The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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ooo it was that one haha =D I thought there was a one where Greg's arm was around Nicks Waist....
thanx 4 the pics hehe love all of them =D Can't decide on a favorite all are so good =D love the looks, the boytouching =D
yea Toe Tags =D can't wait!!! haha fianally a case where they work together =D hope we get tons of eye candy =D lol
Still no great Love seens to speak of yet this season. *sigh* Greg's shaping up into quite the CSI though, hey? He totally doesn't have that newbie vibe anymore.. he's obviously a lot more comfortable with his job now. Anyway, they're working together next week? Faaantastic. It's about time!

Oh, and welcome to GillianSGrissom- I was a huge XF fan back in the day too :D
Greg is shaping up period! Did you all notice? He's more lean and mucsular. His biceps, his chest look more defined (in the hall with Gil) and his back/shoulders were wider. Those jeans framed his butt nicly too. The boy has had to of been working out over the summer. Maybe Nick helped him get phycical.
Yes i did notice and i am quite fond of it (Holding in my urges to yell it out how syxxy he is) soon him and Nick will have the same body and then they can go to the gym together :rolleyes: what a trip that would be :D they would be all sweaty and then they would hit the showers or the steam room *yummm*
Well Wojo I didn't notice it the first time round.. but when I rewatched it today I was taking special note because you mentioned it. Mm-mm. I couldn't necessarily tell a difference though, cause that boy never looks bad to me - or Nick. Now we just need to get those two in one room!

Hey, is Kelly still around? We haven't seen her in ages!!! Kelly, where are you? If you're in lurk mode, I hope you're doing well. :)
I was just over at Wikipedia looking up slash fan fiction - well, looking up Spike/Angel anyway - and discovered that The Love is actually mentioned in the timeline of the article over there. Recognition outside the CSI fandom is spreading!

On a side note - my fan fic "Battlefield" is ready to go. Just waiting for someone to email me back their notes on the fic, and then I'll post if everything is good. So, basically, keep an eye on 'Subtext is Everything'.
Soon Nick and Greg will be at the top :D well it would have to compete with Spike/Angel ;)

Do you know something. People cant hate are ship, they can dislike it but no one has ever said "Oh i hate Greg and Nick together they have absolutely no chemisty or subtext together" because they're afraid that people would call them homaphobic and plus who can hate these two everyone who thinks about it unless they haven't seen it before, laughs because it's cute.
Exactly. Who can hate these two or deny their amazing chemistry together? ;)

I love this scene from "Anatomy of A Lye":

Who, me?


Yes, you.


This smile on Nick's face is priceless!

Awww Nicks face says one billion words. Gregs face looks like he was swept of his feet when Nick wanted him. Look at Nicks eyes filled with pasion and love. Like the pic in your icon the look on Gregs face is what i love about that

Thanks for the caps!!
csikicksurass said:
Soon Nick and Greg will be at the top :D well it would have to compete with Spike/Angel ;)

Difference being they actually let Angel/Spike be canon. Watch the second last episode of Angel and Spike actually comments about that "one time" when he was intimate with Angel. If only they would do that for us! Just slip a comment through, maybe via Greg, that is so obvious but could be overlooked. Then again, we do have "The Look".

Just letting everyone know that the first chapter of "Battlefield"

Edited to remove link to the NC-17 rated fanfic.
I didn't watch Angel just Buffey. But there is another couple that can so be like Nick and Greg oh if Greg ever tries to leave CSI or go back to Texus (Because there is a line about that in Fannysnakin) which i dout he ever will but...They remind me of Axel and Roxas from Finale Fantisy. There is total canon there like when Axel said if he left the organization no one would miss him and roxas said "Thats not true, i would" and stuff like that so Nick and Greg have another compition but if the pull through for Fannysmakin then i bet we would win the race (If there was one)
Oh, I love that scene - where Greg dangles the shirt and goes, "Jennifer Lopez". He was such a dork. And Nick loved it.

Does anyone know who Nick and Greg are paired with next week? Any chance for Love interaction?
Clarrisani said:
csikicksurass said:
Soon Nick and Greg will be at the top :D well it would have to compete with Spike/Angel ;)

Difference being they actually let Angel/Spike be canon. Watch the second last episode of Angel and Spike actually comments about that "one time" when he was intimate with Angel. If only they would do that for us! Just slip a comment through, maybe via Greg, that is so obvious but could be overlooked. Then again, we do have "The Look".

Just letting everyone know that the first chapter of "Battlefield"

Edited to remove link to the NC-17 rated fanfic.

This post has been edited to remove the link to the NC-17 rated fic. It is against board rules to post links to fics that are rated ABOVE PG-13.
sarahvma said:
Oh, I love that scene - where Greg dangles the shirt and goes, "Jennifer Lopez". He was such a dork. And Nick loved it.

Does anyone know who Nick and Greg are paired with next week? Any chance for Love interaction?

This has been said a number of times in this thread, you must have missed it. Greg and NIck work together in Toe Tags! It's the first time we get to see that. The two of them working a case.
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