The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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See, that is why it is so much fun! It is "pseudo-canon" it's there, you just gotta look least that's what I think...
Just a quick question that CSIElizabeth reminded me of just now - are we going to include the games, comics and novels on our CSIwiki page? As you can see I have a Nick/Greg quote from Double Dealer in my signature and there is a scene in another book that features boy touching. Should we include this as well? Make ours the most comprehensive Relationship page on CSIwiki.
I have the games. *woop-woop*

I've never read the books.

I've never even heard of the comics.

*Hears the gasps*

I'm sorry. It may be hard to believe, but I'm still quite new to the fandom. Maybe a year-and-a-half or so, but still...

I would have no moding-type capabilities. So, if someone wanted to write summaries for all of the books, games, or comics, go right ahead. I just wouldn't be able to help a lot. I hope I don't sound cocky. It's OUR WIKI!! I just like to see myself as some sort of a moderator. :)

And yes, SwamiCSIaholic, you can do "Living Legend."


In "Random Acts of Violence," when Greg says:

"Look, I thought that you and I had a relationship. What are you doing taking Archie out into the field instead of me?"

We love it, I know. It's awesome, I know!

However, does he mean that they have a relationship because Nick's taken him out into the field before? So he would've expected to go with him again.

Or! Does he mean that him and Nick have a general relationship of just being in the lab together (what we've seen). So, he would've expected to be the first to go out into the field with Nick when the time came.

I don't know which side is better! What do you think?
Ummm to awnser your question twins1729 up till that point I dont think Greg had gone out into the fild yet whith Nick asking him. He had only done thing's with Grissom asking at that point I think. So I would go with what you said in the seconed choice.

On another note, I have a really good fanfic idea but I am a horrible wrighter so I thoght I would throw it out there for any one elts. Someone might even be wrighing it but here it is. I am sure every one has seen the new car comircal that is out where the husband and wife are leaving the bank and the wife was like "that was easer then I expected." The husband says "I told you so",(they are getting into the car) then he starts the car turns to his wife and and say's "see you not only that this (points to his body)when you married me,but you also got this"(points to his head)the wife just nods exsaperatedly. The husband then go's to back the car up and it jerks forward he slams on the braks and looks at his wife. The wife looks back and say's "what did I get again" the husband very slowly and embasingly ponts to his head and says "this"......

Now can any one elts see Nick and Greg doing this. They could be leaving work and Greg could be rubbing it in that he solved the big case then he could make the mistake and Nick could poke fun at him. Every time I see the comercal I laugh so hard because I see them everytime.
I have the game Dark Motives, I've seen the books like once, but I knew about them and the comics, I've never read either though...*sighs* looks like I'm doing some looking then, on a magical quest to obtain the tomes of CSI, in the name of the love, I will try to find them!*poses dramatically* >:D *listens for cheering hears only crickets* :\ ok, I guess I'll be going then...*walks off* Wait! *turns* Does anyone have an idea where to find these things and how old they are?
Okay, seriously. I'm sick of dominating like it's my job. :p lol JK

I have yet another idea for a page on the WIKI. It'll be ten times easier than the other one!



I want everyone to nominate their favorite Nick/Greg scenes. When I get enough, I'll tally them up and then have everyone pick their top ten. Then *ta-da* we'll have "The Top 10 Nick/Greg Moments: As voted by the fans."

I'll worry about the complicated tallying parts. Just pick your scenes. You can choose 1 or 27, whatever you want. Just make sure you do. Also, SPREAD THE WORD! Tell, every Love fan that you know. Especially if they don't visit WMTDB, the Fort, etc. You can post for someone else, that's fine. I'll need someone to also post this on the LJ's. Just tell them to pick their scenes and email them to me at Post yours here though. If someone else nominated a scene, you can too.

These are mine.

The Jaw Clench "Fannysmackin'"

It leaves marks "Room Service"

The Wave "Shooting Stars"

Relationship "Random Acts of Violence"

I'm open 24 hours "A Little Murder"

Anal Swab "Pilot"

Chest Pat "Who are you?"

Thanks Doll "Bad Words"

These aren't all of them, but I'm sure the rest of you will post plenty. Again, post what you want, even if it's been said 100 times before. It's posting your favorite, not what's missing. I don't know how long I'll let this go on, but I'll let you know when I have enough. Then I'll post a top 20 maybe, or more...depending. Then you'll all pick your top ten. Somehow, I'm still working on that part.

Thanks again for help on the episode page. I love you all. Again, if someone wants to make a summary to the games, books or comics, go right ahead. Check bigger book stores or for the books nickfangirl.

Also, respond to my question from my previous post. ^^
Alrighty here are my fav moments

Chest pat 'Who are you'

Thanks Doll 'Bad Words'

Jaw Clench and punch 'Fannysmakin'

Anal Swabs 'Pilot'

Grissom tells Nick he should take Greg to lunch 'Evaluation Day'

Leggo of my Greggo 'Scuba doobie doo' (I know those last two doesn't have Greg in it but its about him)

And my all time fav

Nick openly perving on Greg's Arse when he eats Noodels 'but the only problem is i can't remeber wht episode that one is from does anyone know????'

