The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Great pic Wojo!

Yeah, it is a hate crime. They stated many times over that "homosexuality doesn't exist on CSI". Whatever dude. I just don't understand why they bother. I thought what you put up top would at least have some meaning to some people.

The main reason now I want Greg and Nick to REALLY hook up is so I can yell, HA HA HA HA HA! In the haters faces. That would be so deliciously wonderful!
Everyone, I need your help as well. I am on a website called Anyways, I wanted to create a group on the site for our boys. Can anyone help me with Nick/Greg pictures?

Wojo: You are my hero, that pic made my day xD. What was the name of the fic that you were talking about anyway? (PM me the link if possible ;))

Twins: I am working on project "HA! See? It is Canon!" aka the wiki thingy, I call it that because that's what I said to some random person in a game when he bashed ;)
I will be with you yelling too Twins!

Anyways, I really hope I am not asking for too much here, I just wanna spread the slashiness.
twins1729 said:
Hello everyone.

I have a few things to share.

First off, some bad news: Some ass deleted the main Nick/Greg WIKI page. The Mods have already told me that, yes, it's not preventable, but if it were to happen, it can be restored. So, I've already contacted a Mod and hopefully it'll be fixed ASAP. I also asked if there was a better way to prevent it from happening again. *sighs*

Second, I have some favors to ask of some of you.

There's an interesting page I'm thinking about adding to the WIKI. I want to add an episode page. However, I want to do it Nick and Greg style. It could also work as an "evidence to the ship" page.

The thing that I need to ask should be fun and easy. However, it might take some time.

1. I need quite a few volunteers. Believe me; it’ll take more than one person.
2. I need said volunteers to watch a selected season of CSI of their choice.
3. These volunteers need to watch every episode they’ve chosen (from the season) and write a Nick/Greg style summary for every episode.
4. I would also like this person to count the scenes that Greg and/or Nick are in. If there are any.
5. List these scenes and tell how they fall in line with the episode. This would go along with the summary.
6. Then, rate the episode by its NickGregness.

If there are any other questions, just PM me.

I just want to say that I’ve already dibbed season 3. I own 1-3 and three is my favorite out of them. Now, I’d rather – if you own all the seasons – to do 4-7 before 1 or 2. Just in case I can’t get a lot of people, I will be able to do 1 and 2.

Also, if you have random episodes recorded and only want to do one or a few, go ahead. Email me the said contents I’ve listed above. I will let another volunteer know that episode is already done and they don’t need to do it (if they were doing that season.) However, if they still wanted to do that episode, they could. If I have 7 “Grave Danger” reviews when I’m finished, I will combine all of them and get the average rating.

Lastly, all your hard work will be credited at the end of the page. I’ll will thank you tremendously. Also, I don’t expect this to take less than a week. I imagine it’ll take a few.

Still, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me with this.

It’ll be way too hard to do on my own. Especially not owning all the seasons.

Ooooo.... you beat me to it. I had this exact idea over the weekend while pondering over my breakdown of that scene in "Scuba Doobie Doo". Anyway, I own seasons 1-5 on DVD, I have taped season 6, and we are about to air episode 6 of season 7 here although I can ga guarantee they won't finish airing it in Australia til November so it is somewhat pointless to volunteer for that one. So, basically, tell me a season and I'll do it (unless it's S7, because the Nine Network sucks with its schedule).

And nickfangirl, I'm a member of Gaia. I have the same screenname there as I do here. Just let me know what's happening.
Yay! I sent you a message and added you <3.

By the everyone, what is your favorite Nick/Greg moment?

Mine is still the one with Nick peeking at Greg's butt, so much slash potential :D
Ohh, Clarrisani everything's full between 1-6.

nickfangirl is suppoesed to do 1 and 2, maybe you can split it with him.

Since you love "Scuba Doobie Doo" so much, maybe you can do 2 and he can do 1.

What do you think?

I love the scene in "A Little Murder" and some others.

I'm currently adding to my 'cap page ont he Wiki and spent hours looking at

Execpt they don't have much before season 5.

Any other good cap sites?
nickfangirl and I will have to work it out which ones we do, because two seasons is a lot. Speaking of which, nickfangirl I replied to your message on Gaia and accepted you onto my friends list.

And I do know a good caps site, twins, but the link is on my laptop. I'll write it down and put it up tomorrow.
Thanks Clarrisani. I'm PMing nickfangirl to tell him just what's going on. Just in case he doesn't read it here.

Hey, guys. Here's my example of what I want for the summaries.

I did 3x01 and 3x02.

Revenge Is Best Served Cold
- Nick works with Catherine on a case about the mysterious death of a drag racer. Greg helps Grissom, Sara and Warrick with evidence of the supposed murder of a legendary poker player.
- The first episode featuring Eric Szmanda in the opening credits.
- Greg makes a reference to “Pilot” while looking at a bottle of eye drops.
- Nick appears in 10 scenes.
- Greg appears in 4 scenes.
Rating: 5/10

The Accused Is Entitled
- Nick and Greg – along with the others - help try to prove that a famous actor committed a double murder, while being watched closely by “Movie Boy’s” defense.
- Nick appears in 10 scenes.
- Greg appears in 1 scene.
- Nick and Greg appear in 4 scenes together.
Rating: 8/10

Now, when you count Nick and Greg scenes, be generous, but don't be hasty.

Example, in "Dead Ringer" Greg is walking in the hallway with Nick and telling him about the ATM withdraws. He then says that he also got surveillance video and it skips to the AV lab. Go ahead and count that as two separate scenes. However, in “Chasing the Bus” when Nick and Greg are walking, it flashes and they’re walking past the bus. It may actually be a few minutes later, but I believe it’s the same scene. Also, watch out for commercials. They may be hard to see on the DVD’s.

