok. It has a small group of members but hey, what can I say, I am a noob at modding too. I was actually surprised by the number of fans on gaia I found, so I think it is growing, besides, we all (shippers in general) have one common enemy: GSR >.> or maybe it is because I am still upset at those Greg/Sara and Nick/Sara shippers for flaming me on another Gaia guild...
Hey everyone, remember me???? Sorry it's been so long, to say it's been a rough year would be an understatment, but oh yeah, the ship is still sailing along for me. I mean this year it's been so obvious. I mean we haven't gotten a lot of scenes together, but it's the little things, come on, Nicky (of all people) actually losing his cool and punching a bystander (at the time), seriously that was the slashiest thing I've ever seen. And Fallen Idols, please, why do the boys always talk about sex when then are together. Come one Greg, give it up, he knows. But it's more than that, it's the closeness they have, the looks alone, from "Post Mortem" to "Fallen Idols" and "Empty Eyes", that look on the stairs told more than any conversation ever could, so much in their eyes...

God, this brings back memories, like when Jeff and I started the Nick/Greg thread after talking too much about Nick and Greg in the Greg thread, all the way back in Dec of 04, and we were always the most popular thread, by miles...

So let me introduce myself to those of you, Hi, I'm Shacky20, also at LJ also. I am the owner/administrator of the "What Makes the Desert Beautiful" archive, with the wonderful help and skills of my partner in crime Matt, 0creativity.... I have written, try to dabble when I can still, but I really love making video's, that's my thing kind of, I have 24 under my belt and have something special for 25 up my sleeve as soon as I get my ass in gear and start on it. I promise I'll come visit more, thanks to the kick in the ass from Wojo which I deserved... I've missed getting all fangirly about the boys, it might be just what I need.

Kelly Hey Seabird and Valentine!!!!
'Ello Shacky. I want to thank you for starting this thread. I seriously didn't think there were other Nick/Greg shippers until I found this wonderful place.


I have 2 hours to go...

I'll just have to write until then.
xDD I absolutely love the icon, shacky.

Anyway, now my point in being here (sorry to take you off your beloved topic once again...I have a habit of doing that, I know...). Sooooo...I've heard, seen, and been told that when Greg was in the hospital after the entire Fannysmackin' incident, Nick said he wanted to see him...I cannot, for the life of me, find ANYTHING supporting that other than words. Hell, I can't even find a bit of a script. So, really, if anyone's willing to help me out...ack, I would love you. Clips, screencaps, scripts, anything...I just reaaaaallly want to 'see' that bit...
It was then end of the episode:
Sara, Nick, Warrick are in the locker room Sara says she is going to see Greg and is going to take him some Mexican food, wants to know if Warrick & Nick want to join her. That's when Nick says it. "Yeah, I'd like to see Greg". Don't have any clips but that's the gist of the scene. I might be able to find a screencap. We'll see.
Welcome back, Shacky!!!. Yeah, I remember when you and Jeff started this thread and, trust me, we all have missed you a lot. I'm so glad you're here again! :D

We need a new topic so I was thinking that on the show ,there are moments where the Nick/Greg subtext is more subtle, but it's still there. I'm talking about those scenes where Nick and Greg have outed themselves:

1. Greg outing himself in "Fur and Loathing": "That's what you get for eating p***y". :devil:

2. Every time a woman, usually a suspect, hits on Nick. But he doesn't flirts back. ("Forever", "Bite Me")

3. Greg not mentioning gender in his "I was a Casanova" speech in "Fallen Idols".

4. Nick admitting, finally, being an "ass man". :lol:

5. This scene from "The Acussed is Entitled" where Grissom mentions the Hollywood closet:

GRISSOM, his mentor Phillip Gerard and NICK are in a brierway golf course. NICK is digging up a woman body.

NICK: "Grissom, you might want to come down here".

(GRISSOM doesn't move from the side)

GRISSOM: "Just say it, Nick".

NICK: "Beans and franks. Tonya is a man".

GRISSOM: "Looks like that old Hollywood saying: "Never get caught with a dead girl or a live boy".

Why Nick looks wounded?:


As I said, it's subtle but hey, we know how to read subtext ;)
suckerforasmile said:
xDD I absolutely love the icon, shacky.

Anyway, now my point in being here (sorry to take you off your beloved topic once again...I have a habit of doing that, I know...). Sooooo...I've heard, seen, and been told that when Greg was in the hospital after the entire Fannysmackin' incident, Nick said he wanted to see him...I cannot, for the life of me, find ANYTHING supporting that other than words. Hell, I can't even find a bit of a script. So, really, if anyone's willing to help me out...ack, I would love you. Clips, screencaps, scripts, anything...I just reaaaaallly want to 'see' that bit...

Thanks, it's one of my faves, actually I started on icon swap at nickngreg LJ and at my lj, where people can post their favorite Nick and or Greg icon with the maker and snag it, and that's the one I picked....And you know, I used to be called "The Librarian" of Nick/Greg for a reason, I have that clip actually. I don't know what kind of modem you have, but I did a video based on Fannysmakin called "Run" by Snow Patrol, and at the end, it shows that scene, and I also have the episode on my computer and can break down the last clip for you if you wish..... So good to feel useful again.....

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