The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Wow looky here I'm only away for a bit and when I come back looks like we're startting a mini war against the haters :) The project sounds brillient Twins , you seem to have the series covered but if there's anything I can do tell me I'd love to help ( but i can't do series 7 coz i don't have them and they're gone from you tube o wait i could do happenstance coz i recoreded that last night )

Do you all like the avitar btw just set it up YAY :D
Thanks so much SwamiCSIaholic!!!!

CSIElizabeth can do the new episodes that air and you can do the reruns that air of season 7.

What do you think guys?

Yay! Avatars! It's cute. Speaking of that I added all of my finished avatars to the Fan Art section of the WIKI page if you don't have one to use you could use one of those. When you reach 100 posts of course. :)
That sounds good to me! I did Double-Crossed already, I just wanted to run it by you. When I get home tonight, twins, I'll type it up and send it to you in a PM.
Okay, let's see if I'm getting this right...

- The team investigate the death of Tony Braun.
- The theme song "Who Are You" appears for the first time on Australian DVDs.
- George Ead's dog Maverick makes a cameo appearance.
- Nick appears in 5 scenes.
- Greg appears in 2 scenes.
- Nick and Greg appear in 1 scene together.

Rating: 4/10


Let me know if I'm on the right track, Twins. Thus far I've watched episodes 1-4 but I want to double check before I continue.

Just make sure you say Nick, Greg (and the rest of the team) - or something similar to that - instead of just "The team." It's a Nick/Greg summary.

I'm working on my surprise (and the episodes, plus more WIKI pages, avatars, etc...I've got my work cut out for me!) and I was looking at the episode list for season 1.

Face Lift
$35K OBO

They're right next to each other.

Now, if I remember correctly and I'm not reading too much into it...."Face Lift" Greg was chatting the phone with his girlfriend (or boyfriend or cat for that matter, he never says what). He's saying "...No I love you more..." and when Nick clears his throat " baby."

So, we assume he's seeing someone. Okay...suuuure.

VERY NEXT EPISODE! He's talking to Nick about going on a date with a girl (and you assume it's his first date with her). Okay, last week he loves his girlfriend and the next week he's seeing someone else. AND he's only talking about them in front of Nick.

Greg Sanders, you sly dog. Quit trying to make Nick jealous by making up girlfriends.

Do you guys agree with this or am I reading too much into it?
If you listen closly you can hear a female voice answering Greg back when he's on the phone. Clever boy.
He's probably roped his Mum into helping!!!

Just wanted to thank all the people who are taking the time to make this extensive Nick and Greg scenes list, all the slashers appreciate it!
twins1729, did you get the PM I sent? I wanted to make sure because I pulled something in my back last night and reaching my arm out to type just about killed me and now I can't remember if it went through. I'll try again later.

Greg was so funny and cute in those episodes. He could have gotten one of his female friends to help, also. She'd be like...'I should get paid for this.'
Maybe it was his friend's answering machine, I'll watch it with headphones so I can hear it.

Surprise? Ooooo, what is it? lol just kidding, don't tell then it won't be surprising ;)

I've been busy with college, but I have been doing the scene list, I wish I could be as devoted to my school work =P
Serenity said:
He's probably roped his Mum into helping!!!

Now that wouldn't surprise me in the least! :lol: I'm gonna have to watch these episodes again. I love hearing others interpretations of a scene. Makes me appreciate particular episodes that much more. =)
Maybe it's Catherine and they were just messing around. You know, like if Nick were to ask Greg out, she would be the first person stomping up to him yelling "Finally!" I would say Sara, but that wouldn't explain all of their freakin' flirting. *yak*

Again, thanks for the help on the WIKI and if you aren't helping the support is wonderful. I can not wait until we're done! I'm sorry CSIElizabeth, I didn't get a PM. I hope you feel better.
It was probably a freind he recruited to help him, it definatly was not an answering maching because she was talking back to him and it wasn't Cath's voice either.

It's funny that he would do that to make Nick jealous.
I love the sly smile on his face when Nick coughs behind him its like 'YES THE PLAN WORKED' Sort of smile its great :)

Oh and Twins the next episode out here is Living Legend on Tuesday, is anyone doing that one I will if not.
Ack. I really should be spending more time correcting my students work. Have a nice big pile of it sitting on my desk at home for three different classes, some of which have two different assignments that need marking. There goes my weekend... well, when I'm not building on the Seasn 2 list anyway...

I've always felt that Greg and Sara knew each other back in San Francisco and that she would help him try and win over Nick on the condition that he helped her win over Grissom. In summery, they flirt with each other to make their targets jealous! Note that much of the time Grissom or Nick are around when Sara and Greg flirt, or someone else who would tell Grissom or Nick (namely Catherine, Warrick or Hodges).

Mind you, Greg just may have gotten his guy first. Sure it doesn't appear to be canon like GSR, but if you read the subtext... :p I get it, twins. I had to reread the FAQ. The PM feature doesn't work till I have 100 posts. Anywho...I keep getting story ideas for Nick/Greg. That would be fun to write if my life wasn't so hectic. I'm going to type up what I summarizied for Double Crossed before I forget.
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