The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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^^ Serenity I think I agree with you there.

I think Nick would already be working at the crime lab then Greg would come along.
At first I think Greg would be under the impression he was way out Nick's league and so he'd keep his feelings to himself. I think though, that after a while his real personality would shine through and he'd end up shamelessly flirting with Nick.
And as we've seen, Nick flirts right back so Greg would get a little more confident!

Now, Nick's first impression would be that Greg was obviously rather quirky and cute. But as Greg would probably be trying to resist his lovely charm, then he'd probably be confused as to why he, Nick Stokes, wasn't getting much reaction!

I think their relationship would be a lot more than just sex. Nick obviously isn't that kind of person anyway. He cares about everyone. Probably not a good thing but still, a nice quality. They obviously care a lto about each other from what we've seen on the show, so I can only assume that's what it'd be like any other time...does that actually make sense?

But these are just my opinions so I've no idea!
I think they met in the lunch room and then Nick said something about his food and he said someting witty back or Greg got confused about where things were like coffee and Nick was casually reading the paper and while eyes still on the paper he told it where it was. I think it would be cute if Nick thought Greg was annoying at first but Greg really liked him so when Greg said something about...Basketball or a game system Nick liked that and they started talking :lol:
i reckon nick was working there before greg, and i reckon he took greg under his wing when greg started, while the others may have like treated him like 'the new guy' i could see nick taking him under his wing, and then greg getting a skoolboy crush on nick, that then over the years grew into something more on both their parts, and i think nick is protective over greg, i mean the jaw-clench in fannysmackin is evidence of that.
I'm just going to say that I agree with Serenity. And their relationship is totally based on more than sex. I actually have more to say, but my left hand hurts and I have to type with one hand so I'll leave it at this.

Here's a transcription of their first scene together on the show. They talk about....anal swabs :devil:


GREG takes NICK'S swab and processes it.

GREG: So this is it, huh?. The $ 8.000 q-tip.
NICK: Well, you're the chemist. I just need to know what knocked the old man out.
GREG: In 20 seconds, this'll give us a complete chemical breakdown right down to the atom. But I'm going to warn you, though. These mouth swabs don't always read. Vaginal swabs, no problem. Anal swabs--money.
NICK: Anal swabs?
GREG: Anal swabs.

(NICK sits down in the nearest chair)

NICK: Ouch!

(GREG runs the machine and takes a seat next to NICK)

NICK: Dude, you get NFL-2K for Dreamcast?
GREG: Yeah. Bought it the date it came out. Those graphics are killer, aren't they?. My team's the Falcons. Who do you use?
NICK: Randy Moss.

And then, the look on Greg's face is priceless. Gotta love this two! ;)
every time I hear NIck say "Ouch" I'm thinking yeah right, you know you love it Nicky!

I think they are very close friends too, the sex is great but it's not what holds them together. They are loyal to each other and stick together through the good and the bad.
Aww Anal swabs :D those two have the best conversations together. I wonder if they ever played against each other.

Did you notice that Nick didn't leave while they were waiting for the test results like others do he say there with Greg to keep him company?
Hi all. Haven't been here in awhile. Things are looking up in Australia. Tomorrow night is 'Poppin' Tags', Tuesday is 'Viva Las Vegas' and next Sunday is 'Rashomama'. I'm all set for some Nick/Greg over the next week and a bit.

I've got to agree with Nick already working in the lab when Greg arrived. Instant attraction is the way I've always played it in my mind, although Nick is more subtle in building up to the flirting we see in episode 1 with anal swabs. I need to steal that DVD off my sister and watch it again. I've got her season 2 and 3 box sets (season 4 is out here in November), but only some of season 1. She has the rest. Need to buy my own set.

What I've always pondered is when they would have 'hooked up'. For me its sometime during season two (because its obvious Nick's with Grissom season one - evidence is strong), but I'm curious as to what everyone else has to say.

So when do you think the boys finally got around to admitting the liked each other and hooked up?

Oh yeah, chapter 4 of 'Battlefield' is up over at Subtext is Everything.
Seee not alot of people can say "Are couple started from the beging" but we can :D

Thanks for the cap

Wojo i replied to your story (I am 40Licks22)
csikicksurass said:

Wojo i replied to your story (I am 40Licks22)

I had a feeling that was you! It must have been your icon. Thank you for the comment, I am glad you enjoyed it. :D
:lol: You're welcome :D

Serial i am so happy that Nick punched K Fed, i know it was 2 weeks ago but gawd it was cute. I bet Nick would punch 100000000000000 K Feds just to get to Greg.
I'm still here. I like to watch. :p
I watched Fannysmackin' again today. I only got a teensy bit emotional. (Teehee.) I saw the Jaw!clench.

My cousin found out I ship slash. (I don't know, but that may be why I'm not on much anymore. But I'm on a tremendous amount on LJ.)
Hey at all! I want to introduce myself :) I'm Kathryn, I'm new and I really love Nick and Greg. So this will be my favorite topic!! Since the first season I think Nick and Greg should be together... They're so cute!! I love all N/G scenes. I hope they will have more scenes together in the next episodes.

I'm sorry for my (bad) English. I can't speak/write it very well, because it's not my mother language. But I try my best...
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