The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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I can't recall the ep names at the top of my head but here are my moments

Chest Pat in Who Are You
Declaration of Love in Rashomama
Leggo my Greggo
'My spit's getting on you' vice versa I-15 Murders
Liquid Latex dialogue
Greg assures Nick he was not exposed to Ricin- Caged
Jaw Clench Fannysmackin
"I love you" sign
Nick calling Greg Casanova
Wave- Shooting Stars
Of course. Remember to spread the word of the voting. Nickfangirl you can email me at

I added a banner to every page on the WIKI. I also talked to the moderator and she put me on the list for potential mods in the future. :)

Also, she moved all the comments to the "Forum" page. Please talk there! I would love to see all of you! There's also a chat box and a poll. I would really like everyone to add art, videos, fanfiction (even just a link to your story), anything George and Eric. Or anything else you can think of! However, leave the screencaps page alone for a while. I'm making something that will take it's place.

Do you think we can have official CSI Nick/Greg chats in the forum section after every new episode on Thursdays (in the chat box)?

Also, sign the fan list if you haven't yet!!!!

I'm still working away on season 2. Just did 'Slaves of Las Vegas'. Y'know, I think I got one of the better seasons for The Love...

Now... favourite moments. Damn, I've really had to think about this.... hmm...

1. Public Declaration of Love - Rashomama
2. Liquid Dishwashing Soap - Scuba Doobie Doo
3. You Wanted to See Me? - Stalker
4. The Look - Felonious Monk
5. Arse Check - The Hunger Artist
6. Jaw Clench - Fannysmackin'
7. I Thought We Had a Relationship - Random Acts of Violence
8. Liquid Latex - Slaves of Las Vegas
9. Greg Gives Nick Skin Care Tips - Burked
10. Nick Signs "I Love You" - Abra-Cadaver

And many more... but those are the main ones I like. I do watch every scene over and over. And I know #9 is random, but I just think it was funny that Greg told Nick how to cure his acne.
No one is really mentioning the one I added.

In "Room Service" when Greg is working in the DNA lab for Ecklie, then Warrick and Nick come up to him. I know that Nick is picking on him, but it's cute.

Then they're talking about the stockings and the socks and Greg mentions BCP - Breath Control Play.

He says that couples (I love how he uses the words 'couples') increae their partners pleasure with strangulation. He then tilts his head and - somewhat - whispers to Nick, "And if you're not careful it leaves marks."

Then and there, any doubt that I have ever had about their relationship was washed away. I'm convinced that they have been dating at least after Grave Danger. It inspired to me to being writing a Nick/Greg story where they used to date and Nick's trying to win Greg back.

I guess I'll let you know when chapter one is posted.

Still, does anyone love that scene as much as me?
*dives for Season 6 tapes*

I had completely forgotten about that scene. I love it just for the way Greg reacts when Warrick and Nick come up behind him. It was a definate "here we go again" look, and then all the subtle flirting... You're right, that was a definate sign that they very much could have something going on. Just as the whole Liquid Latex discussion in "Slaves of Las Vegas" was an 'ask me out already!'.
Thank you!

I thought I was crazy. I knew that others liked that scene, because I've pictures and videos containing it. However, I never see it mentioned.

I love it.

Also, their earlier scene in that episode, Greg has an "Eye Sex pt. 2" thing going when he gives Nick this smirky look after Nick tells him to stop kissing Ecklies ass.
Twins1729 me and my sister both vote for that scean. I forgot about it, but your were right it rocked I agree with what you say. I just rewatched it, AND who can forget THE SCEAN I cant belive no one has mentioned it yet and that I forgot to, Nick siad it himself(sorry I dont remember the episdoe name I know it was a new one with Keppler) Nick admitted that he is a ASS MAN, and that the brest emplants were to big for his likeing and we all know why, he like's his flat chest's Greg's I would say.
I've already said this but, thanks guys ! ALL you are doing a great job :D

My fave Nick/Greg scenes would be:

1. Chest touch in "Who are you?" (because all we know how much Nick likes a flat chest: ;)


2. The whole scene from "Scuba Doobie Doo" where they talk about lubricants :devil:, while Greg is getting closer...and closer...

3. Greg teasing Nick in "I-15 Murders": "my spit's getting on you..."..."It's so Jennifer Lopez!" Plus, boytouching!


4. Greg's first time on the field in "Chasing The Bus".

5. This scene from "Anatomy of a Lye"

"Who me?"


"Yes, you". You can see the Love on Nick's face:


More later.
Seabird, I love to see you posting because I know that you'll always have some gorgeous photos for us to drool over!

There's a huge list, it's so great to read them all, some I've forgotten about and then I see it and go "oh yeah, I love that one!"
Twins is this the sought of thing you meant

Nick,Greg and the rest of the team investiagte the killings of two identical twins whose deaths may or may not be connected.
-Nick appers in 10 scenes
-Greg apperes in 3 scenes
-They don't apper in any scenes together
-Nick sings to Mandy
-Greg refers to the other case as 'Nick's case' rather than Catherine's case or Catherine and Nick's case
Nick/Greg Rating= 2/10
Hey! I thought I would just pop in and go
Have you seen the new promo? It's up on, but it says it is called ABRTI2, very strange. Anyway they have a scene, which is real sweet, and bit of eyesecks! Just thought I would let you know!
Thanks for the nominations Seabird, I completely forgot the "Who me?", "Yes you" scene! Serenity is sooo right! You see a scene and then go, oh yeah!

That's perfect SwamiCSIaholic! Very good job! I can't wait to add them all! (Do you want me to copy and paste on my main list now, or are you going to send it to me with others?)

eggbe4thechicken thanks so much for the info! I'll go there now!

We need more nominations people! Even if you have to say them again! If you want your favorite scene to be at the top of the list, I stongly suggest this!
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