The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Where they're outed....?

Well, Nick is very stereotypically gay IMO. He's sensitive, he whines, and he's a hopeless romantic. He just screams GAY to me.

I just love it when Greg tries to impress Nick, "Scuba Doobie Doo," and "And Then There Were None." He just wants Nick to ask him out. :(

For the record, I liked "Lab Rats" because I love Archie and I liked the Nick scene and the Greg scene. Plus, it was light-hearted and funny, we needed an episode like that.

It seems like Hodges and Wendy like each other and Henry proposed to Mandy...and Sofia's leaving the show.

Is there girls left now?! Hah!
Wojo - eee. Thanks mucho.

shacky - Oh, bleh. Episode on the computer. Lucky. I missed the entire episode...except the scene with Greg in the hospital...somehow I managed to catch that...

Annnnyyywaaay...oh neato. Links would be nice (for the videooo...) and if there's a way you can send the clip to me (email, or some other means...), that'd be amazing.

twins - AHAHA. Now that you mention it, yeah. I actually thought he seemed pretty straight (ahah! he's not!), but...given that, yes, he is indeed pretty stereotypically gay.....xD

And, yes, 'Lab Rats'...did not disappoint me at all. I absolutely love how they brought all the lab rats into the case. And how Grissom didn't think Hodges went out of line for looking at evidence was pretty fun. An entertaining episode, very much. Annnnnd.....oh yes yes yes...Things are beginning to look up for this pairing...either there's gonna be people brought in that aren't on regular cast, or (which I find unlikely) they'll shack up with someone from dayshift... Otherwise, all that's left is them. Maybe they had this entirely planned throughout the show...which...would be amazing... I get my hopes up. But, ah!, Archie and Hodges...I loved it.
Anyone else think Nick was inviting Hodges to Iowa to make Greg jealous? LOL another "I thought we had a relationship" moment. :D No, that's just my overactive imagination.

Nick to Hodges: "It's in Iowa and Iowa is as fun as you make it. I'd put you up in a nice hotel."

If Nick had been saying that to Greg, it would have been the slash moment of all time.
What gets me is that Nick was asking Hodges because he was trace, because Nick isn't good at it.

Greg officially did DNA and Trace annalysis. He could so ask Greg for the help.

Let's just assume he asked Greg first and he was Hodges was a back up plan. :)
suckerforasmile said:
Wojo - eee. Thanks mucho.

shacky - Oh, bleh. Episode on the computer. Lucky. I missed the entire episode...except the scene with Greg in the hospital...somehow I managed to catch that...

Annnnyyywaaay...oh neato. Links would be nice (for the videooo...) and if there's a way you can send the clip to me (email, or some other means...), that'd be amazing.

Well I try to get some episodes downloaded so I can cut them up for video's, and Fannysmackin was a must of course. Let me cut the end clip up and I'll send it to you through yousendit.

You can find my videos over at WMTDB, or at my LJ vid page here, Shacky20's Videos, "Run" is towards the bottom.

I really liked last night's eppy to. Can't say I was ever a big Hodges fan, but that part in "Empty Eyes" when the mom called, and he seemed so emotional for once, it really got to me, and then last night, I loved it. It gave the Lab guys some air time, and how appropriate Greg walks in on them, but basically is was a recap of the miniatures of the whole season to set up for the season finale, there's only like four episodes left, which is really depressing. I've really loved season 7, there hasn't been a season this good in a long time, in my little ole opinion. The suspenseful episodes, and quality of the writing again, I mean they've had great storylines, continuity, and intense action, plus so much slashy goodness.....

Hey guys, long time no post :) Sorry but thngs have been hectic and I'm supposed to be revising for my exams :(

Lab Rats sounds like a good episode from what I've read but whats all this about Nicky asking Hodges to come to Iowa :eek: You right Maggs I bet it was to make Greg jelous :)

Also what you guys were saying about the drop in fans and fanfiction, well I don't know about the drop in fans (I personally think that its just a combination of not much N/G reaction in a while -apart from the recent stuff- and the fact that against our wishes sometimes life and work and stuff gets in the way :() But I definatley have noticed the drop in fanfics I go on like all the time to read fanfics and you look at thr dates and there are hardly any new ones (maybe I'm just dense though and am looking in the wrong places I don't know)

:eek: shacky20 *paractically falls in a bow :lol:* Just so you know I love and I've read quite a few of your fanfis and they're fantastic also I love your videos they're brillient, I have run saved on my computer coz I love it so much. *Breath* okay I'll stop rambeling now :lol:
Hey guys. This is my first post here, so forgive me if I break any rules. I'm relatively new to the fandom and, to be honest, some of the slashy moments I think are just wishful thinking. But some just can't be explained away (Mainly Greg's "That's what you get for eating p***y." comment). I think Nick still has to officially out himself, but the clinching moment for me in that rgard was (i think) in the Strip Strangler episode when Nick was in the vic's room by himself and he hears the reporter in the closet (I won't comment on how someone being IN THE CLOSET frightens him and he has to force someone OUT OF THE CLOSET) but when she jumps out at her, his reaction is something like "Geez Lady!!" His inner gay came out.

I'm suprised no one has mentione Nick and Warrick's "Erotic Athelete". I personally think this exchange is telling:

NICK: What the hell is an "erotic athelete"?
WARRICK: Better be a tight end in a G-String.
NICK: *grins* Sweet.

