The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Yes I'm excited for tonight. I also hope more people participate in the chat.

If you would, but don't becuase it's a bad time, let me know. I'm sure we can work something out.

If you don't want to chat, for any reason, that's fine, but I wish everyone would.

Again, it's at 1:15 am Eastern (12:15 am Central, 10:15 pm Western, etc.).

If you live outside the US and want to talk and don't know what time, just email me and I'll tell you.

I hope to see more people there since it's a good Greg episode tonight! Later.
I plan on being there since I am not going home tonight. Since I am in college, we don't have classes for Good Friday. I just moved rooms, so it's been a busy day.

But twins1729, I do plan on being there.

*waits patiently for the next hour + to go by...*
I can't wait for the episode! I'll have to try my hardest not to be spoiled before 9:00 my time tonight! Of course CSI isn't on SPIKE tonight so that is not the best distraction.

Okay, I'm doing my episode summary and I need help. I didn't know how to count Greg's scene during the montage. They were going back and forth between Nick, David, and Greg. Since they were basically doing the same thing each time they switched over, should I only count Greg's scene as one and Nick's scene as one?

2.5 hours to go!
Ok, this episode was good. Greg and Nick scene, yay! (I wish it was a better one though, but I'll take what I can get).

I was really hoping that Nick would be supporting Greg more, or at least they would show it more, cuz you know he did, but he's been with Greg throughout this whole thing.

Although, I am sick of these "We're on the same case!" episodes, how many can there be?

All and all good episode, but I could've used more Greg angst. And Nick/Greg. :)
-is quite happy-

Even despite the fact there was only one scene with both Nick and Greg together in the episode (did I count right?), I still got a plot out of it. Bleh. I write too much.

Annnnnnywayyyyyy....I'm not sure if I'll make it into the chat. I'm sleepy. But I might for a while, considering I have to watch QAF at like, one I may be there for forty-five minutes...=P Even though I'm tired.

Gah. I wish the James' family would leave Greg alone...or whatever. Seriously, though; when he was in the room, eavesdropping on what whatshisname was saying, he looked like he was ready to cry...I kinda wished Nick would've came in and made everything better.

All the reason I wrote my story. Ee.

And, exactly - if they're not gonna give us Nick/Greg, they should give us Greg angst...
I wish there was more Nick/Greg action on this one. It seems like Nick has been the one there for him throughout the whole thing with the James's, but today Sara seemed to take over that role. And I TOTALLY agree with Twins on the "same case" thing, it's getting kinda old, not to mention unrealistic, lol.
Awesome pics Wojo!

Awww! Happy 19th birthday Loki. I'll post a chatter on your page. Hmmm...I should make you something. I'd say my videos, but that computer's unplugged right now. My dad's doing

Now I can't wait until Lab Rats. I love Archie.

I hope Nick and Greg have a case together. Hopefully it's also light-hearted. Like a Rashomama or something. We need an episode like that.
Blah, the eppy was ok, I was so excited when I saw Sara wasn't in it, seducing Grissom, then she just randomly shows up >.>
I loved how Greg yelled at the Mother, I have been saying those same exact things (though not nearly as polite) since Fannysmackin'.
On a random note, my birthday is the 18th of this month! <3 I told my parents I want season 4. Yay 19 years old :D!
Happy 19th birthday Loki

Thanks Twins!!! Lol, the only thing I got this year was a book and beef stew, so Im sure anything you made me would top that! lol.
nickfangirl said:
Blah, the eppy was ok, I was so excited when I saw Sara wasn't in it, seducing Grissom, then she just randomly shows up >.>
I loved how Greg yelled at the Mother, I have been saying those same exact things (though not nearly as polite) since Fannysmackin'.
On a random note, my birthday is the 18th of this month! <3 I told my parents I want season 4. Yay 19 years old :D!

I wasn't missing Sara either but the reason she just showed up was to replace Greg who was thrown off the case. I loved the part where Sara came to Greg's defense.(too bad it wasn't Nick though)And I loved the confrontation between Greg and Mrs James too. I loved the way he stood up for himself and said what was on his mind. No doubt all this time of having to keep it inside must have just got to him. Angry Greg is pretty damn hot!
Plus the fact he asked that they go easy on Aaron shows what a sweet, caring guy he really is.

Also it was good to see Nick & Greg in the same room.

The last locker room scene after Grissom left, I kept imaging Nick coming up behind Greg, putting his arm around his waist and whispering into his ear that he did the right thing, then kissing his neck. I am sure Nick would have approved and shown him some lovin later at home. :devil:
You have a great imagination Wojo! :)

Before it was Grissom, I was hoping it was going to be Nick, my sister and I kept going, "Nick, Nick, Nick", but Grissom had to ruin it!

Anyways, guys, so I can give you the rusults of the top ten Nick/Greg moments, I NEED a screencap of Nick saying "Leggo my Greggo." I've searched high and low and that's the ONLY one I need so please, please, please, if anyone has one. Also, one where Nick can't keep his hands off Greg at the end of "Who Shot Sherlock?", Seabird posted one when they are pouring champaigne, but I would like one before when they are all hugging his. Please and thanks.

Thanks soooo much Wojo!

Happy Easter everyone!

Although, I only see it only a bunny's holiday (I'm not religious). I hope you enjoyed your Easter weekend.
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