^^ Serenity I think I agree with you there.
I think Nick would already be working at the crime lab then Greg would come along.
At first I think Greg would be under the impression he was way out Nick's league and so he'd keep his feelings to himself. I think though, that after a while his real personality would shine through and he'd end up shamelessly flirting with Nick.
And as we've seen, Nick flirts right back so Greg would get a little more confident!
Now, Nick's first impression would be that Greg was obviously rather quirky and cute. But as Greg would probably be trying to resist his lovely charm, then he'd probably be confused as to why he, Nick Stokes, wasn't getting much reaction!
I think their relationship would be a lot more than just sex. Nick obviously isn't that kind of person anyway. He cares about everyone. Probably not a good thing but still, a nice quality. They obviously care a lto about each other from what we've seen on the show, so I can only assume that's what it'd be like any other time...does that actually make sense?
But these are just my opinions so I've no idea!
I think Nick would already be working at the crime lab then Greg would come along.
At first I think Greg would be under the impression he was way out Nick's league and so he'd keep his feelings to himself. I think though, that after a while his real personality would shine through and he'd end up shamelessly flirting with Nick.
And as we've seen, Nick flirts right back so Greg would get a little more confident!
Now, Nick's first impression would be that Greg was obviously rather quirky and cute. But as Greg would probably be trying to resist his lovely charm, then he'd probably be confused as to why he, Nick Stokes, wasn't getting much reaction!
I think their relationship would be a lot more than just sex. Nick obviously isn't that kind of person anyway. He cares about everyone. Probably not a good thing but still, a nice quality. They obviously care a lto about each other from what we've seen on the show, so I can only assume that's what it'd be like any other time...does that actually make sense?
But these are just my opinions so I've no idea!