The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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I like how Nick seemed so proud of Greg passing his test thingy. And I noticed how Nicky was holding Greg's arm while he was being hugged and all that by Sara and Catherine, but I <3 how he was instantly next to Nick when the champaign was brought out. How cute!!! *squeals with pure joy*
I personally do not think that Eric knew that his character would pass the test in that episode cos he looked REALLY surprised & in shock. i bet the rest of the cast found it difficlt to keep it a secret. what do u guys think?
I'd guess he would know that Greg passed, as he would probably have the script from the next episode by the time of shooting that one. Besides, they usually have to do a few takes of a scene. Eric's a pretty good actor, I think he could feign shock pretty easily.

I do love that scene though, Nick practically runs across the room to be the first to congratulate Greg. It's so cute!
It's a nice thought, but I think that he knew about it. Even if they tricked him the first time, I don't think that they would've gotten the right shot when they filmed it.

Exactly, Nick practically sprinted across the room to be next to his Greggo.

I just re-watched "Crow's Feet," Nick says, "What do Ozzy Osborne, Iron Maiden, and out vic have in common?"

Catherine responds, "Heavy meta." Nick nods and does a rock gesture with his hand. Guess what?


That means, when he did it in "Abra Cadaver" when Nick did the whole 'I love you' wrong-rock sign, he knew what he was doing.

In theory. :p
I like that theory! (I noticed that too)

I agree that Eric knew Greg passed, and the fact that Lonewolf questioned that, just goes to show what a great actor he is.
Hello everyone.

I have a few things to share.

First off, some bad news: Some ass deleted the main Nick/Greg WIKI page. The Mods have already told me that, yes, it's not preventable, but if it were to happen, it can be restored. So, I've already contacted a Mod and hopefully it'll be fixed ASAP. I also asked if there was a better way to prevent it from happening again. *sighs*

Second, I have some favors to ask of some of you.

There's an interesting page I'm thinking about adding to the WIKI. I want to add an episode page. However, I want to do it Nick and Greg style. It could also work as an "evidence to the ship" page.

The thing that I need to ask should be fun and easy. However, it might take some time.

1. I need quite a few volunteers. Believe me; it’ll take more than one person.
2. I need said volunteers to watch a selected season of CSI of their choice.
3. These volunteers need to watch every episode they’ve chosen (from the season) and write a Nick/Greg style summary for every episode.
4. I would also like this person to count the scenes that Greg and/or Nick are in. If there are any.
5. List these scenes and tell how they fall in line with the episode. This would go along with the summary.
6. Then, rate the episode by its NickGregness.

If there are any other questions, just PM me.

I just want to say that I’ve already dibbed season 3. I own 1-3 and three is my favorite out of them. Now, I’d rather – if you own all the seasons – to do 4-7 before 1 or 2. Just in case I can’t get a lot of people, I will be able to do 1 and 2.

Also, if you have random episodes recorded and only want to do one or a few, go ahead. Email me the said contents I’ve listed above. I will let another volunteer know that episode is already done and they don’t need to do it (if they were doing that season.) However, if they still wanted to do that episode, they could. If I have 7 “Grave Danger” reviews when I’m finished, I will combine all of them and get the average rating.

Lastly, all your hard work will be credited at the end of the page. I’ll will thank you tremendously. Also, I don’t expect this to take less than a week. I imagine it’ll take a few.

Still, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me with this.

It’ll be way too hard to do on my own. Especially not owning all the seasons.
^^I have no idea what WIKI is but I need to know so I will know how to respond to the above post. So, you you can tell me, I'd appreciate it. ;)
They did what?! How rude! >=O
*looks determined* I'll help you, I only have seasons 1-3 myself, so I will take care seasons 1 and 2 as best as I can!
So count me in >:D
Great idea BTW <3

:D :D
I'm really upset right now. *tear*

The WIKI is a CBS owned CSI fan website than fans can add to.

All the slash pages were deleted. Apparently it was supposed to be a joke. *wipes tear*

Again, the mods told me they could fix it. I think they have the past pages stored or something.

Well, nickfangirl you cheered me up a bit. You can do 1 and 2. If you can't get through them all, I'll do some.

I have 1, 2, 3, and 6 taken then. If someone can do 4, 5 or 7 that would be wonderful.

EDIT!: It's a happy edit! It's all back! YAY! I'm so happy! The WIKI is restored! I'm saving it all now so it won't happen again! Thanks for all the support here, at WMTDB and all the emails. Remember, we need recruits for season 4,5, 7.

I'll edit again!

DrEama just took season 5.

So, if someone could do season 4 and what we have of 7, that would be great!
Hello! My name is Elizabeth...obviously and I'm new here...also very obvious. I just wanted to come say hi and that I've been a CSI fan for about a year or so and Nick/Greg for about the same time. I've been reading the rules threads so I'll go back to do that.

And to keep the discussion going, I love Nick/Greg and I've seen pretty much all the reruns on Spike so I can see every moment that I've read about on here. I'm also glad the wiki page is back up.
Hi every one my computer crashed and it is still broken, the one I am using right now is not mine but I could not stay away lol I miss posting and talking to you guys so much. Any way' fist off wellcome to the board CSIElizabeth! I really need help finding a nick and greg fic guy's. I thought it was called No Great Cathederal..... it is about Nick who is still a cop and he is working in Dalles. He run's into Greg (who is a collage student) and is attending the confrace at the hotle where there was a muerder and Nick is not yet a csi but he is thinking about it. They end up hooking up for one night and then part ways. Then they mneet again in vages at the csi lab. But I might have the title wrong but I dont think I do, I cant find it any where and I use to be able to at WMTDB, but I cant find it..... please help me guy's thanks, talk to you all later.
I put your request for this fic on Nick_Greg LJ, when I get a response I will let you know. I remember that fic and its a good one. I thought that was the name of it too but searched WMTDB and couldn't find it either.

edit- I got a link tot he story which I will PM you since it's rated NC-17.
Thanks Wojo you rock thanks :) ,
twins1729 I want to help :D I have all the season's so please let me know witch one you want me to do and I will do it you pick for me I will do anyone k :).
Thanks NickyandGreggo, seasons 4 and 7 are still open. If you choose season 7, I would like you to keep up on it until the season finale, I will help as well! Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!

So season 1-3 are taken as well as 5 and 6, soon we only have 1 season to go!

Thank you all for so much help.
NickyandGreggo said:
Thanks Wojo you rock thanks :) ,

your welcome.

I was bored so I decided to share this pic with you all.

I thought I told Nick to get rid of this!!

I think what happened to the wiki page should be considered a hate crime - I hear it happened to all the slash pages not just ours.

I am looking forward to new CSI eps, hopefully we'll get some more N/G moments.
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