The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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See, I'm a little torn as to whether I'd want the Nick/Greg ship to become canon. I'd love to see CSI take this step, of course, and I think George and Eric could bring a lot of tenderness and believability (is that even a word?) to the storyline, as they can really hit them out of the park when given the chance. Just imagine actually seeing them as a couple on-screen, not necessarily showing them 'getting it on' or anything (oh, if only CSI was made by HBO) but little things, like Nick asking Greg to pick up dinner, or even a 'see you at home' from Greg as Nick's leaving. It would be lovely.

But then when I think about it... I'd be so scared that the writers wouldn't get them together in a way the fans would like, or they would give them a really horrible break-up or make one of them cheat.... I know I'm being paranoid, but I want Nick and Greg to be canon on my terms (as a passionate shipper). I want some sort of control. Does anyone else understand what I'm trying to get at?

So that's why I *sometimes* think that the ship should stay in fanfic... that way we can be sure to get what we want. But if I had to make the choice.... I'd go for canon.
I agree with you Serenity that the writers might take their relationship in a direction that the fans would dislike.

CSI is not a soap opera and i am afraid that when ratings drop the writers may sabotage their relationship.

CSI is a damn good cop/crime show and I do not want the storylines to suffer by cheesy romance couplings (including Nick&Greg).

All I want/ NEED is more subtext and more scenorios that we can use to create more fantastic slashfic.

therefore if i had a choice... i'd choose fanon.

ps. i know i am not suppose to mention "that" other site but csiwatcher apoligised. i really hope its sincere. i know its wrong but reactions like csiwatcher's which makes me think it may be better if "The Love" stayed fanon.
I understand what you guy's are saying, it would be so horrible if they did that. But I dont think they would make the chareters cheat that is just not like them at all I think more people would be upset if they broke them up that way then if they just had a argument and called it quits. At least that is a senary that you can see really happing between them. Nick and Greg just seem like they would be very commited if they were in any relationship, I really could not see them cheating with eatch other or on someone elts.
Nick and Greg cheating NO WAY !!!! :eek: I think if they did get together it would be forever . And I completley agree with you LoneWolfe001 as much as i would love those two to get together I'm just afraid that as fans it would be better to have our our imaginations and what ifs rather than having dissapointment from cheesy writting at least this way thier relationship can be what ever we want it to be.

P.S This is my first post on this thred i just joined CSI talk yesterday so Heloooooo
Hello again SwamiCSIaholic , I just welcomed you to the leggomygreggo thread too.

I am torn between wanting them to be canon and not. Because like Serenity saud, TPTB would probably screw it up. But if they did make such a bold move and put them together it could be good if they did it right.

I have a senerio about them coming out , suppose there is a homophobic killer on the loose and he makes Nick & Greg one of his targets. (this might be a fic already).
Welcome SwamiCSIaholic! I love your name :)

Wojo said:
I have a senerio about them coming out , suppose there is a homophobic killer on the loose and he makes Nick & Greg one of his targets. (this might be a fic already).

That's creepy, I've been working on a plot line like that!
Hmmm, the way to make the relationship not seem so soap opera-ish is to make a case that exposes it to the team. Like the homophobic killer. Like, a serial killer who targets homosexual couples threatens to kill Greg and Nick, but doesn't come out and says it bluntly, leaves like messages in blood on the boy's cars or something saying: You're next. Or more of a bunch of clues who he will strike next. OH! Fanfic idea! No one touch it >:O it is mine! >:O
Wojo said:
I have a senerio about them coming out , suppose there is a homophobic killer on the loose and he makes Nick & Greg one of his targets. (this might be a fic already).

Fic in progress.

I actually have to agree with those of you on the fence. While I would love to see it cannon, TPTB would definately sabotage the relationship. They already seem to be doing it with GSR. I live (fandom wise) for all those little moments such as touches, looks, dialogue that can be taken more than one way.

As much as I believe George and Eric would go for their characters being together, and while I want to say outright that they should be together on the show, I just know that TPTB would mess things up and/or use their relationship as a stunt to try and pull in the ratings.

If they do put them together on the show; slow reveal, and purely in the background. Nothing upfront like they did with GSR.

If Greg and Nick were to get together would you want it done now so it's right now, or would you want it at the end so you know it will last and nothing would come up if to seperate them cause the show is over?
Ummmmmm i think it might be cute if it were at the end or nearish the end anyway that way the TPTB wouldn't be able to spoil it but they are together YAY best of both worlds.

Thanks for welcoming me btw NickGregXTheLove and for welcoming me again Wojo :) everyone here is so nice and freindly
Hello everyone. I'm new to this thread, a new CSI fan, and a new Nick/Greg fan.

