The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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Ha that is awesome!

I was so disapointed to, because the wonderful couple never worked todgether and the chanel i was watching didn't show the preiview so i was pretty mad, but god was that a great episode. I cried when Nick cried, that was my secound time today (In cooking i was the one chopping the onions so..) has a clip of fannysmacking up. They find a piece of Greg's hair, Warrick is almost dismissive, but you see a very clear jawclench from Nick when he says it, and then Nick begins threatening anyone who's making fun of it. Next week is going to be ALL about the Love. I can't wait. Poor Greg! Anyway - Nick punches K-Fed right in the stomach for calling him a "joke" and, I think, making fun of Greg earlier. AWESOME.
Thanks, sarahvma . Poor Greg! :(

I hope the writers don't disappoint us again. I mean, "Toe Tags" was supposed to be the episode where Nick and Greg worked together!...*still pissed off* :mad:
:( I am still upset that i never got to see the preview. We taped CSI twice and ER came on straight after :( yet i do know that that will be a Nick/Greg episode.

I was so mad when i saw TT but it was still a good episode, and we got to see Greg rock climbing <3 also has a clip of Warrick & Nick at Greg's crime scene.
It shows Warrick finding Greg's hair, and Nick hitting K-Fed. That proves that nobody hurts Nick's man and gets away with it.
Nick is Gregs knight in shining armor. Except with a giant man ring.

I just watched the preview and omg i cant believe the face he made when Warrick said that, i dont know whether to be happy or so damn sad???
I have to say that as much as I love the Love, I'm incredibly surprised that they're playing Nick as Greg's hero. I adore that, don't get me wrong, and I know it's always seemed that Nick and Greg get along best, but... I don't know. I'm happily surprised. I'm glad that Nick's really standing up for him, that he's emotionally hurt by it, possibly more than the rest of the team, and I hope he gets a solid bedside confession scene at the hospital. Just him holding Greg's hand or being there, comforting him.
For Fannysmakin i want a great awesome and loving man hug. Nick gets a little teary, Greg makes fun of him for crying and huging him to tight the works! I think after this episode 'Love' will have a whole bunch more fans and then there will be more people to talk to and we can keep this thread going for ever! and plus new season, new pics of Subtext.
well 'toe tags' made me one sad panda.
what a spoiler bummer.
'Fannysmakin'' better make up for the lack of Nick and Greg so far this season...
It,s weird, right before TT came on I said to my husband. "I bet they re-wrote it and NIck is now solo and Greg fades into the background."
God, how I hate that I was right. I have learned awhile ago not to trust the spoilers. Guess I was right this time too.
Tis very sad...Will we ever see our boys work together??? :(

can't wait for FannySmackin'
The preview can be seen on
Actually also on Youtube since they got the clip from there.
Aw it was such an amazing clip. The look on Nicks face when warricks says they find gregs hair, his look then!! :p
Also when he kicks Kevin. aww I love nick.
So Toe Tags was a let down? Bummer. I was hanging out for some Nick/Greg clips. Fingers crossed for some more clips in the future. Here in Australia we're about to have Spellbound. Now there's an episode I'm counting. Been needing a Greg fix of late.

Oh, and the next chapter of "Battlefield" is up over at Subtext is Everything. Sorry about the link thing. In my eargerness I forgot about the NC-17 rule. Yes, I am an idiot. *sighs*
well 'toe tags' made me one sad panda.

lmao - poor, sad Panda!

It,s weird, right before TT came on I said to my husband. "I bet they re-wrote it and NIck is now solo and Greg fades into the background."

Which case were they both supposed to work? The marine or the no-brainer?

I suppose what I meant about Fannysmackin' was that it's just... it's pretty much a fully-fledged "The Love" episode. Something I never expected that we'd get.
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