After I processed that my mind went: Wait, aren't tight ends stereotypically male? Admit it Nick, you just want to se Greg's tight end in a g-string.
SwamiCSIaholic , uh thanks, you're gonna make me blush, and hey, maybe you could tell my kids that so my oldest will listen to me....

I've noticed that the fandom, and the fanfic will go through streaks. I mean, when I first started going WMTDB there were only 288 stories archived. When I took it over with Matt in October of 05, we have about 500-600 I think, and now we have over 1300. Some of our older authors don't write anymore or as much though, I know I'm guilty of that myself with life and such. But we have had a lot of new people at the site, and I mean a lot. I haven't looked recently, but for several months last spring we were getting over 1 million, yes 1 million hits a months, not separate users, but just hits but still, that was huge for us. Matt did such an excellent job of revamping the entire site. Anyway, yeah see this is rambling

Anyway, just wanted to let you know sucker (don't mind me, being lazy) that I put the clip and the vid up at my LJ, you can find the link on my bio page.....

And Hi Jay, welcome to the Fort. Maybe so, but hey we can dream. I think a couple of the slashiest moments ever are in "Random Acts of Violence" when Greg gets all jealous the Nick took Archie in the field and he says the "I thought we had a relationship" line, seriously, the best ever.. And then in "Felious Monk"


Oh, and the infamous, "I love you" sign Nick gave Greg in Abra Cadaver after he gave Nick the "Rock On" sign


Don't get me started on the pics thing, oh and the "I'm Open 24 Hours" I love that line, as you can tell by my LJ page, the look that they give each other, so so slashy..

I think that's the thing. I got into the pairing before I really got into the show. SO much so that when I was watching one of the early season one episodes (Who Are You, I think) Grissom is showing Nick the vic's bones and identifies it as a female and Nick asks how he knew, my first thought was "Oh, Nick knows all about Greg's bone!" I kept trying to tell myself that it was like in any other show where every character is paired up with every other character, then I see scenes lke Huger Artist where Nick is blatantly checking out Greg's ass, The "leggo my greggo" bit and one other Nick-checking-Greg's-Ass-scene from an episode i forget the name of.

Plus the "Name that Chemical Compound" bit.

Next up in my viewing is Abra Cadaver and I'm really excited.
Yeah Jay, that scene is very telling. Grissom says to Nick:

"For a ladies man, you don't know much about bone structure"

Nick: "I know all I need to know."

Yeah right.

I loved Lab Rats too, my fave part was where Greg told Hodges to kiss his ass. Classic Greg moment there. I need to watch it again but I thought Nick was asking Hodges to go to this confrence in Iowa so he could get out of going himself?

jay said:
Next up in my viewing is Abra Cadaver and I'm really excited.

Oh "Abra Cadaver" is one of my all time faves, I love the case for one thing, and the baddie was a real baddie on X-Files in "Paper Hearts", I loved that eppy, but the slashiness, two real good scenes, the "I Love you" sign, and then the computer scene, the coloring, Greg's profile and Nick walking in, and then when Greg looks up at him and he swallows like, "I shouldn't be this nervous around him look", it's adorable.

I didn't start watching until when Spike got CSI, and they did a week long marathon, for 16 hours a day, and I caught up almost everything, except a few, and I became addicted immediately, then started buying the seasons on ebay, Nick/Greg was the first couple I ever slashed, and really still the only, I think their off screen chemistry has a lot to do with it, they have such a good friendship it looks like (and ok sometimes more but that's all speculation) I think their natural chemistry shows through their characters giving them a spark you rarely see between characters.....

Musicluvr325 said:
Does anyone notice the big drop off in fan fic lately? It's kind of sad. I thought with Big Shot, with the Greg/Nick scene and with everything getting sorted out there would be something.

*raises hand slowly* I wrote a quick drabble for that one, it was the first thing I've written in a while, I also did a post ep fic for "Post Mordem", which was actually when one my more popular fics, It's called "Behind the Windows", like I said, pretty short, I never thought I had it in me to write a drabble since I'm so long winded.

And Twins I saw that you didn't recognize the other names you said. Matt is 0creativity, my partner in slash over at WMTDB, my WebGod and moderator and creator of everything over at the site. And Jeff, his lj name is "flipflopadd1ct" and over at the site, he's goes by "slashboy", he has written quite a bit also... Hope that helps. See, I'm back for one day and I can't seem to shut up...
Speaking of fics, I just posted my latest "Resistance is Futile" Of course it is rated NC-17 so I can't provide the link but you can find it at the usual places. WMTDB and NicknGreg LJ to name a few.

In FannySmackin Greg tells Grissom about his overprotective mother - something psychiatrists claim can cause a man to be gay (although IMO homosexuals are born that way)
...yousendit? Sounds like something obvious, but, hehe, what is it? Bleh. I'm sure I'll...figure it out soon enough...

Wikipedia says there's not another episode until the 26th...Last time it said there wasn't until late April, sooo...Wikipedia lied to me, because new episodes were..March? Something like that...

Haha. Maybe the writers are going off that, the whole psychiatrists theory. Hence why they made his mother so overprotective. Unless it's backstory that may/may not be brought up again in the future, kind of like Nick being molested by his babysitter...
I really should just shut up and watch the dern episode... The only other 'ship i've sailed is Remus Lupin/Sirius Black in Harry Potter. As for fanfic, I wrote one short one for the nickand greg LJ called "Greggylocks and the Three CSI's". OK, I'm just gonna watch it.
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