The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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The jaw clench of love....

I'm looking forward to seeing Fannysmackin, I'm really hoping we get a decent Nick/Greg scene out of all of this. Also, the aftermath should be really interesting to follow, it'll be great to actually get some continuity after a major event.

Plus who doesn't want to see K-Fed get the wind knocked out of him? Go Nicky-boy!
I will not be on for three hours tonight, from 8-10 EDT.
At those times, I will be crying my eyes out before, during, and after for poor Greggo and saying, "Go get whoever did it, Nick!!" because I saw the promo last night (more than I've ever seen) and it stuck in my head ALL NIGHT!!! I woke up right in the middle of a deep sleep and could've sworn I saw the shape of Greg's head in my covers right by my head. (It scared me so much I closed my eyes and looked at it five times and touched it to make sure it was really my covers. :rolleyes: And then I shifted so the covers would fall back into place.) But it was so realistic!! (If I see the promo again tonight, bet ya anything it's gonna be there again.)

I'm dying for a Nick/Greg scene. Just a bit decent. (Even if it includes them being alone in the interrogation room alone!!)
I'm in deep envy of everyone who gets to watch the show tonight. I'm in England meaning we haven't started season 7 yet and I haven't a CLUE where you download episodes from (that are allowed outside the USA anyway).

The image of Greg from the promo won't leave me, and the music doesn't help. Then of course there's the 'Jaw-clench' from Nick and, and...guh! I need to know what happens! I'm dying here! *Is left gnawing at her nails and looking around in a paranoid manner*

Hope you guys enjoy it at least, and let us less fortunates know what happens with The Love!
Callista_Mythol said:
I'm in deep envy of everyone who gets to watch the show tonight. I'm in England meaning we haven't started season 7 yet and I haven't a CLUE where you download episodes from (that are allowed outside the USA anyway).

Hope you guys enjoy it at least, and let us less fortunates know what happens with The Love!

might try or
oh i'm all excited about these spoilers. I haven't posted in here in ages!!
Fannysmackin' looks like one of THEE major subtext episode i reckon! and they better noo cut any scenes or i shall be a very unhappy bunny!

Callista i'm the same with the nail biting /excitement/OMG POOR GREG/NICK GO HELP YOUR BABY.

heh. sorreh. i think it's my seems to do funny things to my brain...
nice to see you again Kelly and Serenity
OK here we are, this pic says it all. Nick's reaction to Warrick finding Greg's hair.

Nick's Jaw clenching moment!!


"Damn, I just ran my fingers through that hair this morning!" :devil:

I have more pics posted on the Eric/Greg picture thread.
How's everyone holding up in here? Wow that was intense! :eek: :eek: :eek: Loved how Nick was ready to take on everyone to avenge Greg. So much subtext, so many new fanfics to write. ;)
Hey All,

I'm hopping in. I've been torn but after last night I'm officially joining the Nick and Greg forum. I've been dallying back and forth on the idea but after I wrote Perspective and then saw last night - It's official I love the idea of Greg and Nick as a couple. I loved last night. Don't get me wrong I was worried about Greg knowing what was going to happen in the episode. The moment with Sara was cute but Wow the concern and anger from Nick when Pig started making comments about Greg. The fact that Warrick had to pull him back. How could that not be love? I have never seen Nick get so mad. I would have loved to see Nick go see Greg in the hospital. I could see Sara saying about the food and Nick offering to take the grub over there himself since he was already heading over. He could have mentioned that Greg likes this instead. ;) I hope we get to see more Nick and Greg after this. Last night was incredbile. I really want the writers to take a chance on them.

"Damn, I just ran my fingers through that hair this morning!"
Wojo I nearly cried reading this. I was thinking the exact same thing last night and how wonderful it would add to a fanfic. I love the pics. I'll have to go check out the other ones.

I'll be seeing you guys a lot more.

Take Care,
OMG i was a emotinal mess :lol: 100% because of Greg and 10% percent because the way Nick felt, and i know you cant go over 100% but there are some exceptions. I didn't even want to know what Nick was thinking when he saw that K-Fed was Pigman.

I hope that since Nick has to be in court for Greg that he says that he had Pigman (What ever his real name is) and he even punched him, yet he let him go and if he knew that he was the ring leader that he would have done more then just punch him, and of course Greg is there and he hears Nicks words. That would be so sweet (I might just have a idea for my very first Greg/Nick fic :D)
Welcome to the thread, Dayna! I'm a Dayna too, same spelling and everything :D

So yeah. That was incredible. That episode was everything I've been missing about CSI lately. The only thing I possibly would have changed would be to see a scene between Nick and Greg post-beating. However, that jaw clench of love was absolutely powerful on its own. There was such emotion and pain in that simple gesture, and I have to give credit to Mr. Eads for totally rocking that scene. Amazing in all ways, it was. Plus, raise your hand if you didn't get a kick out of seeing him punch K-Fed... no? That's what I thought :devil:

One thing I noticed that was of interest.. in the beginning, when Greg stopped by the lab and told Catherine about his dinner with the lawyer- note what she asked: "Female?" No ridicule in the question, and no offense taken on Greg's part as he happily chirped back his answer. If that's not practically flat out saying that Greggo's bi, I don't know what is :)
ziggystarduzt said:

One thing I noticed that was of interest.. in the beginning, when Greg stopped by the lab and told Catherine about his dinner with the lawyer- note what she asked: "Female?" Noridicule in the question, and no offense taken on Greg's part as he happily chirped back his answer. If that's not practically flat out saying that Greggo's bi, I don't know what is :)

I always thought of Greg being bi but his heart belongs to Nick :)

We all know that Greg is consistently thinking of Nick :devil: :devil:
I can see Greg as Bi as well, the way he flirts with everybody male or female. Nick mostly but also Bobby and even Warrick & Grissom! Sara, Catherine, Wendy, name her!

Just the look in his eyes when he talks to people, you can see the playfullness there. :)
Greg's only bi because he knows that his dream is to make love to me and Nick at the same time.


I'm just glad he's finally admitted that.

ANYway, fantastic little subtle love moments - like Nick immediately jumping on the going-to-go-see-Greg boat.

And mexican food.

Jaw-clench was even better in the context of the episode.
Nick can speak a little Mexican and Greg likes their food so if they ever go out to dinner Nick can do all the talking and Greg can do most of the eating and they both go fifty fifty on the toucheyness (Not like that it's pg13) maybe Greg rubs his shoe up Nicks leg or the other way around and Nick blushes, i always pictured Nick to be a hand flirter.
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