The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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No, Greg had his scenes and Nick had his.

There is the famous "Jaw Clench of Love" and the end where Nick wants to see Greg in the hospital, but other than that, nothing.


I've got something....

Post your favorite pictures and quotes.

I've been asking.

Then I can use them for the WIKI.

Please and thanks.

*sits back and waits*

EDIT - I made a new forum for the Nick/Greg Discussion on the CBS CSI boards.

Here's the link.

If you are a member, please just make one post so I don't feel stupid. :)
I can't find it as well.

Guys guess what? I had a Nick and Greg dream last night and it was sooooo real.

Ok, my sister and I were watching the season finale of season 7, nothing usual there. I don't remember the story of the ep. all I remember is that Greg's trial was over and he was happy about it. Then it happened they kissed!!!! I was in shock, I covered my mouth with my hands and I remember my stomach doing flip-flops in my dreams!

I should write a story about it.

What's your favorite Nick and Greg quotes guys?
Okay, but I swear if I get into trouble for this, I am holding you both responsible. Out Walking

And just as an aside, I made a comment at the website of an Australian major newspaper, the Herald Sun. I expected them to edit a certain part out of my comment, but they actually kept it. 'The Love' semi in the Australian media again... Check the comment section
Those guys are so cute!

Hey, well done on getting a mention of 'the love' in your comment there!

As we've got a lot of new visitors to our lovely fort, I thought I'd ask a question that has been asked in the past, just to get all the new opinions on it.

If Nick and Greg were to become canon, would you like to follow the blossoming relationship from the very beginning, or would you want to find out that they've been secretly together for a long time, a la Grissom and Sara?

Me personally, I'd like to see the build-up, the metamorphosis from friends to lovers. I think it could be a beautiful, touching storyline.

And as GSR have already gone the Hill Street Blues route, I think that idea should be avoided.

What does everyone else think?
oh, good question!

I think I'd rather watch it grow. We've seen the casual flirting and chemistry, but I'd love to see them open up to each other and everyone else.

It's so... romantic!
I thank you for the pic Clarrisani.

I think I would like to see it grow. Maybe have them say somthing like this has been coming for a long time so let's just act on it. I have enjoyed watching the flirting and the look's but it would be nice to see more, of a relationship.
I also agree with watching it grow. Small moments here and there, slowly building up until they are together proper. In a way we already have some of those flirtatious moments, but to see more, each one becoming more obvious. As a true romance goes.
I dunno I'm kinda leaning towrds the other way, I would love for it to come out that they have been involved secretly and have someone discover the truth about them, only because of the past flirting, and the subtext. PLus this season has had quite a few moments that allow us to know they care deeply for each other. Such as Nick's reaction in FannySmackin and his wanting to help Greg in Post Mortem.

I don't want it revealed the same way as GSR was. (I'm still hoping that's a nightmare I'm gonna wake up from) That was just cheesy and out of left field.
The way that they revealed the GSR didn't go well for CSI at all. Had they done a slow reveal, fans wouldn't have been as upset and that pairing would be going a lot stronger and less complicated.

You do have a point, Wojo, about them being together and someone discovering them. I've always had this fantasy of the group being out at a park for lunch (a la Gum Drops style) and everyone else leaving except Nick and Greg. Catherine realises that she's forgotten something and goes back for it, and just as she's about to approach them she stops dead, a look of complete shock on her face... and then the screen goes dark and we have to wait til next week. ;)

Basically, Catherine realises and thus begins the reveal. :p
Oh I like that one, that would be pretty cool actually.
I like the build up and seeing in secret kinda the same.
I actually can just see that happening the picnic thingy I mean. It would work, but how do you think other fans would take the pairing?
I would kind of like seeing them admit that they like each other...somehow. That would explain the subtext.

Rewatching late season 6, you can tell there's stuff between Sara and Grissom. I just didn't notice because I didn't care. Though, after I knew about it, I could tell.

I think Nick and Greg should do that. Have VERY flirty/subtext moments that only we could tell about. They could've only been dating a very short while. Days, weeks, months. Something where we would be POSITIVE-no questions asked-sure.

That way, we would know, but others wouldn't.

Then they would finally reveal it, whenever they do, and we would just throw it in everyones face saying that we were right.

Another thing would be, if they had been dating for at least a year. CSI could have all this old footage of Nick/Greg moments. Where you can tell they're dating. Then during the end of s7 with Greg's trial you can kind of tell that Nick and Greg are dating.

During this, they show flash backs of un-aired scenes and you can see how their relationship developed, with romance and everything, but they still have been dating for a while.

That would be brilliant.
I dont think it would come as a huge shock, I mean some people wont likt it but I think there would be so many who would fine with it that it would not matter. I dont think it would hurt the show at all, it could be a very smart move on there part. There is more of a gay fowlowing and more people who except it now as to the people who dont. It would be brave for the show to have to charaters that they have had form the begging be out and in a loving retlationship on the show. That is what I think any way's, pluse I dont think it would be a big focuse any way's csi is more about the dead people the case and ferenzic's not about alot about the relationship's. It would just be nice to see that is really is there.

I think it would be cool if they got outted in court. If Nick was on the stand definging his Greggo, and then the prosicuter was said they should not take his evidence into account becuase of his personal sexual relationship with the Mr. Sanders. Every one would be like WHAT
crow- Do you deny it Mr. Stoke's
(Nick look's to Greg they share a look full of meaning)Greg appers to be holding his breathe......... No.
silence in the court room,
then Greg's lawer sticks up for them and Greg get's off everyone is happy and suerprided but ok with it they hug, the, everything fades to black the end. :D :D :D
I totally get what you're saying!

Of course that would be perfect. Maybe they learn someone had been spying on them. Like a Private Detective who was watching come and go from each other's places, maybe eating together, or going on dates.

Then they'd be pissed!


You know, the prosecuter spent the money because he was looking for something in Greg's life to disapprove his accounts somehow. They he found out that Greg was sleeping with the guy that defended him in court. But like you said, the defence helps and that guys accusations aren't even heard, but he outed them nontheless.


BTW - I was watching a csi cast fan video and I saw the autopsy from "Slaves of Las Vegas" when Dr. Robbins and Grissom look at Catherine and she says "What are looking at me for?"

I never noticed, but she looks like a skinny version of my MOM! Uh! I will NEVER like Nick/Catherine even more than I don't. No Nick, get away from my mom! I especially won't like Greg/Catherine, plus I've always thought that she acted like a mother figure to him.

I still like Yo!Bling, because I don't like Warrick like that.

But EW! Now I have a good reason!
I do not want their relationship to become canon. But I do wish for more subtext and more nick & greg scenes. i love how the subtext keeps us guessing & therefore more interesting fics.
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