The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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twins1729 said:

I'm getting really tired defending the love!

Some guys are complete asses. Don't be surprised if I'm arrested for cyber murder.

Who wants to be the cyber CSI solving the case? :D

I am tired off reading all the crap that posted that I have decided to not return there. I prefer talking about our guys here or at WMTDB. It's too much stress, it makes me angry and I don't need that in my life. Is there a way to delete these unwanted posts?
But still, nobody has the right to take time out of their day to insult others over a person's interests. If people do not like something, then they should just ignore it, not act like jerks :(. However, Wojo has the right idea, lets just not go there anymore *relizes he has no idea what place "there" refers too* it's for the best, we will be more mature. :D
I know the feeling, but, when someone says something rude, they are attempting to get you to retaliate. Then they can turn and say "OMG LOOK WHAT SHE DID!!111!" So, ignore em, when you don't care, they lose power :)
nickfangirl , those are very wise words you speak. Ignoring the trolls and idiots is the best thing to do. Unfortunatly my anger sometimes gets the best of me, that's why I choose to stay away.

Hey hey CSI is on tonight, lets hope we get some screentime for our boys.
OK......... I just went to the cbs talk thing for the first time and they have some REAL NUTTER'S over there :eek:. They should have there own spical board so that there dumbness dose not rub off on us sane people. I just think you should not even try with them, they wont agree with any thing you say no matter what. I mean did you read that crap about what they are saying about Grissom I mean come on. twins1729 I can see why you are so frusterated I would be to. I want to defend the love to but I just cant see it doing any good. I mean you might get a ulser and that is not cool........ I hope we get some boy time tonight or even boy touching (sigh) one can dream :rolleyes:.
I hope there's more than one whole scene with Greg.

A Nick/Greg scene wouldn't be terrible either.

I just ingore and talk nicely to the haters at the WIKI and that works. But the CBS boards are terrible. It kind of reminds me of the IMDb. That's where all the negative fans flock because they have no where else to post. Sofia fans are at the CSI board.

So, I think all these so-called fans are at the CBS boards. I'm just going to talk in my love discussion and never venture out.

Wooo! 3 more hours for me!
It all comes down to moderation, methinks. The mods here have a firmer, established collection of rules that they enforce, therefore leaving no room to troll/spam/abuse. Over at the CSI boards they don't moderate so well, and I'm still trying to find how to report people on CSIwiki. It all comes down to how it is run, and this site is the best CSI board by far.

And please let there be a Greg scene. I may only be getting the first two episodes of season 7 this Sunday (yay for CSI in Australia!), but I want something to look forward to. Like I hung out all season for "Rashomama" last year.

And I'm definately rewatching "Dead Ringer" tonight...
Why thank you Wojo :) I try to avoid conflict in the long run.
Also, I know how you all feel about wanting to defend the love; but remember, be the better poster and not retaliate (and hope they keep posting and then get in trouble for spamming ^_^). They are making themselves look immature, we needn't help them ;).

But, back on topic, I do hope we get more than a 1 scene Sanders tonight (hey that sounded cool! :D), and yes one can wish for a Nick/Greg scene, especially if it is a scene of them touching!
Hey guys, let's get back on topic. ;)

I know it's no fun reading things on some of the other boards (I've had the same problem), but it really shouldn't be discussed on here. I've learned not to post on boards (or read them) where people can get very nasty and there is little or no moderation.
^ Agreed. No posty on bad boards, and back on topic we go.

I've heard a rumour that Greg was in a suit in "Monster in a Box". True? And was there any Nick/Greg interaction at all? Thus far I've heard nothing of Nick in this episode at all.
Yes it is :D

OMG. I love the preview of CSI for the next one :lol:
Nick calls Greg Cassanova <3

*Spoiler code added by Moderator*
Say whaaat? I want to see this preview! Please tell me it's available somewhere online. Hopefully this means that there is some decent interaction in the next episode. So none this time?
csikicksurass said:
Yes it is :D

OMG. I love the preview of CSI for the next one :lol:
Nick calls Greg Cassanova <3
Tell me your talking about the USA episode next week! :eek:
Oh btw what episode did a reporter pop out of a closet and scare nick in. I can't remember which one :mad:
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