So there you go those are mine

Liquid Latex conversation (Slaves of Las Vegas)
The Leggo My Greggo Line *squeals* (Scuba Doobie Doo)
The scene where Greg calls Nick 'Baby'(whatever eppy that was from)
Thanks Doll (Bad Words)
Nick's thoughts on Greg's porn hiding place (Caged)

And finally, my favorite and most likely the best moment in the history of CSI Slash: Nick checking out Greg's ass. That is the scene I use as proof ;D

Also, you will be happy to know, Gaia online will soon be graced with the Guild; The Love: A Nick/Greg guild. I will be sure to tell my friends on Gaia about our wiki. I've shown all of them WMTDB so yeah :D :D
Ok every scean that was mentioned I want to add two my list two. BUT I also want to add

I love you sign instead of rock on done by Nick and we know he know's the correct way to sign rock on becuae he dose it in another episode correctly.Sorry I cant remember what epidose thes are.

The scean where Grissom tell's Greg that he should get his prostate checked, Greg wiht no hesataton say it's fine. How dose he know it's fine, he is to young to need a prostate exam.... so Nick must be checking it for him :devil: that is the only resanibl conclusion I can come to. (It the epidose where the kid's remains are found in the sewer drain.

The hole weding conversation at the diner in Rashomama. The look's and what they say is enuff to know the love is there :D.

Nick openly looking at Greg's ass when he is eating Noodels.

GREG: But when it's important to Nick here, I push further.
in the episode overload....(Im sure he dose push "further" when Nick ask's him to :devil: :devil:...)

Liquid Latex conversation (Slaves of Las Vegas)

The Leggo My Greggo Line (Scuba Doobie Doo)

The scene where Greg calls Nick 'Baby'(whatever eppy that was from)

Nick's thoughts on Greg's porn hiding place (Caged)

Jaw Clench and punch 'Fannysmakin'

Anal Swabs 'Pilot'

Grissom tells Nick he should take Greg to lunch 'Evaluation Day'

It leaves marks "Room Service"

The Wave "Shooting Stars"

Relationship "Random Acts of Violence"

I'm open 24 hours "A Little Murder"

Chest Pat "Who are you?"

Thanks Doll "Bad Words"

if I think of more I will add them. But this is it for now.
The eye f*ckage scene in Felonious Monk

The Chest pat in Who are you

FannySmakin jaw clench

The teary look in Nick's eyes in Most Mortem "What can we do to help him" scene with Warrick.

The draw on glass board scenes in caged and the name that chemicle compound scene (cant remember ep name).

Nick checks out Greg's ass

the wave in shooting stars

The "I love you" sign Nick gives Greg in sign language.

Leggo my Greggo line in Scuba doobie do

The WINK in Redrum!!!

In Fallen Idols Nick calls Greg Casanova.

In "Dead Ringer" after Sara hands NIck the paton she and Greg hug - although this may seem like a Sandle moment it tells me that Greg was waiting with Nick before it was his turn to run.

I love all of your scenes. I'm going through them later, but I'm not posting the results until the votings over.

I decided that the nominations will be over by Thursday. I want it done quickly. Please spread the word.

Spread this LINK.

If you know someone who doesn't frequent the internet. Please ask them what their favorite scenes are and tell me here.

Please and thanks.
I'm going to do mine in order.

1. Major eye sex in Felonius Monk
2. Nick calls Greg Casanova in Fallen Idols
3. Leggo My Greggo
4. The whole "I thought we had a relationship" conversation from Random Acts of Violence
5. The Jaw Clench of Love
6. Nick checks out Greg's butt
7. Greg freezes in the field in Chasing the Bus
8. Nick calls Greg "doll" in Bad Words. Has anyone ever noticed that Nick touches Greg's chest, but when the go to the other angle, he's touching his shoulder?
9. Nick looks to Greg for support in Rashomama (and the declaration of love part)
10. Nick wants to help Greg in Post Mortem

That's it. There are so many more, but these are my favorites.
Come on guys, over 15 hours! We need more nominatios!

By the way, the Wiki page is looking really good, does anyone have any ideas for a new page! Just wondering. Our page is the second largest compared to the Cath and Grissom page, but that page is made by the moderator because it's her favorite ship.
Hey twins1729 I finished season 4 yaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I will send it to you tomrrow. I also wanted to no if any one can provide me with a link to the Marlin Manson vido with Eric in it. That would rock thanks guys.
Hey awesome NickyandGreggo! I can't wait to add it! I need to get my rear in gear, I still have to do most of mine! I watched the Marilyn Manson video with Eric on youtube, just search (S)aint, that's what it's called and you should find it.
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