The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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Oh seabird, that picture of Greg always makes me go all melty inside. I'm reduced to a puddle of goo. I wish he'd look at me with that much love and devotion in his eyes.

When are TPTB going to wake up and smell the coffee, they're keeping apart the two characters with the most chemistry. The scenes could be sizzling if they would just let them be in the same room more often.

Like in Burn out, the little sideways glances Greg was shooting Nick's way? And when they kneel down to look at the tread, their bodies are facing eachother.

Chemistry. It won't be denied.
I agree, I turn to a puddle of goo too. Greg's eyes are so adorable the way he looks at Nick.
Greg has amazing eyes and teeth but they glow more when he looks and smiles at Nick, with more meaning :D

And yes they did have side glances, there should have been close ups of them thoug! i just cant wait to see what kind of glanses they have in next episode!
Loved the way Nick stood up for Greg in the courtroom but I especially liked the way his eyes filled with tears in the locker room with Warrick when he said "What can we do to help him?" It was a pleasant surprise to see he and Rick recreate the crime scene from Greg's POV. :D
OMG their relationship is so deep, Greg called Nick Nickolus!!! that has to mean something!!!

Seriously Nick crying made me wanna cry i even said in my head "I prommised i wouldn't cry" :lol:

Aww Nick wanted to see what it was like to be Greg that also has to mean something!
haha I just loved this epi =D I was so good!! I loved how they like started the trial by the beating of Greg (I like almost cried)
OMG I didn't hear Greg call Nicky Nicholas... ahh I think I have to go see this episode again.
I just love the locker scene where there was tears in Nicks eyes =(
I hope that it is perminent that Greg calls Nick by his full name. Though it wouldn't be the same without having Nick names for his peeps.

I am in the Nick/Greg mood so i need a fanfic to read, does anyone have any?
Unfortunatly I couldn't watch the episode but I'm so glad to hear about Nick and Greg.
The locker room scene sounds so sad!!! Maybe I find some screencaps...
I hope there are cute N/G scenes in the next episodes... ;)
Here is a screen cap I captured of Nick's teary-eyed look. His concern for Greg is so touching.

Wojo said:
Here is a screen cap I captured of Nick's teary-eyed look. His concern for Greg is so touching.


"How can we help him?"

I think I must have watched that one scene ten times. I love how his voice cracks slightly at the end of the sentence. He really loved his Greggo. He was so strong and professional on the stand, but off it you could tell he was so worried. Did you see the look on his face when he climbed into the Denali to do the test run, as if he was thinking 'this is what my baby went through'?


I loved the episode. Eric played it perfectly, and the mental math was.. um.. kinda sexy. :eek:

The little look shared between Nick and Greg after Nick said it what Greg did was justifiable was so sweet, it was as if Greg was saying 'thank you' with only his eyes, knowing that Nick would understand.

Yeah, I know I'm babbling, but I loved it. I needed something to cheer me up today, and as strange as it may be, all Greg's angst helped cheer me up.
Hey everyone,

My heart melted in that scene as well serenity Nick's voice really did break. You could hear the worry in it. Interesting how Warrick could see how worried Nick was as well. I'm definitely going to have to watch that scene again. I loved how Nick stood up for Greg on the stand. Nick really got angry and protective *sigh* I must definitely be falling for this ship the only reason I watched last night was for Greg's case :) Eric did an awesome job on the episode. I was worried about him a couple of times through out it :eek:.

Wojo I never caught Greg calling Nick Nickolas. I'm going to have to watch again. That is very intriguing and adorable. I love the pic on the other page. The almost touch between them wow they are so close.

As for fanfics everyone says that S6s BIM is a Yo Bling episode but man Fannysmackin' and Post Mortem are so Nick and Greg episodes. I've been playing around with a fanfic idea that is around these two episodes. I'll see what happens with it.

Here's a wallpaper of Nick and Greg from Fannysmackin'. Consider it my late treat to the thread. I know it's sad but I had to make it after the show.

Nick and Greg

Take Care,
omg! Thanks for the screencap!!! It's just... wow!
I think I have to cry when I watch this scene...
all Greg's angst helped cheer me up.
I know what you mean...
Although I didn't see the epi, I think I'll love it :)

catwarfan: I really like the wallpaper ;)
I saw that wp in the wallpaper thread, i think i commented :lol:

Poor Nick, i can't stop looking at the cap but i will start crying along with him :( but the cracleing was just sweet.

I kinda was hoping Nick would be there when he did the math (Which was sexx) Nick would have been so proud.

So that episode had things that i always wanted, Nick crying for Greg, and seeing Nick and Greg is a suit :D but a hug would have been nice.
catwarfan said:
Hey everyone,

Wojo I never caught Greg calling Nick Nickolas. I'm going to have to watch again. That is very intriguing and adorable. I love the pic on the other page. The almost touch between them wow they are so close.

Here's a wallpaper of Nick and Greg from Fannysmackin'. Consider it my late treat to the thread. I know it's sad but I had to make it after the show.

Nick and Greg

Take Care,

I was wrong, he was talking about the DA Nichols, I mistook it. That wallpaper is Amazing! :)
lawl, thanks you guys <3

i dunno what i like about nick/greg,
but whatever it is, its pretty.

thats a nice wallpaper =o
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