The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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Welcome Kathryn, the more N/G fans the better! Your writing skills are just fine.

They are very cute together, and from some spoilers I've read there is an upcoming episode where they will actully be on a case together! (unless the writers change it). So hopfully soon our boys will be together again.

I really wish they would show at least on convo between the two about the events in FannySmackin, I mean if anyone knows what Greg is going through it is Nick. They have both been victims at a crime scene. Come on TPTB -wise up!

Here's a shot I captured from Double Cross...kneeling Greg is HOT!


He's reaching for the ring in his pocket so he can propose to Nick!!

Read my newest fic 'Dog House' HERE It's short funny fic where Greg builds a dog house and Nick wonders why. Rated PG
Hehe i wish i got Nick and Greg for every birthday but i only started this site in June but i am glad i was here to celebrate it today and what a way to celebrate it by my most favorite slash couple everdy ever!!!! i love these two together they should have a scene in every episode, they should have a spinn of show together.

I just made this wallie :D

Hey, I'm also new and Nick/Greg is also my favourite, However I live in the UK and were miles behind.
We're still waiting on the next season of CSI. *wipes tear away* its been so long.
Thanks for cheering me up with this thread.
csikicksurass: I love your walli :) And "Happy Birthday" (it is your birthday today, right??)

In my country I'm still waiting for the 6th season :(... But luckily I know what happened in the sixth season and I was able to see "Fannysmackin".
csikicksurass happy birthday.

OK may not really be a spoiler but I suggest you go to CBS and watch the promo...there is a split second of Greg and Nick in it! In the beginning right after the body is being taken away on the stretcher...Greg is sitting on the curb behind the crime scene tape, and Nick is going to sit beside the boys may have a heart to heart talk coming our way
:D :D
happy birthday csikicksurass!! *gives hug and cake* =D
oo i saw the promo =D hhee heart to heart talk would be the greatest =D haha Need-More-Nick-and-Greg... hint hint haha
hopefully they have some more scenes together other than this one.
OMG you guys :lol: well technically my birthday was yesterday but i have gotten more "happy Birthday" today then yesterday :lol:

I have to go watch that promo, on Donnie Darko the girl sat beside the boy that she liked (Donnie) so i guess it is the same with CSI :lol:
Has anyone here read Snake Eyes? Greg is actually carrying a gun in the book, which is set prior to "Grave Danger". In fact, Greg draws his gun twice in the course of the novel. He hates the gun, but he still draws. By the way, the book is excellent.

I've also made another Nick/Greg music video. Head for either my LJ or 'Subtext is Everything' to see it.

And where can I find this new promo? The promo over at the CBS site is for 'Dog Eat Dog'.
Oh i didn't know that :lol: i thought i was going to get a one for DED :D thanks for telling me.

Thanks for the cap, when he sits down he should just look straight into his eyes <3
For a while I had really got my hopes up about that scene, that perhaps Greg was feeling a little down and Nick was going to come over and talk to him, two woobies together, but now when I see that screencap, all I can see is Greg kneeling down to look at some evidence on the ground and Nick coming over to have a look at it as well. I'm sad about that. Hopefully I'm wrong and we'll have a fantastically slashy scene, but the realist in me is saying that it'll not be.

Thanks for the cap, Wojo!. You are awesome.

Serenity, I know how you feel.... They've only had a scene together this season ( "Built To Kill") and Grissom was there too! :mad:

*trying to cheer you up*

A Happy Couple

Aww, thanks Seabird, that's just what I needed. I just wish that TPTB would give us something to get really excited about. We're such a huge ship, just as big as GSR and YoBling, even if the powers can't bring themselves to acknowledge that. (for whatever bizarre reason)

They could at least throw us a bone every now and again. Post Fannysmackin' would be the perfect time.
Serenity said:
For a while I had really got my hopes up about that scene, that perhaps Greg was feeling a little down and Nick was going to come over and talk to him, two woobies together, but now when I see that screencap, all I can see is Greg kneeling down to look at some evidence on the ground and Nick coming over to have a look at it as well. I'm sad about that. Hopefully I'm wrong and we'll have a fantastically slashy scene, but the realist in me is saying that it'll not be.


I was thinking the same thing after taking a better look at it. Evidence...still though it IS Nick & Greg and they will finally have a case together. :)
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