The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Holy crap, I was totally thinking about that at, like, seven-thirty this morning...I kept thinking that it'd all be okay, that nothing bad would happen, and then I'd tell myself that, 'no, something bad's going to happen. I know it. Or, nothing at all will happen and it'll be a complete letdown.' Really. I try to get myself ready for disappointment so it's not such a shocker when it actually happens.

CSI does this to me a lot...with their supposed scenes of which they change...*grumbles* This is why I love fanfiction. ^_^ You can do whateeeeeeeeeeever you want. :devil:
Oh man I am so excited for tonight's episode I am turning my phone off. I NEVER tune my phone off inless I have to or I am watching LOST or CSI lol and it's going to be good. Any way's I live in Victoira BC so I am going to seeing the episode at 9:00pm. It is a ok wate because at 8:00pm I will be watching SMALLVILLE and then I can turn right to CSI.
I can't wait for the new episode! I'm practically dying over here! Supernatural is on at the same time. Oh the agony but...Nick and Greg come first! Hmm is it me or is WMTDB being slow? Or it could be because my library isn't letting me on anymore. Heh. I'm a sneaky girl when it comes to these two!

I kinda started a story (slightly AU in terms of the kid but follows the series) about Nick and Greg's daughter who also goes through what they do during the major events throughout the series. I seriously need to have it looked over before even thinking of putting it up anywhere.
It's on at 9 for me, but I won't watch it until 10. The other twin gets off at work at 9:30 and I'm leaving at 9 (to make sure it's recording right) so I can make sure we can leave on time. Then we'll watch it when we get home. Which works good that the chat isn't until 1:15 am for me. I told my brothers (my dad wouldn't mess with it, and my little sister and step mom are on their way to a school trip in Florida) that if they mess with it, I'll kill

I'll still post the direct link later tonight. Yay! :)
THREE HOURS! *bites nails and bounces* I really cannot wait! Luckily, my room mate left this morning for the weekend, so the room will be quiet for the show. Survior first, CSI second,then in heaven Kassie shall be.

I'm sure these have been here a thousand times, but in honor of Greg and Nick in tonight's eppy, here is a bit of a song for you...

Secret lovers
That's what we are

Two hours to go at the edit.
LOL love the pics Kassie. I have to ask.... is it worng that my naboure need's help cleaning his house for his birthday party, see he is my naboure but he is also my machanic and has helped me on so many difrent occasions, but I dont want to go help him, but my sister is. They are going to clean and then watch CSI. But I know if I go over there and clean they wont let me come home and watch CSI. They will want me to stay and watch it with them. But my nabour who I love is soooooooooooooooooo anyoying to watch CSI with, or anything for that matter. I want to watch CSI with NO interuptions. But I still kinda feel bad.
Kassie said:

I'm sure these have been here a thousand times, but in honor of Greg and Nick in tonight's eppy, here is a bit of a song for you...

Secret lovers
That's what we are

Kassie, Love those pics...and the song too ;)

And while we're waiting for tonight's episode, here are some Nick/Greg scenes from this season.

"Fallen Idols":


This smirk from "Meet Market":


And The Wink of Love :D

Good pics but the smirk I thought was from Sweet Jane. Anyway less than an hour to CSI, new N/G scene.
Yay! I managed to get my access to Talk CSI back! Some mean person blocked it from my school, so luckily I'm on good terms with the IT guy here. See, even teachers get their access blocked. Boy it sucks.

Anyway, as to what I missed... I'm afraid I won't be joining you on the chat thingy. My laptop still hasn't arrived and thus, while on school holidays, I will have two weeks without the internet. It is going to hurt.

As for the new N/G moment coming up - can't wait! I'm still waiting for them to air "Post Mortem" here, so I have something to look forward to. Hopefully all future CSI eps for season 7 will contail N/G. Keep the fans happy. Man I'm hanging out for "Empty Eyes" spoilers...
Oh, I feel so bad for you Clarrisani! I hope we can see you there when you get your laptop!

NickyandGreggo, I hate to say it, but CSI and Nick/Greg come first. Okay, so I don't hate to say it, but you have to enjoy CSI the way YOU want to enjoy it.

Wojo, it's from 'Meet Market,' they didn't have anything in 'Sweet Jane.'

Jeez, there's been more posts here in the past few hours than in the past few days. lol
CSI is sometimes disappointing. (like tonight's episode) But that's okay. Because now I've got a pretty good idea for a niiiiice little fanfiction. ^_^ Let's just hope it doesn't turn out like millions of others.
This episode was mildy dissappointing. However, I still want to chat.

If you want to as well, it's at 1:15 am Eastern. In about 2 and half hours. Here's the LINK .

I still loved the look! I mean, they seriously didn't say a word. They just looked. That's awesome subtext! (And slashyness!) Plus, Nick looked around the stairs to see

There was three scenes with Greg, about twice for Nick. But 'Big Shots' looks like a good Greg episode, so I'm waiting for next week!

What Grissom said to Greg sucked! I felt for Greg, I wanted Nick to be there to comfort him, but CSI hates us.

Though, I still have my feeling. There's 6 episodes left for me to be proved wrong. ;)

Yay! For Robert Gant! I saw his name and cheered! It's nice to see him. (He played Ben in Queer as Folk!)

Also, I knew that guy was the killer. Sara was holding his hand and I knew she would feel stupid later, which she did. I like her and all, but I couldn't help but laugh.

That's it. See you all in the chat!
Man I am sorry that the ep was alittle disaponting, but why would Nick take the effort to look around and see Greg.... any way's I love Queer as Folk and it was nice to see him. I will try and talk on the board later.Dont worry twins I am sure Nick comfert's Greg in privet :D.
So what everyone who's seen the episode is saying is despite the promising promo the episode produced very little in the way of Nick/Greg? That sucks. From what I've seen the entire episode was disappointing. Fingers crossed for the next one then.

I hate being out of the loop, I really do. I'm going to make do with my DVDs, my saved stories and tinker with a couple of fan fics of my own over the break. There is one I would really like to get finished and posted. Here's hoping I get it done before I get hooked up online at home.
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