The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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-is going crazy-


I've been hearing stuff about Fannysmackin' lately. And it makes me want to see it. Really bad. Stupid me, I wasn't even home that night. God, I can be such an idiot.

Blah. I want this to be canon...and not just in our eyes. How come the GSR fans got their way? -sighs- That's not fair.

Ahaha. I'm a loser. Life isn't fair. xD
I wouldn't say I'm a GSR fan myself, I'm actually kinda fed up of there scenes latley but I always knew that that was going to happen coz from the second episode GSR wan't just something that was there in the eyes of the fans it was something PUT there deliberatley by the writters so they were allways going to end up together (weather or not they stay together is another matter though)

But with Nicky and Greggo they have natural chemistry that we can see its not just some plotline that the writers have decided to work on its just there and I think that makes our ship so much more special dont you? :D
Our ship is awesome because of that! You know they put subtext in there just for us! :D

They don't do that for any other ship. GSR is canon, they don't need subtext. And everyone knows Warrick and Catherine like each other, so they don't need subtext.

And since practically every other ship involves these four characters, only Nick and Greg are left.

I'm not bashing any other ships but, no one else has the chemistry Nick and Greg have. I know Wojo hates GSR and says they don't have chemistry, but I think they do a little.

Along with Yo!Bling, I think they have great chemistry and hopefully they are still going to make them canon like they promised. That leaves Nick and Greg.

It's not like Sonic will happen since Louise Lombard is leaving the show.

So come on TPTB, you must be doing this on purpose! :)
SwamiCSIaholic said:
I wouldn't say I'm a GSR fan myself, I'm actually kinda fed up of there scenes latley

I completely agree. Well, when it comes to the annoying scenes at least. I am all for the GSR, but it has been a bit, odd, I guess one could say. First Sara likes Gil, then Gil likes Sara but won't admit it, then Sara kinda tries to get a life, but Gil decides he loves her, blah blah blah. What we end up with is a freaking daytime soap opera with cadavers.

SwamiCSIaholic said: But with Nicky and Greggo they have natural chemistry

Nick and Greg do have a natural chemistry. GSR feels a bit forced, and even when the actors talk about the romance in interviews, all they talk about is what the writers are doing. It takes more than lines to make a romance, and Nick and Greg pull it off, wither thy intend too or not.
I'd rather we didn't waste any more time dsicussing GSR and concentrate and what this threads about - Nick & Greg. I don't mean to sound rude, but I've pretty much had it with GSR.

Can we please move on? thank you.

Nick & Greg are the only ones on the show with natural chemistry but they will most like be the ones that won't be put together as canon.
I know you hate GSR! lol

I would do anything to get them to be canon! ANYTHING. Put me on Fear Factor or something. lol

Again, I'm talking to the mod on the WIKI and she's trying really hard to get TPTB above her to make me a mod! Then I'll shove The Love in CBS's face even more!
I think TPTB has listened a bit when it comes to our love for The Love. They have written in more scenes with Nick and Greg giving off the obvious chemistry. All we have to do is keep on talking about it, and they may just add in more to please the Nick/Greg fans.
Hey guy's I dont know if any of you have read what I had writen befor but I just wanted to repost it, I think it could really work and if we all did it then we might just might get our way, so tell me what you think please.
Hey guy's, I was just woundering (and I dont no if anyone has said or done this yet and if they have sorry that I am saying it agian). I think it would be so cool if we got a hold bunch of Nick and Greg thing's together, pic's, the new's papper articuls, web link's to our sites,quote's ete... and send it to the wrighter's and perducers(the one that you sent your letter to Wojo)and then if they didt know (like they would not) then they would now and they would have physical proff AND they would see howmany fan's the ship really had. We can even throhg a pettion in there. What do you guy's think, I think it would be awsome, pluse alot of fun. Then more people we try to send it to the better because then they would at least have to look at it. :D
I said that's why I like the WIKI. That TPTB made it to see what the fans REALLY wanted.

If you want to do it, go ahead. I'll link to anything that's mine.

If you start a petition at (I've done one before for the Power Rangers if you want me to do it) when someone signs it they can post links to sites and pictures. If that's what you want to do.
I think that would be so cool thank's twins, I really hope you can be made a MOD on the WIKI page because you would rock at it, our ship would be the best and EVERYONE will see it. Can we start a potition so you can become a MOD. I will sign that one in a instent and I am sure everyone elts would to. :)
I'll make one.

It won't be AWESOME and I'm not exactly sure what can get done by it, but it can't hurt to try.

I'll make it to TPTB and everyone can sign it. Like you said, it'll be fun.


A petition for me being a mod. You're so sweet. That would be easy. If people want to sign it, I can send it to Investig8 and she can show it to TPTB.

I'm bored...maybe I'll make both.

EDIT: I told you I was bored.

I made a petition for Nick/Greg to be canon *yay* sign it HERE. It's required to link to a site or picture with proof of our ship.

I also made one for me to be a mod on the WIKI sign this HERE.

What a great idea Twins!
I signed them both :p
would you still want to mod my site if you get approved for the Wiki? *which is looking great, btw ;)*
Both signed by the Kassie. It would be great to see more of The Love up there. *sighs* At least I get a Greg-centric episode tomorrow night. Weeee!
gregslabmouse said:
What a great idea Twins!
I signed them both :p
would you still want to mod my site if you get approved for the Wiki? *which is looking great, btw ;)*

Oh, of course! No question!!!

Yeah, I'm a mod on The Greg Files too! *yeah* I uploaded my video and didn't need to wait for it to be aproved, I did it myself.

Thanks for signing. I want to fix something on the love one, but I was never sent my secret email. It's fine for now, but I'll let you know if I fix it.
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