The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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It just seemed obvious to me that Sara was lying because would Sara really listen to that kind of music? Besides I think she felt bad for Greg and decided to save his ass from Grissom.

A cap of our guys from last night, not very good but they had no close ups together...

They are getting closer to each other and lets just hope they have some loverly moments together

*Fingers crossed*

...What am i thinking of course they will ;)
Greg is always flirting with Nick, it's natural to him and it is natural to Nick to touch him and put his arm around him.

Just look at the way Gregs face goes when Nick touches him


To him it feels so right.
There are so many great Nick & Greg moments. Looks, touches, closeness. I could not decide so I made THIS . Just a few of my fave scenes in season 2. :)

Hmmm maybe I should make one for each season...
That is wonderful! what episode is the first pic from where Nick is standing right bedind him?

The thing i love is the way the Gregs face goes when Nick stands next to him, almost like Nick has wondering hands ;)
Thanks. That's from Felonius Monk. the infamous eye f**kage scene. He looks like he is taking a whiff of Greg's scent.

"I know that Sanders scent"
this might sound silly, but
the only reason i joined this
forums, is b/c of nick/greg XD
hey izanagi that's what I did 2. I only join the forum just bcause of this pairing =D lol
ooo I love all the pics =D of both G/E and N/G =D heheh I just love all the scenes they have together I can't decide which I love the most.
btw Wojo I just love the manip thingy lol =D it's very nice =D
Hi, izanagi! Don't worry, this is quite obviously the best thread on TalkCSI! *Grins*

So, we're only a day away from Post Mortem, although I'm disappointed that the promos I've seen so far don't even feature Greg.

I really hope that they still keep in the scene of Nick testifying on Greg's behalf. I'd love it if Nick was there being all business like, just presenting the evidence, but then at the end he makes an impassioned plea that Greg is the best person he's ever met and would never intentionally do anything to hurt anyone. *sigh* But that will never happen
You can see it in their eyes what they really are to each other, they look up to each other. Nick is Greg's hero, Greg is Nicks catipiller and he is the butterfly. Nick is a teacher.

There is love in their eyes
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