The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Wojo said:
I just don't get why it took the writers so long to put Nick & Greg in some decent scenes together. Fallen Idols was more sceen time than season 5 & 6 combined. The two work so well together and play off each other so well. The chemistry is undeniable. It just makes me sad that it's taken literaly years to see some decent moments between them. I hope it's not the last, there is 6 more eps to this season, I wonder if they will interact again.

I'm sure we will see much more interaction between them in future episodes, I have a strong feeling about it.

Besides, if they were together all the time, that wouldn't leave us wanting more, now would it ;). Although, you have a point, it has taken a long time for N/G moments.

But what did you mean by 6 more episodes to this season?
I thought the season finale was in May... :confused:
Well Fallen Idols was ep 17, there are 24 episodes this season (there is actully 7 more-I miscounted) and yes the season finale will be in May but there are no new episodes in March due to March madness basketball, so the next new episode will air on April 5th. (the day after my 20th wedding anniversary)

I guess you are right about leaving us wanting more, I never thought about it that way. It's true, they give us small portions now and then until finally a full meal...of course dessert would be good (the boys becoming canon)
:( So that means this Thursdays eppy is the last until April? Awww...that's not fair...

;) Well, yes of course, that is how the entertainment business runs. You give people enough to be satisfied, then, after you have their interest, you go from there.
I know, it sucks.

That's why we have places like this.

Like...what do you think ours boys will be doing during the break (as in Nick and Greg). I think they're hooking up and experimenting with rops and things. :D

Let's just hope for some ALONE time in the future.

You know, one of those B-stories you barely even remember.

An episode comes on and you wonder what it is. You hit info for it and realize, then you wonder what's the b-story. You have wait most of the time before you remember. It'll be a big Grissom/Catherine case and Nick won't be in the episode and the b-story is a small case with Sara and Warrick. Of course, this is early, so Greg's still in the lab.

However, that's what I want for N/G.
Thats true the thing that makes Nick and Greg so great is thier one off moments which leave us going YAY if episodes were filled with these it might not have the same effect (unless of course they made them canon lol i think i could settle for that :p )
Greg is supposed to be about to turn 32 (in May) and I think Nick is turning 36 in August. I'm sure someone can correct me if those are wrong. So Eric's playing around his correct age, but George is playing 4 years younger (he turns 40 in March)
So, do the episodes get recorded in advance; like the season is already filmed and finished, or do they do it one at a time?
^^They film the episodes a few weeks in advance. They film almost non-stop from the middle of July until the end of April. ;)

Also, isn't this week's episode a repeat and then next week new? Of course they could have changed it again. They're good at that. :rolleyes:
The last I heard this weeks ep is Double Cross and Burn out is next no new episode until Apr 5th.
To be honest, girls... I'd settle for a B-story, or a glimpse down the hallway... SOMETHING!

I just don't want to go backwards. They did SUCH a good job with this last episode...

I mean... don't they realize that that is all we really ask for? Just the banter and the onscreen chemistry? As much as we would LOVE a kiss or something, we'd settle for what we got... because that's all we need to see "The Love" ;) [pun intended, lol] The boys do all the work for them! lol.
Well, I have now seen Toe Tags and I can join you all in the disappointment of that episode. There was way too little Greg for my liking, and I must say that the thought of this being the norm for the season is depressing. But it sounds like "Fallen Idols" more than makes up for it. *happily waits for that episode*

Next week, Fannysmackin'. I've already got the tissues, and I'm all set for the jaw clench of love...
Uh! Fannysmackin!

I can't wait until they re-air Post Mortem!

Nick so loves Greg. You can tell in one Jaw-Clench!

I heard that the next episode was in two weeks too, then another in a month. I don't mind waiting if it's not anything for five weeks.

It's just gives CSI a chance to see what we're writing!
So in the US there isn't going to be any more episodes for a month ? Ooooo that will give us a chance to catch up to you a bit.

I'm hoping that Fallen Idols is the writers way of aussuring us that they havn't completlty forgotten our existance and that we'll be back to great Nick Greg moment soon, at least it that episode is a step in the right direction.

And yes Fannysmakin !!! That was so cute with Nick you could tell that in his mind he was screeming 'you hurt my Greg so you must die' Its all in the jaw clench and the punch :lol:
I just re-watched FannySmackin this weekend (I recorded it) and you would think that as many times I've seen it it would be easier to watch but no! It's just as hard if not harder to watch again, I know it's not real but damn seeing Greg getting hurt like that really tears me up inside.
However seeing K-Fed get punched by Nick is always a pleasure!!

IMO- Eric deserves an emmy for his performance :)
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