The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Twins ummm up to you I wasn't sure if that was the right sorta thing. Atually I'll Pm it too you tommorow with Living Legends coz im recording that one as i type this so you can have both at the same time.

And I completley agree with you Serienty you see the posts and you go 'Ohhh yeah i love that one' :)
eggbe4thechicken said:
Hey! I thought I would just pop in and go
Have you seen the new promo? It's up on, but it says it is called ABRTI2, very strange. Anyway they have a scene, which is real sweet, and bit of eyesecks! Just thought I would let you know!

thanks for the heads up! That promo looks promising!

There is a lot of Greg shown in the promo too! The scene with NIck has potentional - go see
Just watched the promo for EE and ow that looks like a gd episode and also it does look promising from our perspective too :) Those two are amazing how they can say so much without actually having any lines, just they're eyes thats talent that is (and love too :p)

Thanks for that eggb4thechicken
I'm so exictied for Empty Eyes now! I can't wait!

Remember, after every new episode official Nick/Greg CSI chats in the Gabbly Chat on the forum page on the WIKI!

I can't wait to see you all there to chat about the ep!

BTW-Don't worry Swami, it's fine, like I said, it's ok if it's short and sweet.
Oooo, more Nick/Greg interaction. I think TPTB are starting to get the message. Perhaps we are seeing what CSI:Wiki can do! Fingers crossed.

And Twins, I'm still working on Season 2. Just did Organ Grinder. Aim to complete a few more episodes tonight since nothing worth watching is on tv... well, after I do my ironing and some marking anyway...
Yes, it seems TPTB are starting to get the message. Maybe, they've realized that Nick/Greg has a pretty large following. The fact they are always showing Nick/Greg scenes in the promos, speaks volume to me :D

Serenity, I always like to post pics because, as Grissom says, "the evidences never lie" ;)

The rest of my fave N/G scenes:

6. "The Hunger Artist"; because Nick is, definitely, an ass man:


7. "Primum Non Nocere", because, come on, could they be any more closer?. You couldn't pass a razor between them!


8. "Slaves of Las Vegas". Because Nick is invading Greg's personal space and staring at his mouth:


9. "Felonious Monk"; because the boys are TOO obvious in this scene, even in front of Grissom:


10. The last but not least: the Jaw Clench of Love: The boys don't even need to be together in the same scene...

I agree seabird! LOL.

Have you guys ever noticed that whenever CBS uploads promo videos to youtube, they always seem to be Nick/Greg moments.

Some have been: Their scene in Burnout, the Jaw Clench of Love,the Wink of Love. Plus more.

It's great!
Blah, I don't have the right plugin to view the promo >_<! When do the new eppys start up again, and when do they show the season seven reruns on CBS? Did they move the time?
This new episode Empty eyes aire on Mar 29th, and the re-runs have not been on due to basketball games.

I am looking forward to this ep not just because of the N/G scene but...
Grissom is supposed to give Greg some disturbing news about his civil case. Remember do not discuss this without a spoiler-thanks.
What do you think Grissom would know about Greg's civil case that Greg doesn't? I don't understand because, why would Grissom know? He hasn't been paying much attention to Greg all season.
twins1729 said:
What do you think Grissom would know about Greg's civil case that Greg doesn't? I don't understand because, why would Grissom know? He hasn't been paying much attention to Greg all season.

I wish I knew, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Hey guys I am freaking out I really hope they dont kill Greg off. This is just me but I am on edge because I really want to know so bad what they are going to do to him. He stil have the civle sute,the brother and the emotion stress to deal with.I have not heard if Eric is coming back for next season I think we would have if he is not but I still feel on edge, I just want it all over with now lol. I hope nothing bad will happen and he will turn out ok lets keep our fingers crossed.

seabird I think of of your pic's that you posted is a manip. The one with Greg covering his eye, I remember seeing that scean and I dont remember seeing them stand so close. I hope I am wrong but I dont think I am.
Nope, it's not a manip it is a genuine screencap. If you watch the episode you can see Greg has to squeeze past Nick, and Nick makes absolutely no attempt to step back.

I think we've had this discussion before......
NickyandGreggo said:
Hey guys I am freaking out I really hope they dont kill Greg off. This is just me but I am on edge because I really want to know so bad what they are going to do to him. He stil have the civle sute,the brother and the emotion stress to deal with.I have not heard if Eric is coming back for next season I think we would have if he is not but I still feel on edge, I just want it all over with now lol. I hope nothing bad will happen and he will turn out ok lets keep our fingers crossed.

seabird I think of of your pic's that you posted is a manip. The one with Greg covering his eye, I remember seeing that scean and I dont remember seeing them stand so close. I hope I am wrong but I dont think I am.

You should check out the "Returning stars thread" HERE
Last I heard Jorja Fox is the only one who has not resigned, but this should be discussed in there.

And Serenity is right, the screencap mentioned above is the real thing.
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