The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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suckerforasmile said:
...yousendit? Sounds like something obvious, but, hehe, what is it? Bleh. I'm sure I'll...figure it out soon enough...

Yeah, that goes through email, but I uploaded to my server, so you can just click here at my LJ Shacky's LJ, the top post has both the clip of the show and the video for "Run", so just click on the link to my LJ, and then just click on the links at my LJ and viola!

suckerforasmile said:

Wikipedia says there's not another episode until the 26th...Last time it said there wasn't until late April,

Next week (Apr 19) they are re-aring Post Mortem, then the new episode is Ending Happy on Apr 26. Hope that clears it up for ya. :)

Speaking of Post Mortem, another good Nick & Greg subtext ep. Nick testifies on Greg's behalf in court too. Greg nods his head at Nick after he testifies.

Nick is upset about the inquest and is sad eyed when he asks Warrick "What can we do to help him?"


Nick's sad face.
Jeez. Seeing Nik sad is like looking at a wounded puppy dog.


But I just saw Abra Cadaver and even did some research on the hand signs. "I Love You" is a combination on the sign letters I L and Y. I could see how people could misinterpret Nick as signing "Rock on" back at Greg, but it is clear that they're doing two different signs.

Oh and Swami!Greg was adorable.
Shacky, I know you've probably heard this 100 times already, but I LOVE your icon.

Twins what are you planning on doing with all those clips? Weren't you putting them on the wiki?
Yes Jay, swami Greg was just precious, and that look on his face when he got caught, like a little boy caught with chocolate on his face after the cookies went missing, I just think the whole N/G interaction in the show is awesome....

And thanks, yeah I get that about the icon a lot, I love it too so what can I say, I only wish I knew how to make them...

If ANYONE needs an icon I have program that I love to death and I love to make any type of art. If you have a pic and want it as an icon, just ask. I would LOVE to.

I make Loki's (gregslabmouse) The Greg Files banner. :)

Yeah Loki, Seabird gave me another link for clips, I just need four more. Then I'll post the clips for the top 10 on the WIKI with the pics and the transcripts. :)

Just wait!! :D

Oh, and:

I make Loki's (gregslabmouse) The Greg Files banner.

Yeah Loki, Seabird gave me another link for clips, I just need four more. Then I'll post the clips for the top 10 on the WIKI with the pics and the transcripts.

Woohoo! I cant wait to see them all up. I know I have most of them and can watch any time I want, but I feel so bad, I've never seen the #1 moment! lol. And you did a FABULOUS job on my banner, thanks again :D what program do you use?
I use Windows Picture It! it's 2002 I believe. I can't tell you how much I hat Adobe Photo Shop.

I finish my first video, but I'll finish my other one before I upload it. It depends how fast I work, I'll try to be done by tomorrow if not tonight.
I use Windows Picture It! it's 2002 I believe. I can't tell you how much I hat Adobe Photo Shop.
Haha, you too? I've hated that program for years. ESPECIALLY when I had to use it in college...

*waits excitedly for twins videos* I think yours will be the last entries into the awards, then everyone gets to vote! *getting excited :D*
Hey twins1729 I added another one of my fics to the Wiki page. I am sure I did it right, but who knows? I do plan on putting them all together and WMTDB, it will just take me a bit of time. I figure that way it would take up less room.

I hate insomnia, but at least I get some writing done!

*Sprinkles glitter*

How adorable was Greg in 'Lab Rats'? All covered in sauce and wearing coveralls, *coverall kink* and his "kiss my ass" to Hodges was so cute! He needed Nick to come and help him shower off.
*pokes head in*

Happy Birthday Wojo, I'd sing, but then I'd really embaress myself and you all would laugh at me, not pretty, and ok it's a day late, but the thought is still there

Hey Serenity, long time no see around here huh??? It's feels nice though...

Video awards??? Do they still do those, I remember they did the LJ CSI video awards, and we all voted, but then they never announced the winners, which kind of sort of sucked. Seems to be the one thing I can do.

Kassie, I'm looking forward to reading your storied, I hope to see them up at the site soon...

*pops back out*

Thank you, actully it's not late my birthday is today the 14th, I'm not sure why the cake showed up early but hey better early then not at all.(my profile is correct too, so weird).

"Kiss my ass" is my new fave Greg quote. Loved that scene. I posted caps of it on the Greg pic thread. Too bad our boys didn't get to interact this time.
I was hoping they would interact, we were on a good streak, but hopefully it picks up again next episode. :)

Maybe the cake shows up the night before or something, who knows...

I loved the line "kiss my ass", I also loved it when Archie called Hodges a "glory whore" lol.
Shacky, They are at the site. I just have to get around to re-ordering them and other stuff. I think I will go do all that now. *scampers away*

Kassie's Edit:

Ok, so I have now fixed my fictions at the Wiki. They are all at one link now, so it is easier to get to them. I hope you read them, the Nick/Greg love is great in them.

P.S. Happy Birthday Wojo!
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