The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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The episode was pretty good. I remembered halfway to do my summary so I had to use my memory to count scenes. I could be off by one or two scenes for both guys. They did really well. I feel so bad for Greg. Without giving away the preview, it made me go 'whoa' when it ended. I can't wait to see what happens!
Hey guy's I am sorry that I missed the chat! I really wanted to be there and I tryed for 15 min's but my stupid crappy computer :mad: would not load wiki page right and I could not get on!!!! :mad: I am so mad, did I miss anything good. What do you think is going to happen with Greg now :confused:.
We're still talking now, but it's just me and Elizabeth.

I'll wait and see with Greg, poor baby!

You can try again if you like, we'll wait. :)
We should just keep chatting back and forth here too LOL.

Hopefully next weeks episode is better so more Love fans join in, but it was fun anyway!

Nick's been with Greg throughout this whole thing, so hopefully Nick will be there next week by his side!
Blah. I tried joining the chatty-chat. The computer refuses to load my page. And am I seriously 'gabber84?'

AH! And the QAF guy was brilliant. My cousin and I freaked out her parents because we had a conversation about him (is that him? noooooo...yeah, it is, his eyes just look different)

Huh...I think that if we ever get some actual, serious relationship building type stuff between these two, it won't be until we're through a few more seasons. I mean, really...I'd guess...season ten? Eleven? Look at how long Grissom/Sara fans had to wait...
Yeah, but we've been waiting since the beginning too!

LOL. I love Robert Gant, I fipped when I saw his name.

He was a journalist writing a novel, what a stretch from Ben, Robert. :)
Hey, sorry I missed the chat last night. I crashed just before midnight my time. I posted a long rant in the thread for 'Empty Eyes' if you want to read my thoughts. I'm too lazy to re-type them.

Loved the Nick/Greg scene... Greg is looking better every eppy. And I think next week's eppy will be Greg-centric... I'm waiting for that one!
Don't worry Kassie, I'm sure if it was a better Nick/Greg episode, more people would have perticipated. Now I can't wait until next weeks episode, it looks so good! Now only 6 more days! I hope they fly by!
I cant wate to see next week's episode to, hopefuly Greg and Nick have big part's in that one.Twins1729 when Robert Grant had his scean, I was like mom it's Ben form Queer as Folk. My sister new right away as well and when he was being interviwed by Brass and he said that he was wrighting a book I laughed sooooooooooooooo hard. That is BEN right there lol I did't see a big diffrence.
I'm so sorry I missed the chat, I had a test in the morning so I couldn't stay up late :(

I saw the eppy, I loved the look Nick gave Greg in the beginning! Hopefully next week will have more of them both.
I don't have Photoshop at school, so now that I am at home, I have been making stuff with the program, fiddling with Nick and Greggo. My banner is just one result.
*snugs banner*
Goodness I love The Love!
Does anyone have caps or know where to find them of the looks between Nick and Greg last night when Greg was arriving at the scene??

I wish I could help with the screencaps...Yet I can't. Sorry...

-rubs hands together- I'm excited! I finished my fanfiction! I'm actually quite happy with it. Word kept screwing it up and I have absolutely no idea where to post it (well, I do, but I can't figure it out/am not allowed to yet).

And LJ's Nick/Greg community makes me feel stupid and confused...Because I cannot understand it.
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