The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Hey, could someone help me.

I need a picture of Nick when he's saying. "Leggo my Greggo."

Does anyone have one?

I also need one of where Nick can't keep his hands of Greg at the end of "Who Shot Sherlock".

If you have the screencaps can you please post them here.

Please and Thanks. :)
*can't take my hands off him* ;)

Hmmm, I shall sign the petitions but, I think TPTB have an idea what they are doing. I'm just saying, we better not get them angry at us or they might kill one of our boys off! Not that they would, at least I hope not...
About the Nick/Greg=Canon one, can there be repeat pics? Then again, I can't see what people are linking... :eek:

I just had a thought, what happens if Mr. Eads or Mr. Szmanda are uncomfortable with kissing on screen? That would spoil all the fun :( But seriously, what happens if this makes the actors uncomfortable? BTW, do I have permission to link to the canon petition on my guild?
Reading the discussions of Empty Eyes and the parallels with GS and Nick/Greg, I got an idea for a fic and I thought you guys might enjoy it. It's a safe rating, so I can post the link here. Warning though - it contains GSR. LOL I think it's funny that on some boards I have to worry about offending people with a slash vibe, but on others, it's the GSR that sends them screaming from the room! You are able to avoid the GS parts entirely and just enjoy the boys. (my site link)


Now a question about the ship - is it canon that Nick has called Greg "G", or is that strictly fic? I've lost track.

Thanks for your help! I've been on the Vartann board rather exclusively, but just found this one the other day :D
I really don't know if the petition is a good idea, I mean if we push it at them like this they just might do the oposite. Maybe they are not aware of the subtext and if they become aware it could backfire on us. IMHO
Oh, of course! No question!!!

Yeah, I'm a mod on The Greg Files too! *yeah* I uploaded my video and didn't need to wait for it to be aproved, I did it myself.

lol, well you're a trooper. I think modding ONE website is a hassle, but I guess thats just me. lol and it confused me for a second when you added your vid cuz it said in my email I had a video to moderate then I got to my site and there was none there, then I remembered you could moderate your own :p

I really don't know if the petition is a good idea, I mean if we push it at them like this they just might do the oposite. Maybe they are not aware of the subtext and if they become aware it could backfire on us. IMHO

That's a good point, but if Eric and George are doing the subtext on purpose, don't you think TPTB would know about it?
Hey guys

Can't wait for tommorows (well actually today's episode now looking at the time) epsiode and I'm not even going to be watching it :lol: But I really want to hear what happens from you guys over the duck pond.

Ummm general question about the petitions, I'm deffinatley singing the one about Twins being Mod for the WIKI but likeWojo I'm not to sure about the other one, not coz i don't want to but she's right what if it backfires. Anyway about the petioins what is a zip code? Is that an american thing or an I just being dense :confused:
gregslabmouse said:

I really don't know if the petition is a good idea, I mean if we push it at them like this they just might do the oposite. Maybe they are not aware of the subtext and if they become aware it could backfire on us. IMHO

That's a good point, but if Eric and George are doing the subtext on purpose, don't you think TPTB would know about it?

I think you might be giving TPTB too much credit. I doubt if they are that smart! LOL
As an off topic add-in, I thought today was Thursday. Then my computer lied and said it was Tuesday.

I pretty much forgot the last time I posted, and I have been keeping up with you guys and all your posting stuff. I do think writers know what they're doing with the whole subtext thing...kind of. Somewhat. Or maybe they think they've got a mutual attraction thing goin' on, but they're a little afraid to delve into it. Fear of losing fans and such.

But they've already got such a 'oh, we're okay with homosexuality' (from other episodes, and from the fact that the show is about...hell, nearly every crime you can think up, being gay shouldn't be looked down upon too much) vibe coming out of their ears, I don't see why having a gay relationship on the show would be much different...just give out smaller hints. Relationships weren't always a big thing on the show unless it was a small time-killer or it came in with a case...

As for the whole on-screen kiss - if either actor wasn't okay with that, then they could probably write in that one didn't want to do anything at work or whatever...or maybe they just wouldn't have to /have/ an on-screen kiss. Just lots of touching. ;) I'd just be happy just having subtext laid on thick or a side relationship. As much as I really want to see them get together, I can't see their relationship being a big thing...well, unless a suspect killed whoever for being gay and got on them about it, and theeeen their relationship was "outted" accidentally because the suspect/killer guy knew somethin' was going on and felt the need to act upon it. -begins thinking- Yeahhhh...they should do that. Sounds like a good idea to me.