A Nick/Greg scene is based on Nick/Greg interaction. IE Greg waving to Nick in “Scuba Doobie Doo” or them waving to each other in “Shooting Stars.” Also, if they are in the same room together with no interaction. IE scenes with all the members talking about a case where they don’t acknowledge each other.

If there is anything that you believe I should add or if you think I’ve done something wrong, I’ll accept any positive criticism.

When you do post the number of scenes…Nick scenes alone, Greg scenes alone, and Nick/Greg scenes.

Alone = without Greg or Nick.

In 3x02 I have 10 Nick (alone), 1 Greg (alone) and 4 of them together. That means that Nick has 14 total in the episode.

Also, don’t explain an episode too thoroughly. We just want to put a Nick/Greg themed summary. If a fan wants to know a full summary, they can check official CBS CSI sites. Put anything interesting in the Greg/Nick relationship for the notes. You don’t have to describe any scenes, I’m posting quotes on another page and people can look at them there.

When you rate an episode, base it mostly on Nick/Greg interaction. Then on the amount of Nick and Greg. That way, if a fan wants to know how good an episode is, based on Nick/Greg moments, they’ll know which ones are the best.

Let me know if you think my ratings are too high or too low. So we know where to stand.

Be sure you try to watch the full episode so you don’t miss something. You can fast forward if you want, if it’s a boring episode where you KNOW there aren’t a lot of Greg and/or Nick scenes. However, be careful and double check. You might’ve forgotten about something small.

I can’t think of anything else at the moment, but feel free to ask any questions.

Again, thanks for the help.

I have 1-6 taken care of. Unless one person can do 7, we’ll worry about that later.

I posted a Gabbly chat in "The Forum of Love" on the WIKI. I'm thinking...starting the first Thursday it airs next, we chat there after every episode. What do you think?
*nods* I know what to do now

Twins, I will split the load with Clarrisani. She can do season two, I'll do season one. I'm not picky, just ignore my PM then Twins.

Yay! I have a new friend on Gaia <3
Clarrisani: You can do season 2 if you want, ok?
Man, I'm typing here too much....:D

Okay, it's going down like this.

CBS CSI: WIKI Nick/Greg Relationship Page - Episode List

season 1 - nickfangirl
season 2 - Clarrisani
Season 3 - twins1729 (me!)
Season 4 - nickyandgreggo
Season 5 - DrEama
Season 6 - CsiKat

Unless, I get one volunteer for season 7, I'm not worrying about that right now. I mean, I have a few episodes recorded and maybe you all have random others and we can do that when we're all done. If you want to help, do season 7. If you can't PM me (or someone who's doing the season you want, maybe you can split it) and I'll see what I can do.

At WMTDB CsiKat asked if we could put minor subtext descriptions in the "Notes" section. Like the ass check in "The Hunger Artist."

I said:

...However, I don't want to get too descriptive for fans who haven't seen the episode. Also, maybe only do REALLY good scenes of them alone. Maybe say things that people wouldn't really notice without "Slash subtext vision" on. Like the ass check or when they wave to each other. If you can't think of something to put for a scene, you probably shouldn't put anything at all.

Thanks again for all the help! I can't wait until we're all done with this and I can post it!
x3 yay! I'm starting on my selection now, I have my grandma's 80th birthday this weekend so I may not get much done however =(

But, we have to be sure to keep all this confined to our section, so if they (haters) come and harass we can report it to the mods!
I'd be willing to work on Season 7 as I watch the rest of the episodes, but it would only be the last few episodes (starting with the next new one) and reruns I happen to catch. Would that be all right or would you rather me start from scratch? I don't have the episodes taped, since my VCR is not hooked up to my TV. Long story. Anyway thank you again for the welcome and if you want me to do the rest of season 7, I'd love to do it.

As for favorite moment? I like them all so far. Probably a tie between 'The Jaw Clench' even though Greg technically wasn't in the scene and the 'Rock on' one.
Thanks so much Elizabeth! You can follow season 7 until the season finale and if you can, some computers can't, you can watch the past three episodes on They offer them to watch after they air. If you can't I will, I also have "Built to Kill Part 2" and "Fannysmakin'" recorded, so I can do those eps after season 3.

I'll edit and make a list of all the season 7 episodes, if anyone has a random episode recorded, you can do that one, and please let me know.


Built To Kill, Part One - STILL OPEN
Built To Kill, Part Two - twins1729
Fannysmackin' - twins1729
Double-Cross - STILL OPEN
Post Mortem - STILL OPEN
Happenstance - STILL OPEN
Living Legend - STILL OPEN
Loco Motives - STILL OPEN
Leaving Las Vegas - STILL OPEN
Sweet Jane - STILL OPEN
Meet Market - STILL OPEN
Law of Gravity - STILL OPEN
Monster In A Box - STILL OPEN
Fallen Idols - STILL OPEN
Empty Eyes - (Not yet to air) - CSIElizabeth
Big Shots - (Not yet to air) - CSIElizabeth
Ack. Forgot to grab that link. I've been too busy organising an excursion for my students. Boy that sort of thing can be a distraction.

Thanks nickfangirl. I'll begin working on season 2 tonight. Been looking for an excuse to watch it start to finish again, and now I have it.

We shall have the most detailed relationship pages on CSIwiki...
I'm done with homework for the night so I don't mind watching Fallen Idols and Monster in the Box on the CBS videos. I think I may do Double Crossed also because Greg is just too cute in the episode, even with the bruised eye.
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