The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Maggs said:
Does anyone have caps or know where to find them of the looks between Nick and Greg last night when Greg was arriving at the scene??


I'm working on it. :D EDIT- I have pics saved but I have two computers in my house, the one with photoshop crashed so It may take awhile....sorry :(
Hey guy's, I was just woundering (and I dont no if anyone has said or done this yet and if they have sorry that I am saying it agian). I think it would be so cool if we good a hold bunch of Nick and Greg thing's together, pic's, the new's papper articuls, web link's to our sites,quote's ete... and send it to the wrighter's and perducers(the one that you sent your letter to Wojo)and then if they didt know (like they would not) then they would now and they would have physical proff AND they would see howmany fan's the ship really had. We can even throhg a pettion in there. What do you guy's think, I think it would be awsome, pluse alot of fun. Then more people we try to send it to the better because then they would at least have to look at it. :D
The spoiler queen over YTDAW has just said about "Empty Eyes":

"The best part of the episode was at the end, when Grissom squinted and Sara nodded. They had a conversation without talking. Awesome."

Just like Nick and Greg on the stairs! :D

In CSI, subtext is everything ;)
Only diffrence is Nick & Greg's love is real(I'm not a GSR fan), they actully have chemistry. It was just so moving to see the way they communicated without saying anything. Too bad the scene was so brief but hey I'll take what I can get, at least they gave us that much.

Did anyone else notice the simularity in the scene in Grissom's office with Greg and the one with Nick and Grissom in Daddy's little girl. It seemed like tha same " it's over " vibe.
That's why I love the WIKI. It's CBS owned and fans can add. I truely think that TPTB made it to see what the fans really want. That's why I make the Nick/Greg page the BIGGEST and the BEST!

Speaking of the WIKI, I read the summary for 7x19 "Lab Rats."

Hodges convinces fellow lab rats Archie, Henry, Mandy and Wendy that Grissom wants them to secretly investigate the so-called miniature murders while the CSIs are in the field probing other crimes. - I HATE Wendy and Mandy, but I love Archie. Sometimes stories like these make me wish Greg was still in the lab. Though, I'll always love that he's with Nick and hope for a case with them alone.
OK they not the best quality but here are a few pics of the guys looks in EE.


Their thoughts:
Nick: "It a real mess up there, but I promise I'll comfort you later.
Greg: "Oh, I know you will, baby"


If Greg's life is threatened in the finale (and I don't know that it will be) I hope it's Nick who saves him. that would be sweet.
Wojo said:
Only diffrence is Nick & Greg's love is real(I'm not a GSR fan), they actully have chemistry. It was just so moving to see the way they communicated without saying anything.

I couldn't agree you more. I mentioned it because I noticed the similarity in the Nick/Greg scene on the stairs and the Grissom/Sara scene at the end. And G/S is canon...maybe this is a good sign?... ;)

Wojo, thanks you so much for posting those pics of The Look. That's what I call CHEMISTRY.

Their chemistry is dripping off the screen every time they're together in a scene. :D
Awesome pictures! Is it officially The Look of Love, lol.

The Wave of Love, The Jaw Clench of Love, The Wink of Love, etc...etc...etc...Yeah, we could do one for everything.

The Marriage is a Public Declaration of Love, lol. JK

Since we're on page 14 now, here's the link to the voting one last time. I'm thinking about ending it tomorrow night.

Here you go! Hopefully I can get the final results posted on the WIKI soon after!
Your welcome all.
I thought the way Nick menuvered around the banister so he could look Greg in the eye was very telling in itself. He didn't have to do that but he did. Shows how much he cares for Greg.
Wojo said:
Your welcome all.
I thought the way Nick menuvered around the banister so he could look Greg in the eye was very telling in itself. He didn't have to do that but he did. Shows how much he cares for Greg.

Thanks for posting the pics, those are exactly the shots I was talking about :D
<3 I am mega excited about Thursday's eppy, I can't wait!

I hope nothing happens to Greg though. So, I have an idea for something we could do with so many caps, we could have a best caption contest. What does everyone think about that?
Well, I could post them on the WIKI. I never know what to say for a cap.

I wanted to make a new layout, but I'm really kind of stuck with ideas.

Maybe whomever can post a cap or two and we'll all decided what caption each of them should say.

I'll delete the current page now and just post them in the order I get them. How does that sound.

Also, I'm ALMOST done with my video. I'm saving it. It'll be on youtube, the greg files, the wiki, and my photobucket. Same screen name everywhere. PM me if you want a link.

PS- It's my favorite so far. :)

EDIT: I'm done with my video! PM me if you want a link.

Also, the voting is over cuz I think we got a very good top 10! And it hasn't been changing, the top ten just shifts a bit. Hope you like the list, I'm putting it up ASAP! One idea is to have video with the clips. Email me if you have clips you could send me...I have one already and a couple of people helping, but I'm sure I'll need more.
Hey guys! I wrote a fic that is now in the fanfiction thread. I hope you go read and review since it is the first CSI fic I have written. I usually write Harry Potter stuff, so this was new.

Oh, as for Thursday night's episode, I am way to excited. When I get to see Greg's bright and shining face up on the screen, I get all mushy. Then add in the cannon love from Nick, and I am in heaven.

EDIT: Oh, twins1729, I don't need the links. I went to YouTube and searched for you.
I love this scene from "Chasing The Bus"; it was Greg's first time on the field and he just...froze up. Nick was so sweet:"It's all right man. Stop apologizing..." and then, he told Greg about his "first time".


(NICK and GREG walk down the hill)

GREG: "I guess I just wasn't expecting blood to look like that. Pre-collection, so different".

NICK: "Yup. I remember my first time in the field. CSI One. Green as could be. Initial call was a robbery. I got there, triple homicide. Blood all over the place, mother and two kids".

(NICK puts on his gloves as they reach the bottom of the hill, GREG close behind him)

GREG: "How do you deal?."

NICK: "You just do."

Five years later, Greg is already a CSI. But this look of concern on Nick's face says how much he cares ;)

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