The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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I'm not surprised that they're pairing Nick and Greg together. I was a little disappointed that it wasn't Nick who asked Greg how he was feeling, though I suppose since Sara and Nick seemed to be eager to visit him, they probably caught up enough at the hospital so that it wasn't necessary to do so on the scene. Either way, I do hope that we maybe get Nick giving some advice to Greg pending his trial or something.
I hope that they have another scene, well i know they will but i hope sooner then that, at least a scene in the locker room or in the break room, i love the breakroom ones :lol:

That cap is adoreible, Nick always has his hand on Greg :D
I'm curious about this scene from "Organ Grinder". Nick walks by and, suddenly, he stops and looks at Greg. I feel the same every time I see "The Wave Of Love". I mean, why was IT there? :D

Guess everybody here knows the reason... ;)

Another look of love...

Oh seabird, I love that scene, it's one of my favourites! There was absolutely no need for it really, because I'm sure the script just said something along the lines of 'Nick walks past and wonders why Greg is on the computer' (which in itself didn't even really need to be included - thanks writers!)

But what we got was this amazing scene! Nick totally checks out Greg, he gives him such a sizzling look up and down. He's totally thinking 'I am gonna get me some of that tonight'. Haha!

'Who are you' is repeating in the UK tonight... the chest touching scene, yay!
Love that scene too.

I had the weirdest dream this morning. I dreamed that George wanted to leave CSI so Nick's case took him to a shark tank where he went into the tank, wearing a shark costume (I kid you not) and was killed by a shark! Grissom & Greg went to the tank and found his body, Greg took the head off the costume to reveal a dead Nick. Greg jumped back and started to freak out then my alarm went off...

I would stop and look at Greg to if i had the chance but Nick doing it is just TOOOOOOO adorible!

Wojo that is one WEIRD DREAM!! i wish something will happen to Nick again with Greg being the other main characther like Warrick was in GD. That way Greg can cry and not just because it could have been him who was get hurt.
Wojo said:
Here is the pic I captured from the promo...A future Nick & Greg moment to look forward to.


Just saw the promo for next week and the above scene IS in it... :D :D
Things are looking up in Australia. On Sunday night, we have Rashomama. I'll finally get the see the diner scene on tv! Sunday can't come soon enough. I only wish we were up with you in terms of episodes. The only shows we are screening at the same time as you is Entertainment Tonight, The Late Show and Jericho.

Anyway... under 42 hours til Rashomama!!!
Because this pic speaks a thousand words... :devil:


I love how Nick is bitting his lower lip while Greg is all "OMG, Nick is touching me!!". ;)
I love that scene too, very telling.

I wrote another fic and it's rated PG so HERE is the link. It's called 'All my Fault'

You can also find it on my LJ HERE
I was just about to say he was biting his lip, thats what i do when i see these to togethr ;) i just love the way that Greg looks, it's cute that he made coppies of his Nicky boy, he was so proud oh him :D
Serenity said:
Aww, thanks Seabird, that's just what I needed. I just wish that TPTB would give us something to get really excited about. We're such a huge ship, just as big as GSR and YoBling, even if the powers can't bring themselves to acknowledge that. (for whatever bizarre reason)

They could at least throw us a bone every now and again. Post Fannysmackin' would be the perfect time.

I couldn't agree you more, Serenity . Nick/Greg is now a MAJOR ship on CSI :D
Aww wouldn't be nice if when they say that Greg is innocent (Hopefully) that Nick and Greg so happy that they hug, with a little tears in the middle and pats on the backs!!! that would be a dream come true littraly!!!
This is a cap of one of my fave scenes. 'The name that chemicle compound scene'... Just look at the way they are looking into each others eyes. Come on if that ain't love I don't know what is.

Nick: "What I win?"
Answer: A ride on the Sanders's express.


If they were any closer....
Greg is so looking at Nick with lust! and Nick just wishes he could walk closer to him. Nick looks good in brown and maybe thats what Greg is fantisising about!

I really cant decide what scene i like best, i LOVE the part where they wave to each other in "Shooting stars" like in my older icon lol but there are SO many to choose from i just cant decide, but we do have a new one that we can love. Nick punched K-Fed!!!

I bet Nick would punch 100 000 000 K-Feds just to get to Nick!
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