The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Yay! I didn't see that. I'll have to rewatch it!

No Nick/Greg, but there was three (or was if four?) with Greg this time and an okay amount of Nick.

It's nice to hear the boy's family is suing the city and not Greg entirely! I still hope he wins.

Again, I can't wait til next week!
Twins , thanks for the great job you're doing on the WIKI page :D

Besides sharing clothes, it's also pretty obvious to anyone, that our boys feel VERY comfortable standing sooooo close to each other! ! :devil:




seabird said:

LoneWolfe, check out the nickngreg LJ ; there's a bunch of Nick/Greg V-day fics posted. Enjoy!


Hi Seabird, can you please email me the link to the n/g livejournal (
seabird said:
Twins , thanks for the great job you're doing on the WIKI page :D

Besides sharing clothes, it's also pretty obvious to anyone, that our boys feel VERY comfortable standing sooooo close to each other! ! :devil:


I'm gonna post those pics now! :D

Except the first one. That's the main pic on the main page.

Got any good comments or quotes to use for them???

I'll do it later tonight. See ya later!
Clarrisani said:
^ Agreed. No posty on bad boards, and back on topic we go.

I've heard a rumour that Greg was in a suit in "Monster in a Box". True? And was there any Nick/Greg interaction at all? Thus far I've heard nothing of Nick in this episode at all.

Yes, Greg was in a suit for a short time while he helped Sara in the evidence room. He told her about his upcoming deposition and that the family is suing the city for 3 mil.
He looks fine too! No interaction with the boys this week.
csikicksurass said:
I know that this is off topic but i love how fastish. We got alot more shippers then before :D


LoneWolfe, I've sent you a PM with the link.

Oh Nicky...we all know how much you love to touch Greg's (flat) chest :devil:


And Greg enjoys it. The smile on his face says it all!
ufft! i love that picture where Nick grabs for Greg's chest. but notice how he doesn't just go for the middle of the chest, he goes for the right, where he knows his Greg likes it best ;)

What's this talk about Casanova?! seems we're getting another classic line for our ship! Any news of they're being a video anywhere?
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
ufft! i love that picture where Nick grabs for Greg's chest. but notice how he doesn't just go for the middle of the chest, he goes for the right, where he knows his Greg likes it best ;)

What do you mean? :confused:
But I like how there is so much fanservice in CSI
Guys, just a reminder to use the spoiler code or spoiler space when discussing episodes yet to be aired. Thanks. :)
If you want to see a trailer for next week go to WMTDB and go to the forum. In General Love and "Fallen Idols Discussion" Serenity posted a link.

If you can't get to it or if you don't have flash player, PM me and I'll help you out.

I made a fan list for the CSI WIKI

Go here.

It's pretty self explanitory. If you don't belong there, I still advise you to sign. I just want CBS to see a list of the fans. Pass it on please.

I'm posting the pics now. Check in a bit! :D

EDIT - Okay, I lied about adding pics, but I did add videos and clips check it out.

Um...sign the fan list.

Can someone please give me ideas from comments or quotes about some of pics seabird just posted???
Just don't push too hard twins, they may think that is not such a good idea, (though it would be) after all, we don't wanna make Eric and George uncomfortable... :(
Well, I'm not saying anything or sending it to them.

It'll just be there, whether they want to read it or not.

I've got a few more sigs. :D
CSB showed the episode Killer Saturday night. It marked the first Nick & Greg scene in season 6. The boys strolling through the dessert. Talking about porn, I think they both looked their sexiest in that episode. Loved Greg's light fly away hair and Nick's longer haristyle. (hate the buzz cut)

I posted this the first time the episode aired but I thought I'd do it again. It looks like they are holding hands.

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