The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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Serenity said:
If someone with the know-how could kindly provide some screencaps from 'scuba doobie doo' you'd see how close they get to eachother. Honestly, at one point, just after Greg comes into the room, you couldn't fit an already-licked postage stamp between their bodies.

So true!. And in that scene they are talking about wet suits and....lubrication :devil:

Could they be much closer?

Wooohoo, thanks Seabird! We can always depend on you to deliver the goods, and what a treat it is! I just love that scene so much, the sexual tension is just crackling in that lab! There's just something about the way Greg is leaning in the doorway at the start, watching Nick, then when Nick calls him on it he makes some excuse about being interested in the case, it's so cute. We all know he just wanted the chance to ogle Nick working. Then when Greg comes in and stands so very close to Nick, just to breathe him in. It's so sexy.

I was trying to find the cap myself but couldn't get a good one, so thanks.
Wo wo wo wo wo Greg, please come a little closer Nick loves it and i know you like it when Nicks right near you ;)

Do you think Nick would ever do the love look again or something like it, or get real close to him?
I'm finally back after two weeks without internet.. moving is never fun. Have I missed much? I can't wait to see the new episode next week.. at least CSI had the courtesy to go on hiatus while my cable was being changed over ;) Which ep is next, and are our boys together in it?
hehe welcome back =D, hmm i'm watching it right now.. the episode is Burn out
and so far they had one scene 2gether but is like kinda short tho...
and I really hope they have another scene 2gether, hehe I can't wait till post mortem, me wishy there will be tons of really good scenes together =D
(Hey Ziggy missed ya in both threads :lol:)

Well i dont mind if their scene was short because i know just about the next episode and i will Love it!!!!! i have been waiting so long for a episode like "Post Mordem" i never saw "Fannysmakin" comming but gawd did i love it.!
I was just glad to see them together. Any scene with Nick & Greg will be memorable no matter how long or short it is.
Wojo said:
I was just glad to see them together. Any scene with Nick & Greg will be memorable no matter how long or short it is.

Yup yup yup! that is true they could just bump into each other and just say sorry and i would make billions of icons (That would be a good sene, possible dream tonight :lol:)
.. yea I agree, but i was hoping 4 a long one, but o well as long as they have a scene 2gether right hahaha =D hehe I think this is a good epi to make incons and fics on this. I think Nick was feeling a bit down... haha needs so Greggo Lovin' haha =D
I want to give Nick a big hug in this episode, it all started when Warrick said "Then you moved to the wrong town" but i bet if Greggo finds out about this then he will have to see something about it.
They had a scene together!. Gotta love those jumpsuits... :devil:

Watching Grissom snapping Greg (poor baby), about the loud music in "Burn Out", reminds me of this scene from "Crash and Burn":

Grissom turns off Greg's music when he enters the lab:


But as they're leaving, Nick turns Greg's music back on, in a sweet gesture...


And then, he's rewarded with The Smile :D
Heya kicky, I missed you too :D

Sarah and I were watching the episode over the phone, because even though she couldn't get to my house, we still had to watch together.. we're cool like that.. anyway, during all the scenes we were babbling and making jokes, but when Nick and Greg were onscreen together we were both like "OKAY SILENCE RIGHTNOW KTHANKS!" hee. Nothing all the uber shippy, but the mere chemistry of them in the same room is awesome. I love these boys :D
ziggystarduzt your avi is adorable!!! :D :D Yeah I agree the boys have chemisrty. I was glad to see Sara outright lie to Grissom about her turning on the music. Poor Greg, Gris was mean to him but I know NIck will make him feel better. :devil:
Thanks, Wojo! I love it lots and lots :D

Everyone's saying that Sara was lying.. do we know that for sure? Did I miss something, or is it just collective agreement? Regardless, I'm getting really sick of the way Grissom treats Greg. Seriously, the guy was just beat senseless a couple weeks ago. Would it kill him to lay off and be nice to him for once? He doesn't treat any of the other team members that way. But you're right, I bet Greg will come home, vent, and then Nick maybe could draw him a nice hot bath.. mmm... now my brain's going off into fanfic land. . . . :devil:
Grissom better not turn of my music! Sams town is to good not to be heard :lol:

Music means alot to me so i really love that Nick turned Gregs music on, that is one of the sweetest things you can do! :D

I think i will make a Nick/Greg fanmix :D
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