The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Wonderful, thanks.

I always thought Nick wore some sort of college/high school ring and changed the fingers he wore it on.

I would like to see 50 votes (stretching it).
Nick wears a ring? *would make a horrible csi* anyway, I voted. it took me forever fyi, all of those were so good...
I remember that ring! I got all scared cause I thought he was married,but then I saw it on his middle finger so that eased my mind XD. Anyways, I loved the poll, I got my guild members to vote as well.
Guys, I have a topic, if Nick/Greg never happens on CSI, would you rather that they stay single, or if they do have a girlfriend, they never mention it (or boyfriend) or would you want them happy with someone?

I'd rather no one! But I'm selfish like that! ;)
Well, when there's no one on the scene, it makes it so much easier to believe that they're secretly together! But even if they do give them girlfriends (I really can't see TPTB giving them boyfriends, tbh) I wouldn't worry about it because we can always work around that!

By the way, Seabird brought it to my attention last night that the Nick/Greg article I put on the slash fiction page on Wiki had been removed. Of course I went straight back in and added it again, but I would be grateful if you guys could let me know if it disappears again.

That's just crap that someone would do that! The GSR page is locked so that can't happen,( they have more enemies than we do!) why can't we have that done too? But on the other hand we couldn't add stuff to the page like we can now. Its a double edge sword.

Well anyway, I would rather the guys stay unattached, that way we can use are imaginations. (like we do now) TPTB should not change a thing, except more cases together, an actual case of their own would be sweet.

BTW - I found this pic of the guys in Brazil that I've never seen before, unfortunatly it's only thumbnail size. Has anyone see it before, or have a larger version?

No I haven't seen that before, sorry.

George looks hot! Damn Paul, can't see Eric that well, but as much as I can, he looks damn good too!

I agree Serenity, if they do give them girlfriends, we would work our way around it.

What's awesome though is they haven't really talked about girlfriends since the early season :) .
I wouldn't mind either way, because in fanfiction, WE control what happens :devil: but I would want them to stay single.

*notices George in pic* HOLY CRAP!! Can you say arm porn?!
I wonder where that pic was from...
Hey Wojo I have seen the pic befor but I do not have a larger version sorry. I would also reather the boy's stay single. I feel that if Nick and Greg were already together then they happend in maybe season 6. I think the first while was just them flirting and being good frineds, then I think that when Nick was barried alive everything changed for them and that is why they are together now.
Wojo said:

Well anyway, I would rather the guys stay unattached, that way we can use are imaginations. (like we do now) TPTB should not change a thing, except more cases together, an actual case of their own would be sweet.

BTW - I found this pic of the guys in Brazil that I've never seen before, unfortunatly it's only thumbnail size. Has anyone see it before, or have a larger version?


Yeah, I would rather our boys stayed single too and a case together, just the two of them.... would be a dream come true! :)

Wojo, I've found two more pics but they're also tiny:


Two more pics from the Brazil trip:



And Nick and Greg are obvious, lol.

Man, it's 4 days until Empty Eyes, I can't wait.

Remember to vote in the poll if you haven't yet. Also, pass it on to anyone who's a fan. Maybe try to get more people from WMTDB. I still don't know how long I'll keep it open.
Thanks seabird , I haven't seen those first two before either, and in the 1st one do you notice the way Eric is looking at George...cute. PLus they are both sleavless (GE is wearing the shirt he's holding up in the middle pic)
*drools* Oh I cannot wait till Empty Eyes! The suspense is killing me!
Twins, do you want me to resend you the pilot summery or do you just wanna edit it and post it?

I'll have some more done by Tuesday
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