I just have to say, I am not on the fence about this fanon/canon thing at all. I 100% believe that they should be canon, and I also believe that the would be the most stable couple on the show. I haven't seen much of GSR (just the looks of admiration by Sara in the first few seasons), but I've read that they're a bit weird. Warrick and Catherine would be fun, but I'm not sure if they'd have much depth. I'm rooting for them, though.

Now, Nick and Greg I would love to see become kind of a background couple. The one with not much drama, but just kind of cutesy with love taps, hand holding, hugs. Maybe even a kiss now and then. I do want it to be a serious relationship, not something the writers just kind of throw together for the heck of it. I have faith that the writers and George Eads and Eric Szmanda could pull it off.
Welcome jennyjo8!

Okay, I get what you're all saying.

However, I prefer Canon anyday.

In all seriousness, I became a Nick/Greg shipper because I wanted it to happen on the show. Not to dwell in the world of slashfiction and videos.

I'm all for subtext and flirting, but I wouldn't mind a kiss or two by the time the show ends/gets cancled or before one or both leave CSI.

Okay, say tonight. At the end of the episode...Nick asks Greg out.

Tell me you won't be craping your pants and screaming at the TV. This place would be booming and we would be flipping out!

I would love that.

Tell me you won't like it. Nick looks Greg in the eyes and tells him he loves him.

You see, I think that the writters would do a great job no matter what. I seriously wouldn't care if they kissed, didn't like it and decided to just be friends. I would still love CSI and Nick/Greg. I wouldn't be bitter, just disappointed. Though, I would give anything for even that.

Sure, it would be bittersweet, but it would be CSI's way of telling us that 'we know you exist, but this is all we could do. Sorry.' It would stil be enough to shove it in the haters' faces. Though, if they both turn out to be gay (or bi) I think it would be pointless if they didn't end up dating. I would believe even stronger that they could end up together. It would feeling like the writers were teasing us.

I also believe that CSI can have couples and remain the same show. I don't think it'll ruin it. It would just make fans happy. True fans would get over anything they don't like and enjoyed the things they did. None of the couples, including GSR, would be over-the-top.

If they did decided to do something in the Nick/Greg relationship and decided to take it a wrong way. I don't think George and Eric would agree to do it. Sure, it's their job and they really don't have choice, but the producers have to respect them as people.

I would love them to date on the show, I think it would be wonderful.

I don't care if I sound selfish, but it's what I and I truely don't care about what everyone else wants. Except you guys ;).

I want it to be Canon, not only fanon. I will still enjoy everything until it happens...when it happens.

Though, if it never happens, I will deal. I won't be so upset that I'll lock myself in my room for weeks. However, it will be tempting.

For the record.

I like:

Grissom/Sara (Canon)
Catherine/Warrick (Soon to be Canon)
Brass/Sofia (Hopefully Canon)

You see how I made it fit? :D A girl can dream.
It's really great to read all of your opinions on this, and to get into a proper discussion. Yeah, I think it would be great if they could be a couple on the show, in a very subtle way. We could have the touching, the looks shared between them and the comments between them, the same as we've had for the past 6.5 seasons, but we'd know that it isn't just in our imaginations, like so many haters try to tell us. We'd have canon reasons for them acting the way they do. Like has been mentioned before, we don't need to see them slobbering all over eachother, just a few little things that let us know that they're more than friends. Like Nick asking Greg if that's his shirt he's wearing, and Greg saying he didn't have a clean one so he took one of his. Something cute like that.

And if it is in the background, TPTB are less likely to screw around with it. I think it would be a great compromise.

And I'll keep my angst for fanfic.
Serenity said:
It's really great to read all of your opinions on this, and to get into a proper discussion. Yeah, I think it would be great if they could be a couple on the show, in a very subtle way. We could have the touching, the looks shared between them and the comments between them, the same as we've had for the past 6.5 seasons, but we'd know that it isn't just in our imaginations, like so many haters try to tell us. We'd have canon reasons for them acting the way they do. Like has been mentioned before, we don't need to see them slobbering all over eachother, just a few little things that let us know that they're more than friends. Like Nick asking Greg if that's his shirt he's wearing, and Greg saying he didn't have a clean one so he took one of his. Something cute like that.

And if it is in the background, TPTB are less likely to screw around with it. I think it would be a great compromise.

And I'll keep my angst for fanfic.

Nicely said, Serenity! I agree with you. The angst can stay in the fanfics, and I'll take the cute, quiet moments. I'd settle for a hug?
So, what did everyone think of last night's episode? I haven't seen it yet, and am itching for some gossip, but no one seems to be around!

TPTB stands for 'The powers that be' and means the writers, producers etc. Those who hold the power to change where the show is going.
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