But yeah. A gay relationship really shouldn't be too bad; I'm sure most people who watch the show are probably really "open-minded" and a gay relationship wouldn't bother them. I'd use a different word, but I can't think of the one I was thinking about...
Wooo! I have some things to add!

nickfangirl said:
Hmmm, I shall sign the petitions but, I think TPTB have an idea what they are doing. I'm just saying, we better not get them angry at us or they might kill one of our boys off! Not that they would, at least I hope not...
About the Nick/Greg=Canon one, can there be repeat pics? Then again, I can't see what people are linking... :eek:

I just had a thought, what happens if Mr. Eads or Mr. Szmanda are uncomfortable with kissing on screen? That would spoil all the fun :( But seriously, what happens if this makes the actors uncomfortable? BTW, do I have permission to link to the canon petition on my guild?

Okay, yes, you can link to the petition in your guild. :)

Eric Szmanda, and Jorja Fox for that matter, are both pro gay and great activists. Plus, there are dozens of rumors about George and Eric's sexuality and relationship.

Maggs said:
Now a question about the ship - is it canon that Nick has called Greg "G", or is that strictly fic? I've lost track.

Yes, it's canon. He also calls him Greggo. I can't think of a time recently though.

Wojo said:
I really don't know if the petition is a good idea, I mean if we push it at them like this they just might do the oposite. Maybe they are not aware of the subtext and if they become aware it could backfire on us. IMHO

Sweetie, I totally get what you are saying! However (and no offense to nickyandgreggo) I made this really for fun. I made a Power Ranger petition before. For whomever has the ability to release the seasons on box sets. I have under 200 signatures and this was months ago! If I don't get more than a few hundered...I doubt it would stir anything.

I've also heard every negative thing someone can say about petitions. I just say it doesn't hurt to try and I don't care if I'm waisting my time. Someone also told me that Disney (who owns PR) can't even look at petitions because they legally can't take ideas from someone else. Don't know if CBS is the same or not.

I also don't expect this petition to suddenly be national news. It's small and ours. No matter what happens to it or from it.

SwamiCSIaholic said:
Ummm general question about the petitions, I'm deffinatley singing the one about Twins being Mod for the WIKI but likeWojo I'm not to sure about the other one, not coz i don't want to but she's right what if it backfires. Anyway about the petioins what is a zip code? Is that an american thing or an I just being dense :confused:

I'm sorry.

1234 Cranberry Lane
New York, NY 12345 <if there is a number there in your address...that's a zip code

Like I said, there's something I want to fix, but I haven't gotten an email from the support yet.

Suckerforasmile, I definately agree with you.
Hey suckerforasmile and any one elts who is intrested. I know Eric would probley be ok wiht playing a gay charater and kissing anohter man (remember he was kissing and sucking on Marlyn Manson's neck in his music vido) Guy's who arnt comfertable with that I dont think would have done it friend or not. Jora Fox is pro gay she played a lesbian on ER when she had a gest apperace for a handful of episodes. I have not heard anything about George tho, but I cant see him having a problem with it, it's just acting.....(or is im sure alot of people have questions about him and Eric...hummmm :D)

I hope no one is taking the potion to seuriously, I dont think anything will come of it. It is just one more thing we can do to show our saport. I hope alot of people will sign it and spead it around, if not then it's not a big lost. I also think that TPTB no what's going on and that they two are enjoying having the subtex. Writer's and perducer's like that kind of stuff because it keep's people intrested and it makes then want more. I know everytime I see subtex I say OMG that did not just happen :eek: is that implying what I think it is then I say MORE PLEASE! :D so I think they know.
Ack! I totally forgot about the wonder that is sAINT. Silly me. Ehehe. I hope I didn't bore you guys too much. =P I tend to ramble once I get on certain topics. :D

Side note - searching for that video on YouTube gets me a video made completely in The Sims...:0 That's weird...

Oh, yeah - I've never heard anything about Mr. Eric being so supportive (granted, other than the whole Marilyn Manson thing and whatnot...). I'm curious as to how you guys all do. It makes me feel left out and stupid for not knowing. =P
But still, what makes the subtext so perfect is that it is not forced, in my opinion. And I wanna see Mr.Szmanda kissing a guy, but Marilyn Manson kinda scares me... :(

Just remember, CSI is such a great show because it doesn't revolve around the people as much as the crimes. That's what makes it so great <3

Anyways, everyone excited about the eppy tonight? I know I am <3
nickfangirl I think EVERYONE is excited for tonight's eppy, and for those in the UK and other places, I'm sure they can't wait until it comes out over there.

I kinda envy the UK'ers though. You all have awesome accents and you live in the country HP is/was written and made. *secretly loves Alan Rickman*

But yea, Greggo tonight my friends!
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